What is the matrix?

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starchild phil
Reply Fri 5 Jan, 2007 02:37 am
you said you too do not understand what I meant with "You sound whiter than white".
More than once Sananda and others like Him in Their messages to us in the last 20 years have told us not to believe those who claim special revelations because, as He said, the ones who truly have them don't go around telling about them.

Love to you all,

Electra phil
Reply Fri 5 Jan, 2007 03:49 am
@starchild phil,

Reply Fri 5 Jan, 2007 06:39 am
@Electra phil,

I appreciate the positive reenforcement, truly I do. And to express my thanks I recommend the following book to all those who truly, truly want experience first hand what the matrix is.

By: Richard Bach
ISBN: 0-440-20488-7

A short piece of fiction based on fact, or is it a fact based on fiction. I sometimes get these two confused. You judge for yourselves, but in so doing be careful for in improperly judging you can miss out on something wondrous.
This book was recommended to me by one whom I consider a reflection of my inner self. I hope those of you who do acquire and read it enjoy it as much as I did.

Something to consider, for those who believe maybe this is the sought after key.

What if the word "faith" in the following scripture were replaced with the word "imagination"? Would the passage make more sense? This is not just limited to this religion either, for the many different belief systems all have their own version of this very same passage and this very same word.

Matthew 17:20
And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.

The matrix, real to you and I in thought but merely the imaginings of the Creator. However their is no separation between the Creator and the Created at any time for all created things are the imaginings of the Creator, this being the case the power of the Creator centers the Created and can be at any time used by the Created exactly as the Creator uses this power. This power is the power of visualization, the power of imagination.

Oh ye of so little faith, or is it imagination? Sad :mad: :confused: :mad: :confused: :mad: :eek: Very Happy :cool:

This is the real reason why we are here. To create as the creator creates, for ourselves a world of plenty, peace and happiness, through ourselves.

We are already doing it albeit on a very,very, very limited basis.

We are one in the light which centers us all.
starchild phil
Reply Sat 6 Jan, 2007 12:52 am
I did say I would not participate in the Forum again but I have to if only to clarify something.

I am the one who recommended the book 'Illusions' to RememberIAm and I must follow up what he said because it is not the whole truth.

"Illusions" is NOT science-fiction based on fact or vice-versa. It is a real story involving two main characters: one is the author of the book, Richard Bach, and the other is Donald Shimoda, a guy who made news in 1969 or ''70 (I don't recall exactly) as the man whom the crowds were calling the New Messiah.
I heard that news on the radio - as I said either in '69 or '70 - that as he was talking to the constant crowds waiting for miracles (and getting them) one day he said unto them:
"I quit" and he disappeared in front of them.

This was the news that came through the radio even in Europe. Years later, when I happened to find the book 'Illusions' I instantly recognised him as that same man and in fact he explains to Richard Bach - who at the times was selling joyrides on his airplane to the farmers in the US Midwest - that he had to leave the crowds because they did not care to learn, to understand that they could do themselves all those things he could do, - all they wanted, as he said, were the miracles.

It is the most delightful book, with great sense of humour, and it will show what is possible for man once he is ONE with the Cosmos, one with the whole, one with his Higher Self, meaning in full-consciousness.

If you have no clue of what this means it may appear as science fiction, but you can be assured that it is not science fiction. And it is NOT 'a manipulation of the Matrix' whatever that means.
All Donald Shimoda does in that story is showing us what is possible for all of us when we finally reach full-consciousness. That is WHO we are: magnificent, all-powerful, immortal Beings of Light who have decided to have some games, to play around on a "holodeck" (earth) of our 'spaceship' (universe). But to really have fun before entering the planet (our holodeck) we impose amnesia on ourselves.

It is an extremely enjoyable book which I would recommend to everybody.

And one more word: to anyone who really cares to understand how the universe is created, how matter is created every nanosecond and how it can be transmuted to any element, I recommend to study first of all the Home Study Course by the Russells before the books. If you read the books first, you will not understand it because in them Dr. Russell gave only statements: this is this, that is that, but without trying to explain properly of why and how. That is in fact the reason why he eventually - with Lao - wrote the H.S.Course, because he realized that not even the most brilliant minds of his time (and he knew them all) could understand what he was talking about. The reason being that they were starting from wrong premises and compared his teachings to what they had studied and to those wrong premises.
In the Home Study Course, Dr. Russell starts from the very beginning, giving new premises and destroying the old ones and he builds the new concepts up to full understanding.

