I’m sorry Ken. But I see a reply like “So what,” is the battle cry of a dim wit. I know you are capable of more. Aren’t you? : ^ (
Because so many people insist upon the ‘Truth’ as being one thing, as something written in the sky by the finger of God, and never to be erased, the human race is condemned (to some extent), to go through life wearing blinders, neither looking to the left, nor looking to the right.
We therefore rely (heavily) upon our more creative types, to take off those blinders for us.
I believe this type of individual is genetically programmed into our species, in order to keep us vital and growing as a species. In order to keep us adapting to the constant changes required in this lifetime, and to contribute to the survival of our species. In other words, we need the new, we need the inventive, and we require innovation. It is not a fluke.
I have heard it said (somewhere) that one of the reasons that certain (well adapted) cultures went into extinction is, that they got too comfortable (too well adapted) with their old ways, their old thoughts, and stopped adapting. They lost their edge.
---------- Post added 12-27-2009 at 09:32 AM ----------
We paint with words in order to form new picture, to form a new possibility, all of the time. Everything that is said, which is both fresh and new is merely a rediscription of some sort, or a bringing together of diverse things that previously seemed separate, like neuropsychology. I believe this is an imperative, simply because we do not live in a vacuum.
So that pro and con becomes the 2 feet by which intellect walks… (Thesis/Antithesis/Synthesis) (left foot forward, right foot forward, and hop.)
No ONE TRUTH, is not the same thing as ‘no truth.’
Words can act like sandpaper, to smooth off the rough edges of our earlier thinking.
No worry my friend. We people out here in cyber-land will willingly volunteer to be your Anti-Reconstructo. You may grow to regret this at some point, like Sartre, who said, “Hell is other people.”
; ^ )
Truth is the tool of the scoundrel; after all, it is all how you use it. Is it not?
Truth seems to be an all-purpose tool.
Care to share some favorite wisdom from Rorty?