What is the matrix?

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Reply Tue 5 Dec, 2006 01:53 am

I haven't received it yet, but will be on the look out for it.

starchild phil
Reply Tue 5 Dec, 2006 04:44 am
Hi Rem,
this means that it is not going to come through the Forum because I sent it to you two days ago.
You should ask Justin why it is not coming through, because the one I have sent to him, also through Outlook Express, was received by him.

Ciao, Starchild
Reply Tue 5 Dec, 2006 07:21 am
@starchild phil,
starchild wrote:
Hello Rem, I answered your message using Outlook Express pressing the Reply button, because I have found it is the only way I don't lose my messages before sending them. But where is it the Forum?
Does it mean that if one answers through Outlook Express it doesn't get into the Forum?
Ciao, Starchild
When you receive a private message or a post is updated that you are subscribed to, you will automatically receive an email making you aware of this. This is simply a notice. You don't want to respond to the email, rather click on the link in your email and that will bring you to the post. Then you can reply. Likewise, if it's a private message, click on the link in the email and it will bring you to your private messages. Click on the private message and read it, then hit reply.

starchild wrote:
Hi Rem, have you received my long answer which I sent via Outlook Express? I don't see it posted on the Forum so I am not sure you received it. Let me know please, thank you

Please don't use the reply button in your emails to reply to post notices in the forum. I don't believe this will post. It may work with private messages but the intention is only to notify you of a post or private message.

When you post using reply, you will not lose your messages. It can be very frustrating when you've taken the time to write a post and then it's deleted or lost. Please use the forum for posting rather than personal email accounts. You will be notified of any responses via email and will have to respond to those with the forums. I hope this helps.
Reply Tue 5 Dec, 2006 09:52 am
To all,

At the request of starchild I am posting the following:

Dear Rem,

you are quite right. The original Matrix was the invisible part of the
universe creating our solar system (let's talk of just us and not the entire
universe) and planet earth. It was the Matrix for the beautiful heaven on
earth experienced by all life, flora, fauna and mankind of perhaps until
50,000 years ago in Lemuria (a continent which was in the South Pacific and which fell deeply in the ocean like Atlantis in the Atlantic ocean did) when all lived in harmony and joy and peace.
Let me say first that I too have read and studied all the Russells'
books and even the H.S. Course a few times, but Dr. Russell did not say all
that he knew, infact in some place in the Course it was mentioned that God
had told him not to say anything outside of the actual Message - and He
added - because you are still man and liable to err. And, getting out of
context here, this is an error made by Dr. when he supported Lao's views on
Karma: she was not an Illuminate like himself and before meeting Dr. she had
dabbled in the oriental beliefs system. That was a great error and it took
me sometimes to get out of that belief, I had to grow more spiritually: I
had realized that after starting to think along those lines my life had
become definitely worse and more difficult. Since my life before coming to
the Russells had been quite difficult, after reading about the law of karma in Lao's book,I had started to think over and over
about what I could have possibly done in previous lives to deserve this one. When I got to Dr. Russell's teachings, although born in the catholic religion, I believed that sin did not exist as such and, after reading and studying about other religions I had come to the conclusion that all religions had enslaved man and so I stayed very clear of them. If Dr. Russell had not supported Lao's views I would have never believed in karma.
Now, if you think that we create our reality with our thinking and beliefs
system..... if you continue going over and over the past ...what do you
think you are going to create if not more of the same and worse?
And how could there be karma anyway if everything exists in the NOW and
therefore there is no past and the future is created by us day after day. Our Oversoul (or spirit) sends out
thousands of fragments of itself to experience physicality and, outside of
this space/time continuum, they all happen in the now.
So yes, we can access the life of our other fragments but we are not their
continuation: we represent other experiences. Oriental religions gave out
their own beliefs systems like the western ones, and any belief system keeps
us enslaved.
In the book "The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus The Christ" by Levi (who received all the words and life of Jesus while in the Light last century) when Jesus was asked
by his disciples if the people who had died in the great storm they had just had were being punished by God and their families were diserving of their troubles
as if that was their karma... Jesus replied: (Chapter 114)
35. "We do not note the execution of this law among the sons of men.
36. We note the weak dishonoured, trampled on and slain by those men call the strong.
37. We note that men with wood-like heads are seated in the chairs of state;
38. Are kings and judges, senators and priests, while men with giant intellects are scavengers about the streets.
39. We note that women with a moiety of common sense, and not a whit of any other kind, are painted up and dressed like queens,
40. Becoming ladies of the courts of puppet kings, because they have the form of something beautiful; while God's own daughters
are their slaves, or serve as common labourers in the field.
42. The sense of justice cries aloud: this is a travesty on right."

