What is the matrix?

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Electra phil
Reply Mon 8 Jan, 2007 12:57 pm
mr4v0 wrote:
So here we are again. I already asked you and I'll ask you again. How did you get to know how to live then?

I met an American Indian that showed me I could give up everything I thought was important to find out what really is. It was very difficult at the times, but with a little trust and surrender - it took me like the water.

Reply Mon 8 Jan, 2007 01:21 pm
@Electra phil,
Thank you Electra for sharing this with us:). Some of us are lucky to find a human "teacher" in this world, most of us must settle with a book (or some many books), but most inspired is the one who can find the teacher in himself. And all of us can, we just don't want to. It's easier to belive in a reality imposed on us, by ourselves as a society no matter how wrong or "parasitic" it is. So I've been told;). And that is what I belive to be the matrix: etics, morals, religion, school, materialism in other words, the society we all together are creating. This cycle we call (modern) life: we are being moulded since school if not before for a single purpose to produce wealth in most cases for others:mad:. This is where I stop.
starchild phil
Reply Mon 8 Jan, 2007 01:28 pm
Well said, Mr4vo,

starchild phil
Reply Mon 8 Jan, 2007 01:31 pm
Well said, Mr4vo,

and there is one on this Forum who is like "the coffee pot telling the tea pot that it is black".

Love to all, Starchild
Electra phil
Reply Mon 8 Jan, 2007 01:35 pm
mr4v0 wrote:
Thank you Electra for sharing this with us:). Some of us are lucky to find a human "teacher" in this world, most of us must settle with a book (or some many books), but most inspired is the one who can find the teacher in himself. And all of us can, we just don't want to. It's easier to belive in a reality imposed on us, by ourselves as a society no matter how wrong or "parasitic" it is. So I've been told;). And that is what I belive to be the matrix: etics, morals, religion, school, materialism in other words, the society we all together are creating. This cycle we call (modern) life: we are being moulded since school if not before for a single purpose to produce wealth in most cases for others:mad:. This is where I stop.

You are right about the teacher in ourselves and believe this to be true as well. Thank you for this conversation we see the same things in this life at this time.

starchild phil
Reply Mon 8 Jan, 2007 01:48 pm
@Electra phil,
Well said Mr4vo,
there is somebody in this forum that is like "the coffee pot calling the tea pot black" and she does it constantly without any provocation.

starchild phil
Reply Mon 8 Jan, 2007 02:11 pm
Hello Mravo,

you asked what is the Matrix. Well the Matrix is what the scientists today call the "implicate order", better explained by Dr. Russell as the Source underneath everything which creates everything.

On our planet there is another Matrix on top of the original Matrix. The original matrix is created by God's thinking. The second matrix overlapping the original is our 'mass conscioussness' created by mankind's thinking, beliefs and emotions and it is not aligned to the original one. In fact, mass conscioussness reflects what we see in the world and is therefore almost totally out of balance, while the original matrix, the one created by First Source thinking is totally Balanced.

I hope this is enough, I like to keep things short and concise.


Electra phil
Reply Mon 8 Jan, 2007 03:19 pm
@starchild phil,
GOES WITHOUT SAYING the synthesis device to not get tricked into having to say the things that go without saying
for the "i had my fun and it was no fun" crowd
the more advanced forms of tele-communicating allow what you say to be available for ALL... providing a neutral condition in which there is no need to cater to any individual's personal dilemma and at the insistence of their EGO, be challenged to interpret/answer to that individuals ego when you have already accomplished that on a universal/impersonal level and truthfully are being attacked for doing it...
THE JIG IS UP - everyone who practices this should be aware that you have been totally exposed ...it is rapidly approaching the time of balance where THE EGO can no longer insist and be supported to disturb, negate, and destruct THE BRIDGES THAT HAVE BEEN BUILT... these microscopic fibre/copper threads are very resourceful for Threading The Needle, to pass through The ANKH with far more power than radio telescopes... the reason those are so moronically big and still connect to the Universal Threads anyway (final phallus) is to give the overbearing psychological interpretation that it is beyond the individuals capacity to communicate with GOD... here we go with those huge distortions again - IT GOES WITHOUT SAYING THAT ITS *IN HERE* not OUT THERE[/URL] - see what we mean? thats the last time - really - every thing that goes without saying is one of the first things on that response-abilities list for everyone who isn't sure if they KNOW what goes without saying - GET the NET - simple stuff like 'god is in charge' - 'thou shall not kill' - and what not ...plenty of loving moms to set you straight we're sure

starchild phil
Reply Mon 8 Jan, 2007 04:24 pm
To Electra.

My God, sometimes I wonder if you are on drugs.

Electra phil
Reply Mon 8 Jan, 2007 04:46 pm
@starchild phil,
starchild wrote:
To Electra.

My God, sometimes I wonder if you are on drugs.





starchild phil
Reply Tue 9 Jan, 2007 12:47 am
Thank you, this is the best answer you ever gave.

