What is the matrix?

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  3. » What is the matrix?

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Reply Thu 12 Oct, 2006 11:03 am
What is the matrix, and or matrices? Has anyone here the answer to this question? Anybody? The Russell's knew! How many here have seriously studied the works of Walter and Lao Russell? How many understand, and comprehend their work? If you are one who understands their work, and are yourself working, have connected the dots that combine the known and unknown then we have much to talk about....
Reply Thu 12 Oct, 2006 12:35 pm
Hello and welcome. I'm not very familiar with what you have mentioned but I am reading a lot of the Russell's works as I'm building the new website for the University of Science and Philosophy.

Please feel free to talk about the works of this wonderful couple as most people don't even know who they are.
Reply Thu 12 Oct, 2006 01:10 pm
In what way other than Internet administrating are you interested in the Russells?
Reply Thu 12 Oct, 2006 02:09 pm
Many other ways. I feel that Walter Russell was one of the worlds few Geniuses. I'm not as familiar with Lao as I am with Walter but I can tell you that their works inspired me to start this forum.

I also have most of the books and booklets but have not had time to read them all. Much of what I read, is in line with much of my own philosophy.

Feel free to start a thread and talk about the Russells.
Reply Thu 12 Oct, 2006 02:11 pm
I am only 21 and have just started really searching and looking into the truths on what really makes up we i guess.. Have you seen the movie or read the book "What the bleep!? do we know beneath the rabbit hole" if not i believe you will enjoy it.. Once you see this movie , there are alot of other things that really start to make sense.. One quote out of the movie that really made me think, was "Think of sex as being created as nothing more than a way for us to see into the future.."
Reply Fri 13 Oct, 2006 06:33 am
Standard dictionaries define "Matrix" in several respects.

One is as something that constitutes the place or point from which something else originates, takes form, or develops, i.e. in my humble opinion, the mind of the self.

Matrix also has the meaning of a mold or a substance or structure which serves to carry or convey whatever else is to be concerned with.

According to the Russellian version, as I would attempt to represent it, this is what the subsequent new age hippy culture came to know colloquially as "the vibe".

Furthermore, while sundry metaphysical philosphers groped around in seach of an elusive "Theory of Everything" it seems to me that the elusive grail was already provided by the possibility that every sort of reality, perception or conception, call it what you will, is ultimately comprehensible in terms of a wonderful variety of waves and frequencies.

--- RH.
Reply Fri 13 Oct, 2006 06:21 pm

Can someone tell me more about Walter Russell's books: The Universal One, Secret of Light and the Home Study Course? Some time ago, I decided to find out if there could be any truth in the Russellian version of the universe...

I have Atomic Suicide and The New Concept of the Universe, but I'd like to know what exactly [in detail if possible] Mr. Russell talks about in the three above mentioned works also. Can someone upload all of his scientific drawings to Philosophy.org or something so that people can study them [there are many already there, but there are many more [some of them also have broken links]]??

Those drawings about optics... In what book does he talk about optics? I'm not interested in any kind of spirituality, only verification and possible application of his theories. I can't afford to just buy all his works and spend a thousand dollars, but would like to acquaint myself with all his scientific works as much as possible. Can anyone help?

Are there any other books I forgot to mentioned where he talks about science and paints scientific diagrams?

I must say I have spotted some errors in the two books of his I am proud to own, certain stuff is definitely wrong, yet he mostly talks with great assurance as if he could not be wrong even once. I've only seen him say "I don't know" once in the whole of Atomic Suicide. He also talks very ambiguously, his definition of light is not science's definition of light, his definition of gravity is not science's definition of gravity, so you never know what's he's talking about, because those phenomena have a totally different meaning to him, which he doens't sufficiently explain. When he talks about an experiment performed, he tells nothing about it, other than the result, which makes it impossible to duplicate. In fact, he goes to extreme measures semantically to ensure too much information is not divulged. Experiments are about repeatability and letting others do it so there can be no doubt about the validity of the results, why the secrecy? Other than that, I still think it's possible that the fundaments of his views are indeed correct, whethere he really understood it all or not.
Reply Sat 14 Oct, 2006 12:26 pm
What does it matter what Walter Russell said or didn't say, if we approach his works with a closed mind? Was he not one man? One man with an idea, a vision, or better a dream in which all peoples of all back grounds would be considered equals. Equals though knowledge the only real power. Is this not enough? Here's a question. What real knowledge power has the scientific, and religious communities placed in our hands, impressed upon our minds? We understood more in ancient times about the mind, body, and living in harmony with nature than we do today. Would you agree? Have we been able to reproduce or top the the greatest of achievements of our forefathers?

