A lot of good points made in this discussion. After some thought, I agree that we cannot take Christianity and lump all the Christians into one category because there are so many many flavors of Christianity.
From my experience... which is obviously radical fundamentalist Christianity, Christianity has meant something different than it does to some others. After looking around though, I think it's apparent that many practicing Christians don't even know what Christianity is as Icon pointed out in another thread.
Icon wrote:I was kicked out of church at the age of 12 when I pointed out to the congregation that wearing a suit or nice dress to church was the equivalent of lying to god or being guilty of vanity. God could see everything that we have done and will do so there was no point in dressing up as it meant nothing to the almighty. Unless you were dressing up to impress others which meant you were guilty of vanity. In other words, it is not a respect to God as God does not care so it must be for your own means which is a sin.
As far as Christianity goes, the definition is simple. One who believes in the birth, life, death, resurrection, and ascendance of Jesus Christ as told by the bible. Anything that has stemmed from that is purely a human creation. Even church is a man made abomination of the text which seems to be the unread root of the religion. Church is defined as any time that 2 or more people gather in the name of God and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Here is the way I see it: A good 75% of christians which I have asked (approximately 650 or so) have not even read the whole bible. Most of those have not read even one entire testiment of the bible. Still a majority of those have not finished an entire book in the bible. Yet they claim to be Christian? That is like saying that you are a Pro athlete because you saw a tv show on it once. I have read the bible cover to cover 5 times now and I am not a believer. It just has too many contradictions for me to see it is accurate.
It is especially scary to be in a church service. Stand, sit, sing, clap, be silent, listen, stand, sit, sing, clap, be silent, listen, PRAY! It is nothing more than a routine for most of these people. They think that by filling a pew, they will get some magical wealth when they die. It is quite frightening really, to think that all of these people truly do BLINDLY believe in something just because they are afraid of the consequences of NOT believeing in it.
I really do not want to be biased when discussing these types of things but it's very difficult not to be.
As far as fear, it's all around us. I do think that Christian leaders pump a lot of fear into their services, at least the services that I've been to. I have been to many churches all across the USA and have sought out a Christian church that I could settle into in which I found none.
So, much of the fear I've discussed in this thread has been due to the fact that I was a Christian looking for the right congregation to settle into. After finding not ONE Christian church that I felt comfortable in and now seeing the various discussions on the net, has made me completely biased and for obvious reasons.
It's not I who is judging and I have encountered more judgment in a Christian church than in any other. My experience is limited obviously but this is what I an others have also experienced.
As far as exaggerating... well, the fish looked like it was 3 feet long from a distance.

Actually, the church I was raised in was a cultist church and still is. They don't think so but standing from the outside looking in, it's definitely cult.
So if there is a Christian church or Christian organization that isn't what I've seen or experienced, I wish they would make themselves knows to the rest of us. Here is a prominent Christian leader:
YouTube - Joel Osteen on the gospel cannot make up his mind