All humans are fools. Example is here.
It does not matter things exist in one perspective , it is always about you , if you do not exist , nothing exist either.
you have to think deep. Not superficial like hex hammer...
Think Hard!. Hahaha. Monkeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees
You can always make up your own answer , nothing wrong either way.
But if you want to get out of your bubble , you need to start asking questions.
Every monkey has answer. Nothing is right or wrong.
All depends on observer.
if observer do not exist , nothing exist. Psycho stuff....THINK THINK.
Lowest denomination is you. Everything related to you. You have have billions of univserses ...so many billions of permuation and combinations...
Nothing exist if you do not exist!. Period.
All this are just waste of time mumbling babbling by belief whores.