Amperage;127681 wrote:Rejecting Christianity(or any religion for that matter) on the basis of your rejection of Christians would seem to be fallacious.
Not at all...You are what you preach...Your actions speak for you... What is true of all religions is that they are moral only to a point, they empower the more intelligent at the expense of the whole society which has contributed to the actual destruction of many societies, and in binding the people to the past, as religio means, they deny those people the essential freedom to face their futures with power...
No one thinking of the needs of their people would ever destroy their ability to react to any situation that may arise, but religion, organized religion is of that class of behavior practiced by opportunists, who see in the labor of the many their freedom from labor... They think the past is naturally reflected in the future when it is not, because conditions are forever changing, and outside influences along with the natural injustice found in Hierarchal societies demand change...Religion is an impediment to thought, and to freedom of action, and democracy, and as reconstructo says, the idealism we see in politics is but a sham religion.. The result is the same, so the product defines the process...