Interesting that Lao had recommended Mr. Bill Cramwell (who was then a Director and still is a Board
Member of the University) to read this book, but she never recommended to
the entire group of students or myself, neither in her newsletters nor at
the end of books. I am afraid Lao had two yardsticks, one for the
professionals whom they knew and were Board Members and one for the
Going back to the Matrix... what happened is that some 50,000 years ago some
Aliens of negative polarity (aND YES! they exist) landed on earth and, with laser beams, the
ability to change shape and their cruelty, they put so much fear and terror
into humans that their frequencies dropped to such a low level that for the
first time they felt "separated" from their Higher Selves. These aliens used
to transform themselves into reptilians or dragons and expected people to
worship them as gods and expected people to sacrifice their babies and
vergins, ect... that is why in all major civilizations they had legends of
dragons and history of human sacrifice which never existed at the times of
Lemuria and Atlantis. That represents the actual "Fall" and its consequent legend. From
them on people were manipulated and fed only lies in order to keep them in
servitude and in fear as these beings were feeding on fear emotions.
That fear and all its byproducts as negative thoughts, ect.... and lack of real
knowledge makes up the actual Matrix of today. This is the Dark Matrix that we
should get off from if we want to connect to our Higher Selves and co-create with God as the real children of
The creator of the www.probablefuture.com

site has also read Dr.
Russell's books and with all his other expertise (you should read the 'About
us' page) he has created two courses in Remote Viewing and Remote
Influencing. I've just started them myself, about two weeks ago, and I tell
you, the tapes are really very good and beneficial. For the first time a few days ago I really experienced infinity and when
I emerged from the altered state I was in, I felt for the first time a
real deep realization that I AM infinity, I AM the void, I AM the Light and
the Light is me and that my body is created by me just to experience this
plane. For the first time I felt that my intellectual understanding and knowledge had
finally bypassed my conscious mind, my ego, and I feel so very different!
I would recommend those two courses to everybody.

Enjoy those courses in Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing. I would appreciate if you could post this letter on to the Forum,
And yes I am in Italy, ciao

starchild phil
Reply Wed 6 Dec, 2006 11:57 pm
I find it remarkably telling of the mental understanding and spiritual unfoldment of the people who enjoy writing in this Forum that there has been no answer to my last post on the Matrix ect apart from RememberIAm who has been in touch with me directly by email.

Love to all, Starchild
Electra phil
Reply Thu 7 Dec, 2006 01:43 am
RemberingIAM wrote:
To all,

At the request of starchild I am posting the following:

