what you both fail to realize is that what I am rejecting is the notion that "I will do X tomorrow" is a statement of value in terms of truth or falsity in the now.
The value depends on my free will and is not set in stone before the fact. That is what I'm saying....that is what ughaibu is saying as well.
---------- Post added 04-13-2010 at 10:19 AM ----------
Let's break it down......
If the statement, 'I will do X tomorrow', has value in the right now then what does that mean?
It means that that statement is either true or false by the LEM and law of noncontradiction.
The value is set.
So hypothetically someone could know in advance what was going to happen. hypothetically I could know in advance what I was going to do.
But how can this possibly be?
It essentially means I'm destined or determined or just always will do what has already been set in stone before the fact.
I can't change it.....it can't be changed.
It as if the future has already happens....it's already been decided. The end has already happened. Nothing can be changed...ever... Free will is simply an illusion....That is what taking the stance ya'll are taking entails IMO.
I could know I was going to get shot tomorrow on a bus at 5:30pm in advance and I still wouldn't be able to avoid it