Skepticism and Belief

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Reply Thu 2 Apr, 2009 04:04 pm
Zetherin wrote:
Did you even bother to read the thread? The context of "belief" with which we're focusing has been noted countless times. We clarified this pages ago.

Hmm. Read? Yes. Understood? No. That never happens to you?

If everything is quite clear, then why does Nerdfiles say, "We need a conception of belief before we can put it to Gettier-type tests."

Quite possible I clean missed the clarification. I thought the thread was going on because there was a lack of clarity. If it has been clarified, then will you provide a brief summary or direct me to one of the points where the clarity came in?

The type of belief we are talking about can be defined as __________. And a good example is ______________.
Reply Thu 2 Apr, 2009 04:23 pm
Sure thing, sorry you missed it.

nerdfiles wrote:
We're looking at propositional-belief and propositional-knowledge. We don't need to look at the conditions under which one might "believe in" the Communist party. We can easily manufacture convincing examples (involving psychology, etc) for why people might be prone to believe in certain objects. This would be unilluminating.

The only category of belief we are concerned with is propositional-belief; belief insofar as it can possibly tend to truth.
This is reiterated throughout the entire thread.

The type of belief we are talking about can be defined as a proposition that can lend to a truth. An example would be: (I believe--) 2+2=4, Hydrogen is an element on the periodic table, Humans breathe through their lungs. Bad examples would be: (I believe--) that shirt is nice, pumpkin pie is good, Ted is a handsome man. They are bad examples because they are out of the realm of 'true' or 'false'; These are preferential-beliefs. "I believe in God", "I believe in the trinity", are also not what we're speaking about - these have nothing to do with reality, there is no knowledge contained. We call these "Blind-beliefs" (I describe this in one of my posts, and so does nerdfiles).

What we're seeking (or at least I think we are) are necessary and sufficient conditions for truth-beliefs (described above and throughout pages 7-10).

I started a list last page trying to detail at least two of the conditions which nerdfiles brought to light.

(1) The belief cannot be a contradiction
(2) The belief has to be thinkable (insofar as reality)
Reply Thu 2 Apr, 2009 05:29 pm
Zetherin wrote:
Sure thing, sorry you missed it.

This is reiterated throughout the entire thread.

The type of belief we are talking about can be defined as a proposition that can lend to a truth. An example would be: (I believe--) 2+2=4, Hydrogen is an element on the periodic table, Humans breathe through their lungs. Bad examples would be: (I believe--) that shirt is nice, pumpkin pie is good, Ted is a handsome man. They are bad examples because they are out of the realm of 'true' or 'false'; These are preferential-beliefs. "I believe in God", "I believe in the trinity", are also not what we're speaking about - these have nothing to do with reality, there is no knowledge contained. We call these "Blind-beliefs" (I describe this in one of my posts, and so does nerdfiles).

What we're seeking (or at least I think we are) are necessary and sufficient conditions for truth-beliefs (described above and throughout pages 7-10).

I started a list last page trying to detail at least two of the conditions which nerdfiles brought to light.

(1) The belief cannot be a contradiction
(2) The belief has to be thinkable (insofar as reality)

Thank you! Now I have to ask you if you read my post. I am confused as to why you would think my post was not on track. I was trying to point out that even within the category of "a proposition that can lead to a truth" there are ambiguities with respect to the way we use the term "believe." Thus, the meaning of the term "believe" has to be further stipulated before the analysis can be productive. Is that observation somehow dense or ignorant or irrelevant?

Was it merely because I included in my list of propositions "Jesus saves"? It was only one of several possible propositions that may or may not be true, depending on how one defines terms and discovers validity. Strike it from the list if you wish. It makes no difference to me. I was only trying to provide a diversity of propositions to illustrate the point.
Reply Thu 2 Apr, 2009 05:37 pm
Dichanthelium wrote:
Thus, the meaning of the term "believe" has to be further stipulated before the analysis can be productive. Is that observation somehow dense or ignorant or irrelevant?

I'm not quite understanding. I would think any ambiguity would naturally deviate from the type of belief we're considering here. Perhaps I'm wrong, though.