If anyone here would just take a few minutes and search the Internet, searching for free energy technology (for example), and then seriously study what you find, you will come to discover that they all have the same foundation. Walter Russell shared with the world on more than on occasion in detail what this foundation is. Fact is, his methods are so simple that the men of science, of today disregard them because they lack complexity. Because it does not conform to the physics of Einstein, and Newton, and the laws of thermo dynamics. Unfortunately most of these men and woman of science lack intuition, or are mislead in their observations. (example) Newton formulated the laws for gravity based on observing an apple fall from a tree. A force attracted this apple to the earth. (Gravity) (True) He failed however to explain how the apple got up where it was to begin with, in defiance of gravity! Russell explained this in plain everyday language. Our language. No answer comes of its own power, it requires our best efforts aimed at understanding, and so long as the effort is genuine slowly but surely comprehension makes it's appearance, and one finds that he/she knows the answer versus simply understanding.
Reply Sat 14 Oct, 2006 12:40 pm
Admitedly iI know nothing about theis person whom you talk about but could you be a little clearer about what you mean on 'how the apple got up there in the first place'' I think this is a no brainer, sorry.
Reply Sat 14 Oct, 2006 01:07 pm
No need to be sorry. If it is a no brainer as you say then please explain to us how the apple got up to those heights in defiance of gravity.
Reply Sat 14 Oct, 2006 01:21 pm
Thank you for the knowledge and names so that i may study there teachings.. I am glad i came upon this website. I also agree in other forms of energy.. Wind is always a great alternative, the house can be heated accordingly to the whereabouts of individuals inside the home.. I know what i want to do in my life , I have a creative mind , and love to make somthing out of nothing.. In order to do that you must learn to work with what you already have.. I believe that this is the way of the past, its what we have always done. A tool brakes we figure out why and how to fix it to make it better.. Instead of destroying we the intuitive ones can teach everyone how to use there surroundings .. Use what is already there.. I have so many ideas .. ignore the facts, constructing where unethical, the days of the dreamers is near.. We must talk to talk and speak our mind.. that quote is mine i call it... ha.. sorry i got off subject this is me in my hippie form or state of mind ha.. ill post later
Reply Sun 15 Oct, 2006 08:07 am
Im still confussed by what is the enigma to the apple growing on a tree. Because gravity draws things closer to a greater mass (ie, the Earth), the gravitational pull is compensated sufficiantly enough by the organisms on Earth to be able to handle its 'grip'. It is a scientific fact that plants can differentiate 'up and down' according to gravitational pull, thus growing towards the sun. The taller the tree the further the apple is going to be from the ground. Simple.
Reply Sun 15 Oct, 2006 08:11 am
I will share my understanding of this shortly. I am at present typing it out. Please bear with me.
Reply Sun 15 Oct, 2006 08:51 am
... something congenially concise, cogent and consistent one hopes, for a start, at least.

-- RH.
Reply Sun 15 Oct, 2006 10:23 am
perplexity wrote:
... something congenially concise, cogent and consistent one hopes, for a start, at least.

-- RH.

Hello id just like to say ,, because i feel once i speak to ramtha or if you are closer to her whereabouts.. We all need to at least take the time to listen to what this women has to say.. If you do so , I believe there is no reason why we cannot together accomplish the sight and or the beliefs she speaks of..... Look into her website listen to her trailors and then get back to me.. I believe we can all together make change
Reply Sun 15 Oct, 2006 10:54 am
While there are thousands and thousands of people on the internet with something to say and the hope to be heard, I know from experience that more than three hundred words at a time is much less likely to be attended to, as opposed to something concise. In the modern World of short attention spans and multiple distractions, that just happens to be how it is.

An awful lot of websites already had more time put into producing them than anybody was ever going to put into using them.

--- RH.
Reply Sun 15 Oct, 2006 11:09 am
I'm going to revisit this and write an introduction to Walter Russell with some links that can be visited to learn more. Please be patient as I get this together. Their site will be up around next Sunday so that will certainly be more helpful.

I'll be back!
Reply Sun 15 Oct, 2006 11:59 am
Gillis wrote:
Hello id just like to say ,, because i feel once i speak to ramtha or if you are closer to her whereabouts.. We all need to at least take the time to listen to what this women has to say..

....just in turn to say, if you mean to refer to this:


the website does at least state a purpose up front, i.e.

...to give to the students a statement of the Truth that will serve to reconcile the many bits of occult knowledge that they may have acquired, but which are apparently opposed to each other and which often serve to discourage and disgust the beginner in the study.

If then I feel the need to reconcile I shall know where to go to try, thank you very much.

