i didnt think this was about the existence of god-not that again. does determinism mean that god decides everything? cant it also mean everything runs according to rules that can only allow one possibility for everything? i mean i decide what to do based on my entire life history so in a way even though i may struggle sometimes to make a decision, it would only have come out one way at any given point in time. it is in that sense that i come to accept not having any free will.
i always have the option to do an infinite number of things, but i cant help but choosing the one i think is right-and that is based on various factors, like life experience, peer influence, mental capacity, so many things.
certain decisions are more cut and dried, some are more dependent on the mood of the moment. but each person being who they are c an only decide to do what they think is right, unless they are the kind of person who likes to do what they think is wrong because of personality disorders or addictions, etc...and even then that is a determining factor on what their choice would be.