Can you provide a few examples where we'd see an ambiguity in the usage of "belief", considering the aforementioned type of "belief" we're using?
Reply Thu 2 Apr, 2009 05:48 pm
Zetherin wrote:

(1) The belief cannot be a contradiction
(2) The belief has to be thinkable (insofar as reality)

In the Middle Ages, mathematicians believed that the circle could be squared, and attempted to do it. It was a while before it was proved that a square circle was a contradiction. Therefore, some people believed a contradiction.
I don't know what it means to say that a belief is "thinkable".
Reply Thu 2 Apr, 2009 05:51 pm
kennethamy wrote:
In the Middle Ages, mathematicians believed that the circle could be squared, and attempted to do it. It was a while before it was proved that a square circle was a contradiction. Therefore, some people believed a contradiction.
I don't know what it means to say that a belief is "thinkable".

nerdfiles wrote:
One idea I have for a necessary condition for belief is that the content of that belief ("the proposition") be thinkable (as opposed to, say, "X thinks that P"--thinkable seems to presuppose vaguely a normative constraint).
Thus, we cannot believe contradictions.

So, S believes that P only if "P" is thinkable; by contraposition: If P is not thinkable, then S does not believe that P.

This obviously rules out belief in squared-circles (under a literal meanings and normal grammar). More generally, we cannot believe that where the clause following that is an outright (and confirmed) piece of nonsense.

(1) Sam believes that he saw a squared circle yesterday only if "Sam saw a squared circle yesterday" is thinkable.

By our contraposition, the "thinkable"-part is false (and perhaps necessarily false). Therefore, it follows that the "belief"-part is false.

If the conditional statement itself somehow got 'round the material implication of the "belief"-part being false, we'd either need to (a) readdress our rule about thinkability or (b) the conditional statement itself would be vacuously true (ignoring the thinkability constraint), in which case, we'd still need to determine why thinkability is not a reasonable or relevant constraint.

I'm not familiar with these medieval mathematicians. Can you provide a link?

Once I have more information, I'll be able to determine whether or not your example eludes the "thinkability" condition. Or, you can just explain it to us.
Reply Thu 2 Apr, 2009 07:54 pm
Zetherin wrote:
Can you provide a few examples where we'd see an ambiguity in the usage of "belief", considering the aforementioned type of "belief" we're using?

I thought I did that, in the post that listed five propositions. It contained an account of how the expression "I believe..." within the context of "a proposition that can lead to a truth" may have the same range of meanings as "I know..."

My examples comply with the requirements "(1) The belief cannot be a contradiction and (2) The belief has to be thinkable."

I also demonstrated that "I believe..." within the same parameters, may also be used as an expression indicating some admission of some level of doubt.

Further, I pointed out that "He/she believes..." is an expression we routinely use to indicate that we think the person in question erroneously takes as knowledge something that we agree is not.

What I am proposing is that "believe," even with the confines we have agreed upon, can have at least five possible interpretations.
Reply Thu 2 Apr, 2009 08:16 pm
Dichanthelium wrote:
Further, I pointed out that "He/she believes..." is an expression we routinely use to indicate that we think the person in question erroneously takes as knowledge something that we agree is not.

I don't understand this. Regardless, if it's an expression, it's not the type of "belief" we're speaking of here, is it?

Dichanthelium wrote:
I thought I did that, in the post that listed five propositions. It contained an account of how the expression "I believe..." within the context of "a proposition that can lead to a truth" may have the same range of meanings as "I know..."

My examples comply with the requirements "(1) The belief cannot be a contradiction and (2) The belief has to be thinkable."

I also demonstrated that "I believe..." within the same parameters, may also be used as an expression indicating some admission of some level of doubt.

What I am proposing is that "believe," even with the confines we have agreed upon, can have at least five possible interpretations.

I apologize, I now fully understand what you're proposing.

However, I've read all of your examples, and 1-4 fall in line with the "Believe" we're speaking of here - the one I've already articulated. In an effort to avoid a semantic battle and delve further into this matter, would you be willing to detail exactly the other five possible interpretations you've pondered? I sincerely cannot think of other interpretations; The "I know..." you proposed would be synonymous with the "I believe..." we're speaking of here, as I understand it.
Reply Thu 2 Apr, 2009 09:48 pm
Zetherin wrote:
I'm not familiar with these medieval mathematicians. Can you provide a link?

Once I have more information, I'll be able to determine whether or not your example eludes the "thinkability" condition. Or, you can just explain it to us.

Apart from any information, are you saying that it was somehow impossible that anyone should have tried to square the circle?


Squaring the Circle:
Reply Thu 2 Apr, 2009 10:07 pm
kennethamy wrote:
Apart from any information, are you saying that it was somehow impossible that anyone should have tried to square the circle?

