@Fil Albuquerque,
Fil. Albuquerque;146788 wrote:
...if you take being, all hell comes loose with indeterminism comprehension...
I'll take being. It definitely beats the alternative.
Is non-being part of the concept of discontinuity? If time is like frames of a movie... what's between the frames? Nothing. Two adjacent frames, with nothing between them... was it Aristotle who said we're really seeing continuity here?
Nevertheless, without some discontinuity... how could there be a finite thing?
An atom that has always existed? Is this conceivable?
But I'll bother you with only one last thought.. to hear your opinion.
Free-will vs Determinism:
In the middle of a sentence, it seems to me that I can say whatever I want. I'm free. And yet... as I continue speaking, I find that I'm bound... to end the sentence... in only several... or maybe only... one way. What binds me to the structure? Is it not my will to say something? Will and Structure are twins. Meaning is their parent. ?
How could I have the will to speak in the absence of a pattern of language necessary for expression?
How could there be language without the will to speak?
One creates the other for the sake of its own existence. There is a position from which it's obvious that events are determined. This has been touched on repeatedly in this thread:
post event.
Post event is only one
perspective on an event. There's another one: pre event. Again... we've nailed this one about fifty times in this thread: free will belongs to the pre-event perspective.
One perspective doesn't trump the other. Yes the event looks different depending on which one you're standing in. Trying to reconcile that difference is like looking at a table from two opposite sides and trying to understand which is the correct view. They're both correct. But there's only one way to see that: you have to move.
But you haven't moved psychologically until you have entirely let go of your first position. You can do that because you know both perspectives are always there.
Pre-event, there really is more than one possibility. We know that. One possibility becomes the "man of destiny." He's our hero. We make him transition from possibility to actuality by our will. Is this a function of randomness? No. It's volition.
Pre-event and Post-event are the boundaries of the arc.
The arc is Now. Yes?