Dear Rem,

you are quite right. The original Matrix was the invisible part of the
universe creating our solar system (let's talk of just us and not the entire
universe) and planet earth. It was the Matrix for the beautiful heaven on
earth experienced by all life, flora, fauna and mankind of perhaps until
50,000 years ago in Lemuria (a continent which was in the South Pacific and which fell deeply in the ocean like Atlantis in the Atlantic ocean did) when all lived in harmony and joy and peace.
Let me say first that I too have read and studied all the Russells'
books and even the H.S. Course a few times, but Dr. Russell did not say all
that he knew, infact in some place in the Course it was mentioned that God
had told him not to say anything outside of the actual Message - and He
added - because you are still man and liable to err. And, getting out of
context here, this is an error made by Dr. when he supported Lao's views on
Karma: she was not an Illuminate like himself and before meeting Dr. she had
dabbled in the oriental beliefs system. That was a great error and it took
me sometimes to get out of that belief, I had to grow more spiritually: I
had realized that after starting to think along those lines my life had
become definitely worse and more difficult. Since my life before coming to
the Russells had been quite difficult, after reading about the law of karma in Lao's book,I had started to think over and over
about what I could have possibly done in previous lives to deserve this one. When I got to Dr. Russell's teachings, although born in the catholic religion, I believed that sin did not exist as such and, after reading and studying about other religions I had come to the conclusion that all religions had enslaved man and so I stayed very clear of them. If Dr. Russell had not supported Lao's views I would have never believed in karma.
Now, if you think that we create our reality with our thinking and beliefs
system..... if you continue going over and over the past ...what do you
think you are going to create if not more of the same and worse?
And how could there be karma anyway if everything exists in the NOW and
therefore there is no past and the future is created by us day after day. Our Oversoul (or spirit) sends out
thousands of fragments of itself to experience physicality and, outside of
this space/time continuum, they all happen in the now.
So yes, we can access the life of our other fragments but we are not their
continuation: we represent other experiences. Oriental religions gave out
their own beliefs systems like the western ones, and any belief system keeps
us enslaved.
In the book "The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus The Christ" by Levi (who received all the words and life of Jesus while in the Light last century) when Jesus was asked
by his disciples if the people who had died in the great storm they had just had were being punished by God and their families were diserving of their troubles
as if that was their karma... Jesus replied: (Chapter 114)
35. "We do not note the execution of this law among the sons of men.
36. We note the weak dishonoured, trampled on and slain by those men call the strong.
37. We note that men with wood-like heads are seated in the chairs of state;
38. Are kings and judges, senators and priests, while men with giant intellects are scavengers about the streets.
39. We note that women with a moiety of common sense, and not a whit of any other kind, are painted up and dressed like queens,
40. Becoming ladies of the courts of puppet kings, because they have the form of something beautiful; while God's own daughters
are their slaves, or serve as common labourers in the field.
42. The sense of justice cries aloud: this is a travesty on right."

Interesting that Lao had recommended Mr. Bill Cramwell (who was then a Director and still is a Board
Member of the University) to read this book, but she never recommended to
the entire group of students or myself, neither in her newsletters nor at
the end of books. I am afraid Lao had two yardsticks, one for the
professionals whom they knew and were Board Members and one for the
Going back to the Matrix... what happened is that some 50,000 years ago some
Aliens of negative polarity (aND YES! they exist) landed on earth and, with laser beams, the
ability to change shape and their cruelty, they put so much fear and terror
into humans that their frequencies dropped to such a low level that for the
first time they felt "separated" from their Higher Selves. These aliens used
to transform themselves into reptilians or dragons and expected people to
worship them as gods and expected people to sacrifice their babies and
vergins, ect... that is why in all major civilizations they had legends of
dragons and history of human sacrifice which never existed at the times of
Lemuria and Atlantis. That represents the actual "Fall" and its consequent legend. From
them on people were manipulated and fed only lies in order to keep them in
servitude and in fear as these beings were feeding on fear emotions.
That fear and all its byproducts as negative thoughts, ect.... and lack of real
knowledge makes up the actual Matrix of today. This is the Dark Matrix that we
should get off from if we want to connect to our Higher Selves and co-create with God as the real children of
The creator of the www.probablefuture.com
site has also read Dr.
Russell's books and with all his other expertise (you should read the 'About
us' page) he has created two courses in Remote Viewing and Remote
Influencing. I've just started them myself, about two weeks ago, and I tell
you, the tapes are really very good and beneficial. For the first time a few days ago I really experienced infinity and when
I emerged from the altered state I was in, I felt for the first time a
real deep realization that I AM infinity, I AM the void, I AM the Light and
the Light is me and that my body is created by me just to experience this
plane. For the first time I felt that my intellectual understanding and knowledge had
finally bypassed my conscious mind, my ego, and I feel so very different!
I would recommend those two courses to everybody.

Enjoy those courses in Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing. I would appreciate if you could post this letter on to the Forum, And yes I am in Italy, ciao


Hi Starchild, You have specifically requested someone answer you, so here I am. Smile

You will please understand that I have had a powerful awakening of my own origins, knowledge or information coming from a certain star system to me, so I am not coming from some obtuse view on what you have said here. I have studied Sitchin, the Melchizedek writings, Ken Carey, Marciniak, Hand Clow, the MCEO, theosophy, well-- I could go on and on.

While doing this work, it has become very important to me to find a way to verify Truth. This is simply due to the nature of this type of awakening. It seems important to have direct revelation, remembrance or something that one reads that triggers an understanding that is recognized as this mysterious thing called Truth.

