Having a flexible mind doesn’t mean that your mind is blowing in the wind.
Because we are both capable and sophisticated animals, we can hold two ideas (even more) in our minds at one time, and even combine these multiple ideas in order to reach a new Gestalt. This type of growth would not simply be black or white, but rather a spiral reaching higher and higher over time.
I sometimes wonder if traditionalism doesn’t border on tribalism, in a backward way. (Isn’t name calling fun?)
I am sure we all know how to think, even if we do not always agree.
The products of our thoughts could be very many things, starting with our survival needs all the way up to our highest Spiritual wisdom.
No one is arguing against accumulating knowledge. Some of us just hope not to get trapped in habitual thinking, and trapped to the point of no longer entertaining possible growing. We have to be careful that when we put our thoughts in order, that, we are not actually encircling ourselves with a high wall that we cannot possibly climb out of, as this is the definition of a prison.
When you say that, “Opinions lead to confusion and follow from it.” Is that your opinion? ; ^ )
Whenever people start talking about making a test to restrict certain other people, I always want to know which Fascist or Autocrat is going to be in charge of creating that (wonderful?) test. But, that’s just me. That's the kind of guy I am.
What if we had a (wonderful?) test to bar traditionalist from ruining flexibility. Is that an equally good idea? : ^ (
You say: There is some truth to the admonition that if you keep an open mind some one will fill it with garbage...
I say: If you keep old ideas too long (like dead fish) they begin to rot and smell bad. ; ^ )