Apart from any information, I haven't a clue what it even means to "Square a circle". After the information you presented, I still don't really understand what was attempted, and to tell you the truth, I'm too lazy to read all 10 pages. Perhaps you can explain in layman's terms to an unintelligent being such as myself?

Your point, however, was that we can believe in contradictions. We're all on the same playing field, yet I feel you're a bit hostile - why in the world was the "are you saying it's somehow impossible" comment directed to me, as if I preached being an enlightened geometer. Understand I am not saying anything is impossible, nor am I even contesting you: I'm here to find the necessary and sufficient conditions. If you don't feel any of these are conditions, I have open arms and would love to hear your contribution.

Perhaps it involves the person *knowing* it's a contradiction at the time of the belief. Can a person believe someone is both dead and alive? Can you cite any other examples in which we knowingly believe a contradiction? Tear it apart, I can't think of any.
Reply Fri 3 Apr, 2009 04:46 am
Zetherin wrote:
In an effort to avoid a semantic battle and delve further into this matter, would you be willing to detail exactly the other five possible interpretations you've pondered?

Within the context of propositional beliefs, I offered five examples, four of which you allow, denying that "Jesus saves" complies with the criteria, presumably because it has religious overtones. I hereby reinstate it defining "Jesus" as my friend "Jesus Morales" and "saves" as "puts money in the bank." (Hey, I think its important to have a little fun with this kind of stuff).

In any case, I will stick with one proposition, "This light works." I submit that, depending on an individual's epistomological inclinations, he/she may mean, in saying, "I believe it":

1. I know for an absolute fact it is true. I personally possess the knowledge.
2. I assume it to be true, my assumption linked to my trust in the source. (May not be materially different from 1).
3. The truth claim, like every truth claim in the world, is, at best, only plausibly true, but I accept it and proceed accordingly.
4. I'm inclined to accept it as true, but I have serious doubts.

5. Finally, while any individual may have any of those four going on, I, as an observer saying "Henry believes the light works" may in fact be signifying, "Henry assumes something that I claim to know is not true." This, I admit, may fall outside of the analysis at hand, being perhaps only an example of two people having different opinions, but it does specifically address the fact that we can use the word within the same parameters to signify some thing different--i.e., erroneous belief.
Reply Fri 3 Apr, 2009 08:53 am
Zetherin wrote:
Apart from any information, I haven't a clue what it even means to "Square a circle". After the information you presented, I still don't really understand what was attempted, and to tell you the truth, I'm too lazy to read all 10 pages. Perhaps you can explain in layman's terms to an unintelligent being such as myself?

Your point, however, was that we can believe in contradictions. We're all on the same playing field, yet I feel you're a bit hostile - why in the world was the "are you saying it's somehow impossible" comment directed to me, as if I preached being an enlightened geometer. Understand I am not saying anything is impossible, nor am I even contesting you: I'm here to find the necessary and sufficient conditions. If you don't feel any of these are conditions, I have open arms and would love to hear your contribution.

Perhaps it involves the person *knowing* it's a contradiction at the time of the belief. Can a person believe someone is both dead and alive? Can you cite any other examples in which we knowingly believe a contradiction? Tear it apart, I can't think of any.

I did not say that people knowingly believe a contradiction, although that also is, I think, true. But I suppose lots of people believe contradictions without knowing that what they believe is a contradiction.

From Wikipedia:

Squaring the circle is a problem proposed by ancient geometers. It is the challenge of constructing a square with the same area as a given circle by using only a finite number of steps with compass and straightedge. More abstractly and more precisely, it may be taken to ask whether specified axioms of Euclidean geometry concerning the existence of lines and circles entail the existence of such a square.
Reply Fri 3 Apr, 2009 09:51 am
kennethamy wrote:
I did not say that people knowingly believe a contradiction, although that also is, I think, true. But I suppose lots of people believe contradictions without knowing that what they believe is a contradiction.

You've provided an example of one unknowingly believing a contradiction.

Can you provide an example of one knowingly believing a contradiction, as you note you also think that true?

If you can provide a solid example, then we can denounce (2) "The proposition cannot be a contradiction" [Which we can revise to an individual *knowing* of the contradiction, unless you can prove otherwise]. This would render (2) not a condition at all for the truth-beliefs we're focusing.

Thanks for your contributions.