After you have done the HSC - which to be done properly, meaning taking time to reflect and thus absorb the new concepts, it should be done one Unit per week - then, when you read the other books you will understand them perfectly. But I like to point out that apart from
Vol. 1 and 2 of the Divine Iliad
Atomic Suicide
The Secret of Light
Scientific Explanation of Sex, all by Dr. W. Russell

all the other booklets you should not even bother to buy them as Dr. Russell did not want to have them re-published because they contain some errors, and everything that is correct and good is already found in the Home Study Course and the above books. Those booklets were still in manuscripts when Lao died and they were re-published at that time after her death.

If anyone of you cares about unfolding spiritually, I would highly recommend these two books:
"An Act of Faith" and "Transformation of the Species"

they are a collection of weekly Messages from PTAAH - a Being from the 11th dimension - just His words, no speculations from anybody, through a lady-medium who was able to actually leave her body when Ptaah 'got in' so that the Messages do not come through her own mind-filter. In fact as she says in the introduction, she never knew what was said during the interchange between Ptaah and the small group of people as audience and she had to listen to the recorded tapes to find that out. That is why the books are called "The Ptaah Tapes". Everything was recorded in tapes.

You can feel Ptaah's love for mankind in His words and He has also a very good sense of humour. If Dr. Russell's Message gives an explanation of the Cosmos and our relation to it, Ptaah's Messages are extremely helpful in our day to day living and how to reach 'alignment' with our Higher Self so that in time we become fully-conscious again (like Donald Shimoda was).

I recommend them highly. They can be found at www.ptaah.com

Love to you all,

Reply Sat 6 Jan, 2007 03:25 am
@starchild phil,

I accept the correction. Wink
Electra phil
Reply Sun 7 Jan, 2007 04:12 am
It's Up to You

When you awaken and suddenly recognize your own place in the evolutionary process, you realize something BIG: that it's all up to you. Consciousness is not going to evolve by itself. If the evolutionary potential inherent in consciousness is going to be activated, you have to be responsible for it. Why? Because it is only through the human vehicle that the creative principle, the God impulse that initiated this whole process, has the capacity to know itself.

...The creative principle is entirely dependent upon us, because it can only emerge in this world in all its glory through our capacity for consciousness. If we are not willing to embrace that burden, then God cannot fulfill his or her greatest desire, which is to emerge.

The Five Tenets of Evolutionary Enlightenment:

These tenets represent the path to enlightenment, but they also represent the goal itself because, as the traditional teachings have always told us, the path and the goal are one. What that simply means is that the place that you want to get to, and the position that you take in relationship to your experience in order to get there, are one and the same.

In an evolutionary context, the goal is to become enlightened, which means liberated from ego, so that you can become a vessel for the pure egoless passion of the authentic self to express itself in this world. The five tenets describe the position that you need to take in order to perfectly cage the ego, and they simultaneously describe the natural state of the inherently free authentic self. If you are enlightened, if you have become one with the pure egoless passion of the authentic self, this is what your actions are going to look like-naturally, spontaneously, and effortlessly. And if you want to become enlightened, if you want to become one with the pure egoless passion of the authentic self, this is what you have to do-through intention, will, and effort. If you are sincere in your desire to become an agent for the evolution of consciousness, these five tenets must be lived without conditions, at all times, in all places, through all circumstances. In this way, whether carried by the spontaneous ecstasy of revelation or driven by the force of your own intention, your actions will consistently reflect the clear perception of the enlightened view.

Andrew Cohen

There is also a great interactive model found here:


shows the difference between "heaven" and "hell"


The First Tenet: Clarity of Intention

"The first tenet is the foundation of the spiritual life. In order to succeed in liberating yourself from ignorance and self-deception, you have to have no doubt whatsoever that you want to be free more than anything."

The Second Tenet: The Law of Volitionality

"Most of us like to see ourselves as unconscious victims. But in fact, we all know exactly what we are doing."

The Third Tenet: Face Everything and Avoid Nothing

"The third tenet is the ultimate form of spiritual practice. It asks: how awake are you to what is motivating you to make the choices that you make? Because only if you're paying close attention are you going to be able to bring the light of awareness into the darkest corners of your own psyche."