In all my work, there is no history of earth (and I have seen many lost histories) that has been shown to me about these teachings of the reptilian races, laser beams, the Annunaki, etc. I have examined world mythologies, petroglyphs, sacred sites in detail--and while all of it points to a greater picture, there is still nothing I would call a realization or confirmation of Truth. I have only found things that I would call very interesting or even highly convincing.

That said, I can say I have directly experienced confronting something within my physical being that has been a limiting factor to what is childishly called 'spiritual progress' on this planet. This is the matrix to me. The limiting factor that must be overcome. Who did it, why it exists, how it functions, whether it is an alien invention or function of the nervous system cannot be proven to me by the mere mention of these kinds of theories.

Ideas of a reptilian race and an advanced technology that was used against the human species has simply not been my direct experience with Truth so far. So it is difficult to say yes to others that this is definitely what has occurred. Of course, with an awakening of this magnitude that I have been undergoing, anything is possible to discover. I cannot confirm or deny your own take on this, or the teachings you have embraced regarding. My job it seems is to understand the powers of transcendence, enlightenment - the nature of mind and matter - consciousness itself. So yes, the Russell's teachings are very important in my voyage.

You said: "I emerged from the altered state I was in, I felt for the first time a real deep realization that I AM infinity, I AM the void, I AM the Light and the Light is me and that my body is created by me just to experience this plane. For the first time I felt that my intellectual understanding and knowledge had finally bypassed my conscious mind, my ego, and I feel so very different!"

This is something I too have experienced, and can say is a possibility for all. I have not felt a call to know remote viewing as of yet. And I can say although my awakenings are very earth shattering, in the conscious awareness of my energetic body - I am certain my third eye is still in the process of opening. So all of this remains to be 'seen'.

Reply Thu 7 Dec, 2006 09:46 am
@Electra phil,
starchild wrote:
I find it remarkably telling of the mental understanding and spiritual unfoldment of the people who enjoy writing in this Forum that there has been no answer to my last post on the Matrix ect apart from RememberIAm who has been in touch with me directly by email.

Love to all, Starchild
Please understand that sometimes things take time to answer. Speaking for myself, I'm very busy with work, family, and about 20 websites and I hadn't even seen your post until just a minute ago. Personally, I like to take time to think before I respond to something like this and re-read it over.

As the forum grows and people grow, you will find that responses will come sooner. It is not "telling of the mental understanding and spiritual unfoldment of the people who enjoy writing in this Forum.". Each person will respond differently just as each person will unfold when they are ready to unfold. There are those of us that are just beginning to unfold spiritually as well and your post is good information. Thank you Starchild for the wonderful post! Please continue with the Russell stuff... love it!Smile

Electra, your response was wonderful. Smile I'm not prepared to respond to Starchild right now because I have not had this separation and enlightenment that some have experienced, nor have I had the time to take the study course but this is all very interesting and intriguing.

Walter Russell said that out of all the people througout history, maybe only 100 have unfolded spiritually to the level of consciousness that Dr. Russell was experiencing. I too want to realize this spiritual unfolding and my journey has just begun.

As far as the Matrix, I know very little about it and have not had the time to study it. My reading at the moment is "The Second Comming of Christ - The Resurrection of the Christ Within You" by Paramahansa Yogananda.
starchild phil
Reply Thu 7 Dec, 2006 12:22 pm
@Electra phil,
Thank you Electra, very good answer but I am sure you realize that the fact we have not experience something directly doesn't necessarily mean it is not true.
Love and Light,
starchild phil
Reply Thu 7 Dec, 2006 12:25 pm
Thank you Justin,
I did not mean my comment to be a criticism, but just a stimulant. You are doing well, my friend, don't worry about anything,
Love and Light
Electra phil
Reply Thu 7 Dec, 2006 12:42 pm
@starchild phil,
starchild wrote:
Thank you Electra, very good answer but I am sure you realize that the fact we have not experience something directly doesn't necessarily mean it is not true.
Love and Light,

Dear Starchild,

Due to circumstances that some people might call an unfolding mission or purpose, I feel it is my obligation to strive for wisdom at all moments. This is one reason I am here on this board. The science of Philosophy as a general field of study is giving me much illumination to the process of Truth seeking. It has been studied and practiced by some the greatest men and women of all time.