---------- Post added at 12:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:51 AM ----------

Dichanthelium wrote:
Within the context of propositional beliefs, I offered five examples, four of which you allow, denying that "Jesus saves" complies with the criteria, presumably because it has religious overtones. I hereby reinstate it defining "Jesus" as my friend "Jesus Morales" and "saves" as "puts money in the bank." (Hey, I think its important to have a little fun with this kind of stuff).

Let me just clarify the reason "Jesus saves" does not comply is not because it has religious overtones per se. There are many propositions which could lend to truth considering religion, such as: "I believe the first Catholic church built was..." The individual could have actual knowledge of such a thing involving religion. The problem is the mysticism, the deviation from reality (as far as I can see these truth-beliefs going).


1. I know for an absolute fact it is true. I personally possess the knowledge.
2. I assume it to be true, my assumption linked to my trust in the source. (May not be materially different from 1).
3. The truth claim, like every truth claim in the world, is, at best, only plausibly true, but I accept it and proceed accordingly.
4. I'm inclined to accept it as true, but I have serious doubts.

5. Finally, while any individual may have any of those four going on, I, as an observer saying "Henry believes the light works" may in fact be signifying, "Henry assumes something that I claim to know is not true." This, I admit, may fall outside of the analysis at hand, being perhaps only an example of two people having different opinions, but it does specifically address the fact that we can use the word within the same parameters to signify some thing different--i.e., erroneous belief.
I believe for the sake of this conversation we are only focusing on #1. If the individual does not hold personal knowledge of such and such, it does not fit into the type of belief we're focusing. The other interpretations appear figurative, and although I completely understand they are common in every day speak (hell, I just used one in my first sentence!), I don't feel this involves what we're analyzing here.

Remember when you stated the thread seemed as though it needs clarity? Well, yes it does. I'm just as lost as most people reading this, and although I have a certain grasp of what's being discussed, there are many ideas you and ken are presenting that make me question this whole discussion. I feel as though nerdfiles has other intentions for this thread, and I'm just not understanding.

Reply Fri 3 Apr, 2009 02:43 pm
Zetherin wrote:
Let me just clarify the reason "Jesus saves" does not comply is not because it has religious overtones per se. ... The problem is the mysticism, the deviation from reality (as far as I can see these truth-beliefs going).

I'll be happy to set aside the question of whether or not the proposition "Jesus saves" (in the most obvious sense that most people would naturally construe it) involves a deviation from reality. We seem to have enough on our plate for now.

Zetherin wrote:
I believe for the sake of this conversation we are only focusing on #1.

It gets curious-er and curious-er. I expected #1 to be one of the candidates for segregating OUT.

[CENTER]1. I know for an absolute fact it is true. I personally possess the knowledge.[/CENTER]

That sense of "I believe" is not (as far as I can tell) distinguishable from "I know."

Zetherin wrote:
If the individual does not hold personal knowledge of such and such, it does not fit into the type of belief we're focusing.

That statement seems to indicate the opposite of the one immediately preceeding it. I am totally confused.

Zetherin wrote:
The other interpretations appear figurative, and although I completely understand they are common in every day speak (hell, I just used one in my first sentence!), I don't feel this involves what we're analyzing here.

I don't see how they can be called figurative. And I would have thought the best candidates (assuming the others needed to be scrubbed) for what we are trying to define would be:

4. "I'm inclined to accept it as true, but I have serious doubts." This is easily distinguishable from a proper "I know." The first three aren't.

5. "Henry believes the light works, but I know he is wrong." This is also distinguishable in that it specifically indicates that Henry is in a state of believing, but not (in my opinion) knowing.

Zetherin wrote:

What does that mean?
Reply Fri 3 Apr, 2009 03:17 pm
Dichanthelium wrote:
That sense of "I believe" is not (as far as I can tell) distinguishable from "I know."

I noted earlier I thought they were synonymous. I thought that was the kind of belief we were speaking of here. Perhaps I'm wrong. I think I've missed the entire point.

That statement seems to indicate the opposite of the one immediately preceeding it. I am totally confused.
I see why you were confused. The type of belief I thought we were speaking of, is supported by personal knowledge. For instance, after witnessing the light is on, "I believe the light is on". There are no doubts - you have empirical knowledge to support your belief. But it doesn't have to just be empirical knowledge...

Let me stop there, I'm lost.