Electra phil
Reply Tue 9 Jan, 2007 04:24 am
@starchild phil,
starchild wrote:
Thank you, this is the best answer you ever gave.


This is the best answer you gave too! Thank you too!


Reply Tue 23 Jan, 2007 02:43 am
@Electra phil,

To those of you who are backyard/garage/attic/ or basement experimenters, the neglected self taught electronics engineer types, the all around do it yourselfer, I salute you. Please allow me to make one suggestion. In your researching and experimenting seek to verify that which one doesn't find in the common text. By visiting this forum you all have jumped off the beaten trail, and as such find yourself exploring a new frontier. Become motivated to know the causes of things, resist becoming entrenched in effects observed, this is where the majority of today's greatest minds loose sight of the prize, where the loose sight of cause. I like most who visit this forum am searching for something higher than myself; I am responsible. With each passing day I realize that the things which I seek are within me, problems only arrise when I carelessly judge lifes gifts.

Those of you, who are studying the wave as taught by Walter Russell, study it. Study it as a child would study nature, with infinite wonder and excitement. No preconceived notions, or expectations, above all remember that only the Law is exempt from change. Everything else is up for grabs. Interpret as you will. Or become as children seem to be naturally, when making observations stop thinking and listen to that which you are observing and allow it to reveal its nature to you. When the Law is recognized all becomes possible, working with the Law signals that one is working with the Creator. The world is a mirror, and as we project the Law into it, by knowing and living the Law, it is reflected back to us.
Remember love.

These images were made by one who is severely limited financially, and has little or no knowledge of Walter Russell. Those of you who are versed in the works of Walter Russell, know what these images represent, and or could represent. Interpret them as you will. I highly recommend those of you who would take this further to acquire the following three patents filed by Nikola Tesla 568,176; 568,177; 568,178. Correctly interpreting these three patents reveals many things as can be seen from the images.


These images are not my creation.



Reply Wed 7 Feb, 2007 05:28 pm

I would like to engage with you as this subject is very interesting to me and I hope not to put my boxing globes on. Don't worry I'll get to the Matrix at the end.

I had come to the conclusion that all religions had enslaved man and so I stayed very clear of them. If Dr. Russell had not supported Lao's views I would have never believed in karma.

I sort of felt like that but we must remember that all has its place in our evolution. Religion is the mother who first taught me how to love one another. I rather fell from religion because God's love filled my cup and I had no more desire for it.

Ideas of a reptilian race and an advanced technology that was used against the human species has simply not been my direct experience with Truth so far. So it is difficult to say yes to others that this is definitely what has occurred. Of course, with an awakening of this magnitude that I have been undergoing, anything is possible to discover. I cannot confirm or deny your own take on this, or the teachings you have embraced regarding. My job it seems is to understand the powers of transcendence, enlightenment - the nature of mind and matter - consciousness itself. So yes, the Russell's teachings are very important in my voyage.

I am so with you Electra, the quest for the Holy Grail of Illumination! Little do we know that it is within us as the vessel and fire are within us. I cannot say I have experienced a reptilian race attacking this solar system but a fellow Rosicrucian of another order in Mexico has written a book about it. I can only say that IMHO it is something put together by someone to denote "Ignorance" in our observation of our surroundings. As the Tarot Card "the Devil" shows. By the way I do not use the Tarot to tell someone's future. I am a student of the Tarot, Alchemy, Astronomy, Qabalah, etc.

You said (STARCHILD): "I emerged from the altered state I was in, I felt for the first time a real deep realization that I AM infinity, I AM the void, I AM the Light and the Light is me and that my body is created by me just to experience this plane. For the first time I felt that my intellectual understanding and knowledge had finally bypassed my conscious mind, my ego, and I feel so very different!"

This is something I too have experienced, and can say is a possibility for all. I have not felt a call to know remote viewing as of yet. And I can say although my awakenings are very earth shattering, in the conscious awareness of my energetic body - I am certain my third eye is still in the process of opening. So all of this remains to be 'seen'.

In an evolutionary context, the goal is to become enlightened, which means liberated from ego, so that you can become a vessel for the pure egoless passion of the authentic self to express itself in this world.

To this I can only add: Have you heard the Silence from which all the noise is emerging? I would not recommend Remote viewing or anything
"psychic" and I will tell you why: Psychic "things" are the biggest hindrance in the evolution of mankind. People consider these beings evolved and that is a big mistake. I am not saying that the persons themselves are bad but that attention paid to the psychic "things" are erroneous. Qabalah best explains it. Karma or erroneous thinking is created below the level of Tipheret or Beauty as Walter Russell calls it. Psychic events come from the Sephira below Tipheret, Yesod to be exact. Thus the information cannot be relied on to be the truth as personalities there can be no more evolved than you! This does not mean that you should disregard what comes from the psychic but take it with a grain of salt! The Inner Master in Tipheret is the inner voice that guides us and It is never wrong. You will eventually learn to distinguish it from the other voices.