The Fourth Tenet: The Truth of Impersonality

"The fourth tenet states that every aspect of the human experience is a completely impersonal affair. It tells us that the illusion of uniqueness, the narcissistic self-sense that is ego, is created moment by moment through the compulsive and mechanical personalization of almost every thought, feeling, and experience we have."

The Fifth Tenet: For the Sake of the Whole

"The pursuit of enlightenment is for the transformation of the whole world, the enlightenment of the whole universe. It's ultimately for the evolution of consciousness itself."

The Six Principles:

The Six Principles: Introduction

"These Six Principles describe the goal of this teaching: the higher consciousness that can emerge and the new world that we have the potential to create..."

Purity of Motive & Integrity in Action

"Purity of motive and integrity in action point to the living expression of egoless passion, which is the ever-untainted manifestation of the authentic self. "

Autonomy & Communion

"In evolutionary enlightenment, the goal is to directly experience the ultimate non-difference between a powerful autonomy and profound communion."

Evolutionary Tension & Natural Hierarchy

"Evolutionary Tension is the demand from the first cause itself to reach for higher orders of harmony and integration....Natural Hierarchy is a structure of perfect relationship."

A New Being

"We have the potential to bring into this world a New Being. It is a new organism, a new consciousness made up of independent, autonomous individuals."
Reply Mon 8 Jan, 2007 03:11 am
@Electra phil,
I second Starchild on the recommendation of the two Ptaah books which I have just finished reading - www.ptaah.com - they are really exceptional, extremely helpful and easy to read."

We are one in the divine light centering all.
Electra phil
Reply Mon 8 Jan, 2007 05:10 am

The ego needs enemies in order to survive.

An "enemy" can be anything that resists or opposes the ego, e.g., a competitor, an opponent, or an adversary. The ego gains strength from resisting and fighting enemies, and from recruiting allies. Witness the need for opponents and cheerleaders in sporting events, for competitors and friends in the workplace, and for enemies and allies in wars. The ego and the world of egos thrive on the clash between polar opposites. Without the concept of victimizer and the strength that it gives to the ego, the concept of victim could not survive. Disidentification from both is necessary for peace of mind.

Electra phil
Reply Mon 8 Jan, 2007 05:15 am
@Electra phil,
Look what happens when a group of people meet to discuss a joint project. If the members of the group love each other it will be much easier for them to understand each other, and by the end of the meeting, everything will have been settled and their plans will meet with success. But if they come to the meeting without love, in order to contradict, criticize and oppose the ideas of others, they will never find any solutions.

Why are human beings still so blind? And to think that they have such a high opinion of themselves! Believe me, if you are incapable of solving your problems, you have no cause to be so pleased with yourselves. If you are capable of solving them, alright; but, if not, you would do better to find a quiet spot in which to reflect on what it is in you that makes it impossible: your lack of love. The trouble is that people don't believe in the power of love. They only believe in the power of the intellect, in the power of a critical mind. For my part I have no faith in the effectiveness of such things; in fact, they are dangerous. Bring a little more love to the situation and your problems will be solved immediately and everyone will go their separate ways, happy and astonished that it was all so simple.

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

Reply Mon 8 Jan, 2007 08:06 am
@Electra phil,
Hi to all,
I didn't want to get involved into this, 'cause I don't want to get flamed by you (but I'll try to get my message through). It seems to me that you "enlightened" people are acting very childish on this forum. Maybe it's beacuse we can't see or touch eachother (anonymity) through this medium we call internet. I was just reading posts on some other forum about certain online game, where most post are made by children under 16, and I realized that here is just the same... it's probably on every forum. I want to ask what is the "best method" (or name a few) for us, common people, to get enlighted? Can anyone answer me this? Do you meditate and what is it to you? How did you get the knowledge you are talking about?
Thank you, even if you don't answer my question(s).

ps. thanks for the links you posted... all of you
Electra phil
Reply Mon 8 Jan, 2007 08:26 am
mr4v0 wrote:
Hi to all,
I didn't want to get involved into this, 'cause I don't want to get flamed by you (but I'll try to get my message through). It seems to me that you "enlightened" people are acting very childish on this forum. Maybe it's beacuse we can't see or touch eachother (anonymity) through this medium we call internet. I was just reading posts on some other forum about certain online game, where most post are made by children under 16, and I realized that here is just the same... it's probably on every forum. I want to ask what is the "best method" (or name a few) for us, common people, to get enlighted? Can anyone answer me this? Do you meditate and what is it to you? How did you get the knowledge you are talking about?
Thank you, even if you don't answer my question(s).

ps. thanks for the links you posted... all of you

lol that was a great post. Bravo and amen. All I can say in this discussion is I am attempting to get some philosophical questions by magnifying what is going on here. It is a social observation to see what is possible between people. From what has happened here, there was never an explanation, so I do not really know or understand it at all and am not pretending to have any answers, but it is totally interesting to me.