What does that mean?
It means if you make two posts in the same thread within a certain time span, the forum automatically joins your posts together (so as to save time for the moderators to have to join them)

Dich, I apologize, I haven't a clue what I'm speaking about here. In an effort not to further make an ass out of myself, I will stop. I need clarification, and I'm just not able to find it. I think I've missed the entire point of the thread, spun it into madness, and have taken you with me. For this I apologize.

This topic seems very tough, and instead of randomly typing what first pops into my head, I'm going to take a step back and critically think for a few hours. Thank you for all your contributions. You too Ken.
Reply Fri 3 Apr, 2009 04:35 pm
Zetherin wrote:
The type of belief I thought we were speaking of, is supported by personal knowledge. For instance, after witnessing the light is on, "I believe the light is on". There are no doubts - you have empirical knowledge to support your belief.

I need clarification, and I'm just not able to find it...

I often say, If you're not confused, it just proves you don't know what the hell is going on.

Let me try a narrative to see if it will help us.

I'm standing in the doorway with Henry, next to the light switch. Henry says, "Why don't you turn on the light?"

I say, "The light doesn't work."

Henry says, "Oh yes, it does."

Henry believes the light works. I believe it doesn't.

In fact, Henry would say he knows the light works, because he used it 5 minutes ago (justification).

What he doesn't know, is that one minute ago, just before he joined me at the doorway, I flipped the switch and nothing happened (my justification).

Now, I have experienced cases where lighting circuits have intermittent problems, so I refrain from saying "I know for an absolute fact the light doesn't work." But I'm pretty darn sure that if I flip that switch again, the light will not come on.

So, at that particular point in time, before I have the opportunity to confirm anything, I would say that there are two cases of justified belief, each making an opposite claim, neither of which qualifies as knowledge.

That seems to me the easiest category of belief that would fit the model we are discussing. They are both justified, but neither is demonstrably true at the point in time.

Can we agree at least on that?
Reply Fri 3 Apr, 2009 11:15 pm
Dichanthelium wrote:

That seems to me the easiest category of belief that would fit the model we are discussing. They are both justified, but neither is demonstrably true at the point in time.

Can we agree at least on that?

Of course, because justification of p does not imply that p is true, is the justification is non-deductive justification. Indeed, two people, A and B, may have the exactly the same justification for proposition, p at different times, but A know that p, and B not know that p, because p is true at one time, but false at a different time.

But the light example you have given is a Gettier-case example, in which you both have justified belief, and, if on flipping the switch, the light works, then Henry had justified true belief the light would work, but if the light does not work, then you have justified true belief the light would not work, but neither of you knew.

And the reason for this is, as your example shows, Justified true belief are necessary conditions for knowledge, but are not a sufficient conditions for knowledge; which is the point of Gettier's famous objection to the analysis of knowledge as JTB.
Reply Sat 4 Apr, 2009 12:33 am
To be clear: Gettier-type cases are not simply cases where someone clearly knows that p at time t and then at time t+1, someone does not know it (becauses the circumstances or the truth-value of p has changed).

This is not a Gettier-case.

A Gettier-case is when someone meets all the conditions for knowledge but we still find it unable to say that person knows. So a Gettier-case would be where S knows the light switch works because it is true, S is justified, and S believes that it works. If it is false that the light switch works, then there's no reason to suppose that S knows it by the JTB definition.

A Gettier-case, again, is when JTB is satisfied but knowledge is still not had. Changing T to F makes the situation not even a JTB situation or case. It's simply not knowledge. So Gettier-cases cannot approach them for it presumes JTB is satisfied. Failing to meet the JTB condition is not a Gettier-case, nor is that the point of Gettier-cases.

Also important.

"I know that the light will work" is not the same as "I know that the light works."

"is working" does not imply "will work"; working is a description of the light itself; "will work" implicates a broader context of perhaps the electrical setup of the house, etc. "Will work" presupposes that the light switch is working. But "is working" does not presuppose that the light switch will do what it's supposed to do, it simply states the necessary condition that it will work. "is working", again, is not sufficient for "will work."

Look at this peculiar case, for instance, if someone asks me, "Will the light switch work tomorrow?" If I say, "I know the light switch is working" I will have only described what I understand the state of the light switch to be given some evidence but this does not answer the question. Perhaps one cannot answer the question (see Hume's Paradox about inferring the future from the past).