Karma, wow what a word! How I understand Karma is the erroneous thinking of the personal Subconscious and the personal Self. This erroneous thinking or acting creates erroneous patterns in our Subconscious mind. They create an out of balance condition of the self much like tornados show Nature's out of balance conditions. Thus they must be bought back into balance per the Laws of the Universe. It is these erroneous patterns that prevent the "Love" energy or Kundilini as others call it from rising trough the energy centers. Prevent people from showing benevolence for others.

I recognize the manifestation of the undeviating Justice in all the circumstances of my life.


I want to ask what is the "best method" (or name a few) for us, common people, to get enlighted? Can anyone answer me this? Do you meditate and what is it to you? How did you get the knowledge you are talking about?

One would have to have an aspiration to seek the Creator. I would recommend Joseph Campbell's mythology videos and books to get "acquainted" with this Path. Campbell found a pattern in all the mythology of the world, "The Hero with a thousand faces." Then when you are sure I would join an order like B.O.T.A. Builders of the Adytum (www.bota.org) for a structured lesson plan. I am a member of this organization, of course Walter Russell would play a big role in this also.


you asked what is the Matrix. Well the Matrix is what the scientists today call the "implicate order", better explained by Dr. Russell as the Source underneath everything which creates everything.

On our planet there is another Matrix on top of the original Matrix. The original matrix is created by God's thinking. The second matrix overlapping the original is our 'mass conscioussness' created by mankind's thinking, beliefs and emotions and it is not aligned to the original one. In fact, mass conscioussness reflects what we see in the world and is therefore almost totally out of balance, while the original matrix, the one created by First Source thinking is totally Balanced.

I respectfully disagree with this view. Talking in Qabalistic terms there is only one "Matrix" that is Binah (God the Mother) the overall Subconscious (the over all "stuff") from which Chokmah (God the Father) creates and substains the Universe. This would be the Divided Light of Russell. The Undivided Light would be Kether which is above them.

Walter Russell:
The Undivided Light: God is the Light of mind. God's Thinking Mind is all there is. Mind is universal. Mind of God and Mind of man are ONE.

The Divided Light: In the Light of the Creators Mind is DESIRE to dramatize His ONE IDEA by dividing it's one unconditioned, unchanging unity into pairs of oppositely-conditioned units, which must forever interchange with each other to seek balance and rest.

So you can see that Russell and the Qabalah speak the Truth which is One. Creation is much more than just our universe of forms. Creation is described in analogy to frozen water = Universe of forms, liquid water = world of Formation (non material molds), steam = world of Creation (Father impregnates Mother), Atom = World of Idea (Mind).

It is true that personal subconscious "creates" the desires of our personal Self but personal subconscious and overall Subconscious are one and not two (Matrices).

I will tell you one Truth, all that has "mass" has both stuff (subconscious) and consciousness (self from Superconscious).

The Hermit
Frater John Alvarado
Electra phil
Reply Wed 7 Feb, 2007 05:48 pm
Frater John Alvarado

I am happy that we have met.

I have independently studied and practiced the many things you mention for many many years.

Recently I have met with much success as to some of the higher goals and still tho' somehow feel a baby in this world. I hope at times perhaps I could council with you on matters such as these. It is lonely sometimes without people who speak the same language.

I appreciate your input on this thread as well.

Reply Wed 7 Feb, 2007 06:10 pm
@Electra phil,
Thank you Electra

Of course feel free to e-mail me anytime. I guess others also need my e-mail so.. request it.
I too am far away from my organization and not able to talk to others or attend meetings but there is a list you may be interested in...

Yes I know the feeling, sometimes I feel sooo knowlegefull then I realize how ignorant I am. It is the case of the "humility" flu that God sends us every once in a while.

The Hermit
Reply Wed 7 Feb, 2007 07:29 pm
TheHermit - Very useful information, thank you for your post and for explaining this clearly.

Also, I removed your email address because if listed it will get abused by spam robots searching forums for email addresses. Never list your email address on the internet, it will save you from a lot of spam.

Thanks again.
Reply Fri 9 Feb, 2007 03:07 am
Here is a circuit based on my understanding of the Russell Cosmogony and the works of Nikola Tesla.


Reply Wed 21 Feb, 2007 09:41 am
And here is the update,


Reply Fri 20 Apr, 2007 04:38 am
@starchild phil,
starchild wrote:
I find it remarkably telling of the mental understanding and spiritual unfoldment of the people who enjoy writing in this Forum that there has been no answer to my last post on the Matrix ect apart from RememberIAm who has been in touch with me directly by email.
Love to all, Starchild

it is not a simple thing to write to a forum of this caliber, which is based on the life-work of people of a certain specific stature.

i notice that the walter-russell yahoogroups forum is much more dead (i.e. hardly any posts at all).

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