Due to my obligations as a mentor for star and Indigo children, I feel it imperative to remain scientific on some level while exploring these topics. I would not want to be *swept away* with fantastical thinking and irrational teachings, unless they were explicitly proven to be true to me. The only measure that I have discovered for Truth so far, is an internal sensation that says YES!!

I have not experienced this as of yet with the details we are discussing. That does not mean I will not in the future or I am not open to the idea of its possibility. But I feel a very BIG obligation to these young people (and to myself) to have some kind of measuring stick for Truth.

Of course this is a huge topic (Philosophic Truth) and a long discussion, which I have never engaged in until these last few weeks. I find the best practice is to remain open and flexible, creating allowance for Truth to be revealed.

You have mentioned remote viewing and I am reflecting on this idea in the same way I have investigated things with my senses and intuition. I am sure you will show me something that will be another piece of the puzzle. These things take time. At least for me they do. :rolleyes:

Bright Blessings to you!
starchild phil
Reply Thu 7 Dec, 2006 01:12 pm
Thank you Electra, I don't like to get into long debates either and I allow everybody to think as they please: my years trying to save the world are over. Too late for that: each of us will end up in either one of 12 parallel realities according to our own vibrations, whether people believe it or not, and that represents the so called "Final judgement" which is not really a judgement.
About the remote viewing course that I mentioned, I am not doing in order to remote view (I don't care about that), but it seems that between than and the other course in Remote Influencing it will eventually connect us easily and deliberatily to our Highr Self and other realms.
So that's the reason why I am doing it.

Love and Light to you,

Electra phil
Reply Thu 7 Dec, 2006 01:18 pm
@starchild phil,
Hi again starchild --Well that is cool.

I am at a point in my "career" where this needs to come to a head. I don't mean to challenge you by these conversations, I mean to challenge myself. :p

I feel I have connected to my higher self in a big way, but it was never revealed to me by this HS that "psst hey, there are 12 dimensions." or "the reptilians did this."

Anyway, it would be my habit to keep you on here all day asking you questions, so I will just wait for you to post and take in what comes.

starchild phil
Reply Thu 7 Dec, 2006 02:12 pm
Hello Electra,
you sound so much whiter than white which makes it doubtful also because those who really have these kind of experiences don't go around claiming them loud and wide.

Be happy, ciao
Electra phil
Reply Thu 7 Dec, 2006 03:30 pm
@starchild phil,
starchild wrote:
Hello Electra,
you sound so much whiter than white which makes it doubtful also because those who really have these kind of experiences don't go around claiming them loud and wide.

Be happy, ciao

Dear Starchild-

I am sorry but I do not know what you mean here.
Reply Thu 7 Dec, 2006 04:13 pm
@Electra phil,
What is the Matrix?

A very wise and dear friend has recently reminded me of a simple truth. This, our present existence has but one purpose. A simple purpose, for all is simple. We are to with all of our being experience love in infinite ways. That's it! How funny it is that today I look out into our swiftly changing, our rapidly evolving world with a newly found inner knowing and observe that all is but a manifestation of love giving and re-giving to love. One should not waste time looking for love, for love is all there is. One only must to tune in to it, recognize that love is the simple, basic and only truth. The harmony we observe in nature is a perfect example of the workings of love. The earth gives its blood (water) unselfishly, and all of Gods creatures partake thereof and the earth and her Fashioner ask nothing in return except thanks. How many have taken the time to observe the fact that there is no difference between the air we breathe and the water we drink (the breath and blood of life) . Is it not a wonder that the one is nothing more than an expanded version of the other, which will in its season become the other once again? Here we have yet another example of love giving to itself in order that it may re-give to itself.

What is the matrix? I have come to find with the help of some I consider truely inspired that it can be interpreted as many things. But I have also learned that it is best if we keep things simple. In the words of Walter Russell in his book the Divine Iliad we find the following quote:

"Great art is simple. My universe is great art, for it is simple.

"Great art is balanced. My universe is consummate art for it is balanced simplicity.

"My universe is one in which many things have majestic measure; and again another many have measure too fine for the sensing.

