@starchild phil,
GOES WITHOUT SAYING the synthesis device to not get tricked into having to say the things that go without saying
for the "
i had my fun and it was no fun" crowd
the more advanced forms of tele-communicating allow what you say to be available for ALL... providing a neutral condition in which there is no need to cater to any
individual's personal dilemma and at the insistence of their EGO, be challenged to
interpret/answer to that individuals ego
when you have already accomplished that on a universal/impersonal level and
truthfully are being
attacked for doing it...
everyone who practices this should be aware that you have been totally exposed ...it is rapidly approaching the time of
balance where THE EGO can no longer insist and be supported to
disturb, negate, and destruct THE BRIDGES THAT HAVE BEEN BUILT... these microscopic
copper threads are
very resourceful for
Threading The Needle, to pass through The
ANKH with far more power than radio telescopes... the reason those are so moronically big and still connect to the Universal Threads anyway (final phallus) is to give the overbearing
psychological interpretation that it is
beyond the individuals capacity to communicate with GOD... here we go with those huge distortions again -
IT GOES WITHOUT SAYING THAT ITS *IN HERE* not OUT THERE[/URL] - see what we mean? thats the last time - really - every thing that
goes without saying is one of the
first things on that response-abilities list for everyone who
isn't sure if they
KNOW what goes without saying - GET the NET - simple stuff like
'god is in charge' - 'thou shall not kill' - and what not ...plenty of loving moms to set you straight we're sure