As far as getting enlightened...who really knows? What does that mean anyway? You tell me.
Reply Mon 8 Jan, 2007 08:30 am
@Electra phil,
Electra wrote:
As far as getting enlightened...who really knows? What does that mean anyway? You tell me.

lol :>
I was under impression that you and the other were feeling above some of us, but let's not get into that;). I just want to know how you got your knowledge. Where are your post coming from?
Electra phil
Reply Mon 8 Jan, 2007 08:41 am
mr4v0 wrote:
lol :>
I was under impression that you and the other were feeling above some of us, but let's not get into that;). I just want to know how you got your knowledge. Where are your post coming from?

I do not "feel above others". I am just sharing things that interest me and expressing. Whatever happened to me happened spontaneously, without searching for it. This prompted me on a search to validate the experience through other writings. So I have read a lot. Big deal to me, and on the part of the "others" you perceive to feel above you too--my point in this discussion (albeit an undercurrent) is the hypocrisy in pretending to talk about spiritual matters and enlightenment, while in turn treating each other fairly bad.

It is an unemotional and fascinating observation on human behavior to me and that is all.
Reply Mon 8 Jan, 2007 08:55 am
@Electra phil,
I don't know what you're aiming at. So this discussion is just an experiment/observation to you? I've read (and still am) a lot too, but I've always felt like something is missing. You said you're not from here. I know someone my age who also claimed he's not from here when we were just kids. He really is different, he's always blaiming himself for every conflict he had/has with anyone. I guess 'cause he knows better. You're very confusing... First you post long post like all you say is the holy truth and now you say you know nothing? Hm.
Electra phil
Reply Mon 8 Jan, 2007 09:00 am
mr4v0 wrote:
I don't know what you're aiming at. So this discussion is just an experiment/observation to you? I've read (and still am) a lot too, but I've always felt like something is missing. You said you're not from here. I know someone my age who also claimed he's not from here when we were just kids. He really is different, he's always blaiming himself for every conflict he had/has with anyone. I guess 'cause he knows better. You're very confusing... First you post long post like all you say is the holy truth and now you say you know nothing? Hm.

Yes. What i post is holy truth to me, but you have to decide for you. I can only share what I have to share and what I have found valuable.
Reply Mon 8 Jan, 2007 09:09 am
@Electra phil,
Okey. Now and again I'm seeing/hearing/reading about people talking about the same thing in different words. It's like you're holding Dumbo the elephant by the tail, I'm holding him by the nose, some1 else by the ears and we are all saying that ours is the right one. As I see it, it's best to mind your own business and follow your own path, 'cause every1 is selling you the same meal, just in different package. And that might be confusing. Right?
Electra phil
Reply Mon 8 Jan, 2007 09:21 am
mr4v0 wrote:
Okey. Now and again I'm seeing/hearing/reading about people talking about the same thing in different words. It's like you're holding Dumbo the elephant by the tail, I'm holding him by the nose, some1 else by the ears and we are all saying that ours is the right one. As I see it, it's best to mind your own business and follow your own path, 'cause every1 is selling you the same meal, just in different package. And that might be confusing. Right?

I am not selling anything. I am living it. That is all. People only believe you are using right and might when they are projecting what is going on inside of themselves to others. There are plenty of suppositions without any proof. So conclusions are drawn because our own faces grumble back in the sacred mirror. Seen it all before, nothing new under the Sun.
Reply Mon 8 Jan, 2007 09:48 am
@Electra phil,
So here we are again. I already asked you and I'll ask you again. How did you get to know how to live then?
Reply Mon 8 Jan, 2007 10:59 am
Reply Mon 8 Jan, 2007 11:09 am
Obviously you know a lot about the matrix:). That was something I wanted to hear. Thank you for this light!

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