In the mean time I had really not felt so much of a need, begun already on this sort of thing, half a century before this.

It had always rather been obvious to me that the various religions and philosophies were indeed remarkably congruent in essense, except for their superficial divergence, and with not so much of a mystery as to how and why.

-- RH.
Reply Sun 15 Oct, 2006 02:16 pm
Short synopsis. The corner stone of our universe is Mind. Light and Mind are One. This light cannot be experienced physically, (through our senses) for Light is of the realm of the spiritual. The Light that individuals involved in near death experiences is the same that is experienced by the illumed as reported by those who've become illumed to whatever degree. What we call light is not Light. It is but a simulation. What we experience and name light is in reality incandescence, Light is indivisible, it is stillness. Incandescence is motion. Mind is indivisible, and as such cannot be given attributes pertaining to motion.

Gravity is presently considered to be the attraction between bodies. This thinking however reveals to us only one half of a dual process. If there is an attracting (generating) then there must be a repulsing (radiating). Gravity is directly related to Mind, as it is the builder and destroyer of the form. In Mind all exists unformed, and undivided, this can be considered as idea. Gravity builds bodies for that which is ever present in Mind unformed and undivided (the ideas of Mind), and then breaks down these bodies returning them to the stillness of Mind. Idea belongs to Mind and is never created, only simulated. It is comparable to an artist who is possessed by and image in his/her "Mind"; this idea (image) is simulated on the canvas. The idea remains where it must. With Mind.

Gravity is the principle of polarization in action. Polarization is one of many principles used by Mind. Through its use undivided Mind seemingly divides, (mentally).

What follows is a visual demonstration of the principle of polarization.

Imagine you find yourself in a pitch black room. In this room is a source of light which is too weak to be pinpointed. As weak as it may be, this source of incandescence evenly wets all in the room. You are paralyzed, as your dominant sense of sight is no longer effective. This is not a handicap however, for as time passes in this dark vault you take notice that your sense of hearing, smell, and touch, have heighten. After a considerable amount of time has passed you notice a faint glow off in the distance ahead of you. You carefully feel (with your remaining heightened senses) your way towards it through the blackness of your surroundings. Upon arriving at your destination, you realize that the glow was coming from a highly polished mirror, which is absorbing and reflecting large amounts of the weak undetectable light saturating the room. As you focus on the mirror your eyes absorb the light reflecting off of it. After several moments your gaze relaxes as you no longer need to strain in order to make out your reflection. The mirror reflecting your image back at you provides you with a point of reference. With the assistance of the mirror you divide yourself as Mind divides itself, seemingly only (mentally).

Now you accomplished polarization with the help of a mirror. Where does Mind get a mirror if Mind is indivisible? At this point all that is necessary is to realize that one of the ideas of Mind unformed is that of a mirror. Just think of it the infinite gazing into a mirror and beholding the image of the infinite.

Now how does this all apply to the apple getting into a position where it comes under the influence of gravity? There was never a moment when the apple was not under the influence of gravity. The tree which birthed the apple exploded from a seed in two directions simultaneously. In one direction the roots were formed and the other the vegetation. Growth in the direction of the roots is gravitive (accumulative). Growth in the direction of vegetation is radiative (disintegrative). In the position the seed once occupied is where Mind centers its creation, this location is identical to the position separating the north and south pole of a permanent magnet (block wall). High frequency radiation is being emitted explosively from the center of our planet, while at the same time radiation is gravitating towards the center of the earth. Where these two intersect in vegetation, nodes are formed and in within these nodes seeds. For the purpose of nourishment and to assist in the further development and maturity of the seeds, they surround themselves with fleshy coatings. When the seeds mature they are released from the tree falling towards the earth, assisted by the gravitating radiation penetrating the planet. This radiation drives the seeds into the ground via compression not attraction. The new seed under the influence of gravitive radiation explodes once again repeating the process.

I realize that this is not what most were expecting, but as far as I am concerned, for me it explains all.
Reply Sun 15 Oct, 2006 04:24 pm
perplexity wrote:
While there are thousands and thousands of people on the internet with something to say and the hope to be heard, I know from experience that more than three hundred words at a time is much less likely to be attended to, as opposed to something concise. In the modern World of short attention spans and multiple distractions, that just happens to be how it is.

An awful lot of websites already had more time put into producing them than anybody was ever going to put into using them.

--- RH.

I ask one thing and one thing only,, that you if you have not already, at least take the time to see the movie,, and at least think upon there views. I beleive they speak on many of the same subject matters as does Walter and Lao Russell..

  1. Philosophy Forum
  2. » Walter Russell
  3. » What is the matrix?
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