"I have but one law for all My opposed pairs of creating things; and that law needs but one word to spell it out, so hear Me when I say that one word of My one law is


"And if man needs two words to aid him in his knowing of the workings of that law, those two words are


"If man still needs more words to aid his knowing of My one law, give him another one, and let those three words be


I have said before that in my opinion the matrix is love, the source of all things. No matter how one decides to consider this the end result is always the same. Without love nothing can come into existence. How far have we fallen from this simple understanding? Our days and nights are filled with our tireless contemplating of the things we must do. Always forgetting that

"To be or not to be" was the question once asked.

Meaning, at least to me that "being" and all that it implies out weighs doing.

Love has no opposite. Love is the only constant. If love were changeable, if love were corruptible then all would come to an instantaneous end. It is because of the steadfastness, the stillness, the immovability of love, that we are now and forever safe.

It has been brought to my attention that our collective fear has formed a matrix within our all encompassing matrix. It is this matrix which we are slowly waking up to and trying to escape from like rats from a sinking ship. Fear has one looking to blame a thing called evil. It has been explained to me that the only way to escape the matrix of fear and renter the matrix of love which in reality one has never left, is by reconnecting with ones higher self. Knowing oneself. This I shall try for in my opinion it is the only thing which is not being done today. This one task should be attempted by all.

To be is infinitely harder than to do. For to be requires that we stop doing and just be.

It is not for us to change the world. Change yourself and watch the world change with you.

Tell the universe thank you for all it provides. For all is for you. All is for us. All is an experience in love. All is a gift.

We are one in the Love which centers us all.

Thank you starchild


starchild phil
Reply Fri 8 Dec, 2006 12:58 am
Rem, you are such a beautiful Being, you know how to express yourself so well!

Have a fantastic day and let's always say "THANK YOU UNIVERSE!"

Electra phil
Reply Fri 8 Dec, 2006 05:13 am
@starchild phil,
starchild wrote:
Hello Electra,
you sound so much whiter than white which makes it doubtful also because those who really have these kind of experiences don't go around claiming them loud and wide.

Be happy, ciao

Dear Starchild,

Hello? We seem to not be having an exchange of graciousness, which I would sure like to have with you.


Thank you for your consideration.
Reply Fri 8 Dec, 2006 05:20 am
@Electra phil,
At the request of Starchild I am posting the following.

Hi Rem,

will you please post the following into the Forum for me again: I have been trying to submit it but I still enclounter problems:
Thank you Rem,


Thank you for the link to NASA, Pithagorean. It reminded me of something I had seen on TV- News in Australia a few years go.
It was just "flash news" from something recorded by the Hubble Station: it was really the filming of the birth of a new star.

Here is what was captured by the Hubble Telescope:

Two spheres of light (looking like stars from the angle of observation) approaching one another from opposite direction (seen in real time as fast speed) but when they reached one another, they were NOT on a crashing course, meaning they did not crash into one another and become one. What they did is... they surpassed one another (like from inertia), stopped suddenly and reversed their direction. In so doing they unwrapped themselves and looked like two ribbons of light which quickly wrapped each other up in one sphere.

It was the most amazing thing to witness! It happened exactly as Dr. Russell described how stars are created: two rivers of light (male and female) are projected toward one another from opposite direction and when they meet they wrap each other up into ONE sphere, giving birth to a new star. Only, since he never explained exactly what happens at the moment of encountering one another, I imagined that they would have been on a crashing course. But NO, they are not, what happens is that when they meet (close enough to look at it from our distance and God knows how far they really are) they stop, although inertia will make them surpass each other, and then.... incredible to look at it...they actually reverse their course, in so doing unwrapping their tightly concentrated spirals of light becoming two ribbons or rivers of light and quickly wrapping themselves up together in one unique sphere.

There was only a brief comment to it: "We may have witnessed the birth of a star" and nothing else, no emphasis on it, no surprise and no scientist or astronomer ever commented on it. As usual what conscious mind doesn't understand, conscious mind will reject and forget.

I wonder if any of you has seen it.

Reply Thu 4 Jan, 2007 05:07 am
Greetings and Happy New Year to all!

Matrix Found

For professional reasons I have not posted on the forum for some time and have come to the decision that this "may" be my last post, not absoutly sure yet. I became a member of this forum to meet individuals who are serious about philosophy; individuals who like me have experienced the works of age old philosophy and its progenitors (limited) and have abandoned them all for the philosophy of living in the NOW.

