I wonder if selfish is not the proper word?
: concerned excessively or exclusively with oneself
: seeking or concentrating on one's own advantage, pleasure, or well-being without regard for others
: arising from concern with one's own welfare or advantage in disregard of others <a
selfish act>
-Merriam Webster's
When you disreguard others for your own well being that is selfish. When you die for others, in an attempt to trade your own well being for theirs, that is selfless. That being said, why is it that a person sacrifices him/her-self? Love of another? But why do we love? Can we truely know one another, or are the people we know simply are perceptions? They are our projections based on our interactions with them, we never totaly know a person, what we do know is what they choose to reveal mediated by what we choose to see.
To love another could be considered the same as to be willing to die for them, depending on whom you ask. If you die for another person, are you dieing for them or rather your own perception of them? Do you hold them as someone you could love no matter what they did, no matter how heinous their crimes? If so, does it really matter if you know the person in their totality, knowing you
could love them
no matter what? Such is the nature of selflessness, unrestricted compassion for another human. But it seems that in order to feel unrestricted compassion for another human, you must feel unrestricted compassion for all humans, for you accept this person you know no matter their actions, so this person could be any person.
If your best friend murders, and you love that person, will this change? If so, what was the nature of your love? Was it selfish? Was a need of your own fufilled by your relationship with this person? If so, did you really love them, or were they a crutch or convienience? A spare bit of company, but only in good times?
It seems to me, in order to be selfless you must acknowledge your own flaws, and the possiblity that any blood could be on your hands under the right circumstances. When you understand this and accept your fellow man, you come to love him as yourself. Any other love is selfish. Any actions not done out of unconditional love are selfish.