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Yes but, Ken,
Why isn't that reasoning? What is the difference in your way of seeing it?
I have commented on it. It seems to me, though, it belongs in epistemology.
On the downloading, I was not confounded or overwhelmed for some reason. Maybe that is because I am what is often called a "sensitive." I have been like this all of my life since very early childhood.
Now maybe this is also because it didn't come in like an overload of sensual data, but more like silence and intuition mixed. It also had a feeling of goodwill within it. Do you think that this is what some call "Grace".
It was only over the next following months that I realized a change in perspective, along with a certainty and clarity that couldn't be shaken, which up until that point I had been seeking with my mind. This however, at that point of my life, was not interpreted as being enlightenment. I found later that I was correct in my assessment.
Much of what came clear was familiar, perhaps because I had a long background in this area, and on reading others who had experienced such things before me down through the centuries. I had an intellectual map, if you will, on what to expect.
Wisdom seems to arrive on soft feet.
Everything that happens IMO is beneficial. Our minds may tell us that some event is unpleasant at the time. But what ever happens to us is definitely the shortest way home, considering who we think we are at the moment, and the baggage we are refusing to drop.
Sometimes we will refuse to believe that a stove is hot until we burn our fingers.
Right now I am in the peculiar position of understanding the truth of the matter about myself as Spirit, and at the very same time having mental habits of thought that must be cleared up over time.
I don't know if this makes any sense to you, having experienced it yourself. But thoughts come into my head and I find them comfortable like old friends (engrams, or memory traces) and yet at the same time I know immediately, at the very same time, that they are not correct and I can simply throw them away. So I do without regret. This is sort of like wisdom is cleaning up my brain/computer and reprogramming it to match what I know now. (Like a Spiritual maturation of sorts.)
The way that I know now is, that I look directly at Spirit, and just know immediately what fits or conforms to what I am seeing. (Without working this out with the mind.)
Now I am speaking of Spiritual matters here and not of me being all-knowing about earthly matters. I could still easily add up a column of numbers and get the wrong answer. I have no idea what ison sale at Wal Mart without checking the ads.
Does this seem familiar to you as well?
When you speak about stored or accumulated knowledge on the subconscious level, are you referring to the Acasiac Records?
I am more Advaitist in my thinking than you are, I believe. Let me explain myself. I do not rule out the psychic worlds, reincarnation, or any number of things, having experience many of them personally, myself. (Flashbacks on previous lives, for one.) But I do however believe that all of these events and happenings reside within the Mind (Capital M) and not merely in the brain. Soul is transmigrating and learning.
Yet Spirit is transcendent of even these. Spirit remains untouched by finitude.
I would say that much of what you have said in this area is pretty much on target as far as you have gone.
Yes, Truth has no name. You simple cannot pin it down with symbols. And yes, it is not changing. What would the "One" change into?
Calling Spirit the 'One' even misses it. Because what sense does one make without two? It is empty of all this, and even empty of empty. And yet at the same time, Spirit is full to the very brim with Spirit itself, and knows itself as Spirit, the "I Am." ( A paradox.)
Spirit is enough. Spirit needs no thing. Spirit it Pure Satisfaction without a need for other. Knowing this, we know our very Self directly.
I think that people very often misunderstand/misinterpret what animal can see and do, (Are capable of) simply because animals don't convert everything into words. (But perhaps that is a whole n'other topic.
: ^ )
Some might say that logic is more efficient than reason. Others might argue that logic is reason truncated. Is a sound bite (logic) more efficient than a lecture (reason), even if the sound bite does grab one of the lecture's major points, presents it fewer words, and make it obvious to behold? What's our hurry? : ^ )
Sometimes there is great wisdom to be found in the nuance and/or the connotations of reason.
I am not saying that logic doesn't have its uses (of course it does), or that we should throw logic in the trash. We can obviously enjoy both as being the right tool for a particular job, much like a hammer and a computer serve separate needs. The hammer like logic gets right to the point, hits the nail right on the head. You wouldn't want to bash a nail with a computer now, would you? ; ^ )
Yet at the same time the computer has more and far reaching capacities much like reasoning does.
Logic is like a trip to visit the in-laws, sometimes has to be done. But reason is like a trip around the world, it is more fun IMO, and can be life changing. ; ^ )
I would say that reason is the King, and logic is just one of his ambassadors, good for a particular task that may need doing. But I wax poetic. ; ^ )
Is there a difference between enlightenment and illumination?
For me no. It is what is happening every day in our lives.
Can enlightenment exist independent of the self?
Well, if I switched on the light in the room, I might say that the room was illuminated, but I certainly would not say it was enlightened. Would you?
I have no idea what your question means. People are enlightened when they understand something they have never before understood. Isn't that how the word is used?
When the sun comes up, right?
Or do you mean something more? If so, I think there is a difference.
Or maybe we can figure this out between us.
But that still doesn't tell us what they are, or what kingdom they rule over.
Whatever works for you. Life isn't that complicated. It is what it is. For you, it might be the sun.
But what is it for you?
I'm very keen to know what people think, as well as why they think it.
No, I would not. This is precisely what I was working my way around to.
Dang. I was hoping to engage Subjectivity9 in a small game here . . .
Yes. I would hope you know that I know exactly what you mean by enlightened, as I'm guessing our definitions are the same, though I suspect others may offer different definitions.
I would consult a good dictionary. That's what I do when I am unsure of the meaning of a word. Doesn't everyone?
Now I'm confused. What are you responding to, and to whom are you directing your response?
You have quoted me, but in my full post I agreed with what you said . . . i.e. a room is illuminated, not enlightened, and so forth.
Thank you,