It is saddening to see that this forum has begun to reflect what life has become over the centuries, a constant struggle to prove ones personal beliefs to others, the old might and right game. Why can we not see that we are all correct?

Every philosopher was correct in this light. Every philosopher served his or her purpose in their time as they attempted to live in the NOW, as they were last manifested on this plane. Is it so hard to see that in dwelling on or living in the past, by pouring all of ones self into the philosophies of a forgotten and misunderstood age we are not helping our present situation, we are not growing in our understanding of who and what we are. "What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world, but looses his soul?"

Now what is this supposed to mean, where did this come from? How does this quote play into the subject matter? Is it possible that all knowledge that we possess is worldly knowledge? Many can read and write. Most are mechanically inclined. We have an array of Doctors. Dr.'s of Psychology, Bone Marrow, Kidney Specialist, Heart Specialist, Ear nose, and Throat Specialists, Gynaecologists; Radiologists, Anaesthesiologists, Biologists, and Chemists to name a few. We have Professors, and Professor Doctors; Mathematicians, Surveyors, Engineers, and Technicians. We have Clergy, Rabbi, Preachers, Theologians, Priests, and Prophets. We have in our possession a working knowledge of all kinds and on all levels. But we are blind to the fact that all that we know, all we have gained is worldly. What does this profit us, what has it profited us. What is the soul? What is my soul? Where is my soul? In our pursuit of worldly knowledge we have lost touch with that which matters most. It's funny that we have many sciences, yet none which apply to the soul.

I would leave you all with the following. It has been suggested that new technologies should be sought out. I would suggest that those who would seek search for and apply only those techniques which work harmoniously with our environment. Some may be thinking that I have contradicted myself, and to those I say follow the logic. Harmony is the secret. In seeking harmony in technology you find it in yourself, the source of the technology. Forget wind and solar, forget bio diesel, and the likes. These are only a modification of what we already have at present and these are still controlled by those who consider themselves more responsible than you. With that said take a walk though a wooded area and observe nature. Nature is overflowing with an energy form long forgotten. Seek to find and utilize this energy form. Nikola Tesla discovered it and made use of it in his Radiant Energy patents, and Walter Russell was given the science with which it could be understood and used by all.

We are truly one in the divine light which centers us all.

Recommended Reading:

The Science

Home Study Course
A New Concept of the Universe
Atomic Suicide
The Message of the Divine Iliad Vol. 1
The Message of the Divine Iliad Vol. 2
The Secret of Light
All By: Walter Russell

The Science in Application

The Physics Of The Primary State Of Matter
By: Cyril W. Davson

The Sea Of Energy In Which The Earth Floats
By: T. Henry Moray

Cosmic Radiant Energy And Electrinium Battery
The solid state, high voltage battery that is electric, like a magnet is magnetic.
By: Author P. Summera

The Soul

This category I leave for you to discover for yourselves with one exception.

Man The Unknown
By: Alexis Carrel

To those I may have offended, please forgive me; there is much to be gained in our forgiving one another.
Reply Thu 4 Jan, 2007 08:01 pm
starchild wrote:
Hello Electra,
you sound so much whiter than white which makes it doubtful also because those who really have these kind of experiences don't go around claiming them loud and wide.
I don't know exactly what this is supposed to mean either. However, if someone has an experience that is life changing, no sense in hiding it under a sheet. Did Jesus not witness? What about the other enlightened individuals that have written books and made public of their experiences?

RemeberingIAM, your contribution to this forum has been very positive and I would hope that you would continue on.

It takes time to build a community. Whatever each of you come here seeking, you will probably find if it's so desired. For those of you that are further along in the understanding of Love, Light and Truth, you need to bear witness to this so others will think and listen and just maybe you move someone towards Love and Truth. If those who react with Love throw up their arms and leave, then what? Should I throw up my arms and give up on the entire forum because of a disagreement?

It takes time to plant seeds and takes even more time to cultivate... cultivating isn't our job though. All we need to do is to continue planting seeds and when the time is right that seed may start to root. Is it true that man is judged by his fruit? Think about his.

Anyway, most of this thread had some really insightful information and I thank you all for contributing to the world your thoughts. I hope we can set aside our differences and move towards the Light.

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