---------- Post added at 02:00 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:33 AM ----------

1. Perhaps we need to really discuss the relation between knowing and future events.

2. Is working in all future states of affairs or within a proximate timeframe built into our general conception of knowledge? How "open" of a concept is "proximate"? How do with refine the meaning of it or what does it include? So, for the light situation, do we mean "will work tomorrow", "will work next week", "will probably work all things considered", etc? Or do we want or have the motivation to identify "will work" with "is working" (in the face of their obvious non-identical semantic nature)? Or does conversational context determine the meaning of "will work"? Or perhaps in all cases knowing that the light is working is just an abbreviated stated of "S knows that the light was working at some time t" (and this will be modified by the justification that corresponds to that knowing).

3. And if it is, is this feature, whatever we determine to be the answer, consistent with the definition of knowledge we're working with (as JTB)?
Reply Sat 4 Apr, 2009 04:38 am
kennethamy wrote:
Of course, because justification of p does not imply that p is true, is the justification is non-deductive justification. Indeed, two people, A and B, may have the exactly the same justification for proposition, p at different times, but A know that p, and B not know that p, because p is true at one time, but false at a different time.

But the light example you have given is a Gettier-case example, in which you both have justified belief, and, if on flipping the switch, the light works, then Henry had justified true belief the light would work, but if the light does not work, then you have justified true belief the light would not work, but neither of you knew.

And the reason for this is, as your example shows, Justified true belief are necessary conditions for knowledge, but are not a sufficient conditions for knowledge; which is the point of Gettier's famous objection to the analysis of knowledge as JTB.

nerdfiles wrote:

This is not a Gettier-case.

I may have it wrong, but were not the beliefs of both parties that the light works true if in Henry's case when he flipped the switch, the light did not work, and in the other case, when he flipped the switch, it did work?
I think we may be understanding the example differently.

I admit that there is some unclarity concerning "does", "will", and, "would" work.

If Gettier is right, then it is not true that the definition of knowledge is JTB, at least in the traditional sense of "definition" by which a definition expressed both the necessary and sufficient conditions of knowing. For, if Gettier is right, then JTB constitutes necessary, but not sufficient conditions of knowing. Of course, you may, "bracket" the Gettier objection if you like (And maybe that is what you mean by "working with JTB" as the definition, but it ought to be kept in mind.
Reply Sat 4 Apr, 2009 04:48 am
kennethamy wrote:
Of course, because justification of p does not imply that p is true, is the justification is non-deductive justification.

Ken, I don't understand that sentence, but I do *believe* that I *know* what you mean.

kennethamy wrote:
Indeed, two people, A and B, may have the exactly the same justification for proposition, p at different times, but A know that p, and B not know that p, because p is true at one time, but false at a different time.

Yes, I think it's perfectly clear that the truth of certain propositions changes in time, and this is one of the primary foundations of certain forms of radical skepticism.

kennethamy wrote:
But the light example you have given is a Gettier-case example, in which you both have justified belief, and, if on flipping the switch, the light works, then Henry had justified true belief the light would work, but if the light does not work, then you have justified true belief the light would not work, but neither of you knew.

Actually, it's more ambiguous than that, as nerdfiles is noticing above. Because the proposition "the light works" is complicated not only with the time factor, but also with the notion of "the light" and "works." If indeed the "light" were to come on when I flipped the switch, then Henry would say, "See, I told you so!" and continue to *believe* justifiably that "the light" "works." I, on the other hand, being an electrician, let's say, would continue to believe justifiably that there must be some kind of intermittent problem with "the light," which I know to actually consist of a simple system, the bulb, the fixture, the switch, the wiring, the breaker, all of which would have to be examined before anything could be confirmed.

kennethamy wrote:
And the reason for this is, as your example shows, Justified true belief are necessary conditions for knowledge, but are not a sufficient conditions for knowledge; which is the point of Gettier's famous objection to the analysis of knowledge as JTB.

As you know, from our lengthy debate in another thread, my biggest problem with a definition of knowledge as JTB would be with the notion of "true" but that is, I think, a distraction from what we are trying to focus on here, which, I think, is the nature of believing. Let me try this:

Do we all agree that "believe" (in the context of a belief that does not qualify as knowledge) means, "give full or partial mental assent to"? If so, then it seems that a necessary condition for any person's justified belief would be that person's awareness of evidence that in that person's mind supports the belief.

So, any given justified belief that nevertheless fails to qualify as knowledge would seem to fall, possibly, into one of three categories: (a) is demonstrably false, (b) cannot be proven to be either true or false, or, (c) is hampered by doubt in the mind of the believer.

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