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Okay why wouldn't it be a better place? In my view too many wars and suffering are caused by religion.
That's true ticktock but there have been many wars and many suffering.
Religion can be also be very dangerous in that indoctrinating children by throwing the bible at them can lead to rebellion and feelings of alienation after not wanting to conform which can sometimes lead to devastating results.
But it's not just one religion it's all religions.
All one has to do is take a look at our world and the percentage of our population that dedicates themselves to one religion or another. The proof is in the putting.
Funny thing I see is that we have so many good religious folk in the world, then why is it we are destroying the very thing we're trying to preserve? With all these religions and all these good religious folk, you would think that the world would become a better place, not a worse one. Something is terribly wrong with this 'religious' picture.
Yes, because ordinarily children rarely feel alienated and have an innate desire to conform which can sometimes lead to boring results.
Better to have boring results than a child messed up over religion. And im not sure what you mean. Religion has caused wars and suffering, on the other hand it provides comfort to some.
Sorry, TTM, I disagree. Children are not conformist by nature. Dependent, yes; we make them conform such a the use of the word "no" illustrates. If there ever was a free spirit it is that of a child. Yes they will attach themselves to that they are the most comfortable, but to conform, it takes another to create a scenario that makes them do that such as can be defined in what peer pressure means.
No I didn't mean that by not conforming it would lead to devasting results but the fact that some are pushed to conform can send them in the other direction. And I wouldn't say in all cases just some, depends on how religion is pushed onto them, enviroment and other facters play a part too, mix it all up and you got a dysfunctional child and in some cases will portray antisocial tendancies.
Ok, since I am an aethist I have to agree with you. But one of my classmates who is highly Christian may argue with you. If she had enough brains to say this, I think she would imply that religion is a faith and that in these hard times that is exactly what everyone needs- faith.
I'm wondering, when someone says, "the world would be a better place without religion," who are they saying it would be better for? (or to be grammatically correct, for whom are they saying it would be better?)
I'm wondering, when someone says, "the world would be a better place without religion," who are they saying it would be better for? (or to be grammatically correct, for whom are they saying it would be better?)
I haven't read all the posts but a couple caught my eye that I wanted to respond.
No, there is no natural instinct towards religion. Absolutely NOT. We are socially conditioned to go towards and seek out a religion. Religion is a device that separates us all.
negative and positive but on the whole, religion and religious divisions based on different faiths divide mankind. They allow for and promote judgment. By joining a religious faith, I now judge others that don't follow my same faith.. this isn't divine, it's divide.
Everybody has. Funny thing is they usually witness things based upon their perception of things. If you perceive that God is a deity and Christianity is the true religion, then your witnessing of such will first be created within your thoughts prior to manifesting itself into it's physical counterpart.
a lot of social conditioning involved in religious belief systems. Cause when we were born, we didn't have any religion. We were groomed and trained by those around us to look in a certain direction. We were taught how to judge right and wrong and conditioned like a well trained dog to believe certain things and based upon traditions, cultural backgrounds, family, social surroundings... these are what form our view or perception of religion and the world.
all these damn religious people in the world and look at it. Just look at it. Watch the news and take a good look around and what religion is doing to divide and provide a device to judge each other. Blind leading the blind as usual. Following blindly the doctrine of man.
WE made GOD in our own image.
That's like asking who would benefit more from global harmony!
No it's not.
It's asking, "who would be better off if religion did not exist?"
Global harmony has nothing to do with it. Unless you think that
global harmony would be the result of having no religion in the world.
But since you ask, who would benefit more from global harmony?
The idea of global harmony makes me sick. If we are perfect where will we grow from there? If we know everything then every book is a Bible and there will be no need to argue anything. Everything will already be decided. Harmony, puke. All this religion and competition and free thinking is great. We grow and learn and conquer and are reborn in what we discover.
Santa Claus never taught people how to prepare and serve food so as not to spread disease.
He never gave the world a moral compass. If we lived our life from Santa's example we would all have lots of great stuff, but would we know a clean safe way to handle our dead. Did Santa ever say don't cheat on your old lady, or don't kill your neighbor. If you think religion is as base an idea as do whats right cause god is watching and you won't get your presents when you die I could see how easily you would abandon it.
Kielicious, If you chose to live by the ten commandments, well lets say 8 if we drop the two about false idols and using the Lords name in vain, would that really be that evil? You know, don't cheat on your wife, or kill anyone. Don't lie and respect your elders. If you had no idea how to prepare, serve and store food and you followed the kosher/jewish rules for this would that not help you be healthier and cleaner.
Oh! and go to the deepest darkest corners of the world and its not Santa Claus or some united group of atheists giving out vaccinations, medicine and rice. It's Nuns.
Ok, since I am an aethist I have to agree with you. But one of my classmates who is highly Christian may argue with you. If she had enough brains to say this, I think she would imply that religion is a faith and that in these hard times that is exactly what everyone needs- faith.
Some are socially conditioned. Uh-lot of atheists think they aren't getting fooled by religion, believing in some ungrounded mysticism. You may call it a consciousness, I call it a soul... but humans have it, nothing else on earth does. I would agree that animals do not have an instinct for religion but humans wonder and ask why naturally. Thus a natural condition that religion relieves pretty readily.
This is absolutely erroneous. I hear this from every Atheist's mouthpiece like its some great truth that they have discovered. Any group or gathering judges another. Hell, 1/3 of our government is judicial.As humans we huddle in our groups to demonize the opposition to justify our machinations eventually destroying what we fear, religious or not. This is Natural Selection. We are a social animal so we can't just fall on the regular rules of the bigger badder one wins. We organize to our ends. We adapt and overcome. We use that big brain of ours to make it much more complicated.
I was an Atheist. God did not make sense. I was given the opportunity to defend my country in a theater of combat and witnessed things that prove to me there is much more then what we understand. Proof of a higher power I guess. Everything anyone has ever come up with is based on perception, but just because I am religious does not mean I am unable to think outside of some conditioning.
As humanity we were born without religion. We developed it during our evolution socially. It was something that humanity needed. It has survived our social evolution and will indefinitely. Religion is part of the human condition. Aliens didn't land and make cavemen go to mass. Its our invention.
Thats people, not religion man. God (I'll use that word I guess) made us in his image. I don't think he snapped a polaroid of himself in the mirror myspace style and photocopied it. Humanity can create anything it imagines, we have so far. We must be wise and beautiful. We will evolve into perfection or destroy ourselves, one or the other. Religion exists, we must evolve with it, it is symbiotic.
Besides the point I am making. I appreciate your direct rebuttal to what I wrote. I appreciate your opinion and the opportunity to discuss this. I'm gonna bust you a thank you not cause I agree but more cause I appreciate the intelligent rebuttal.
With the world at peace cooperating together in harmonic structure like everything else on this planet, the would be no need for religion and those various defense mechanisms.
Anyone opposed to aspiring towards a global harmony does so only selfishly without realizing they too will be a part of that harmonic structure. Only those who want more would attempt any interference in doing all that is necessary to begin building that road.
We need to take a stand against this. There is a better way. We should live our lives based on observation and reason and try to help those blinded by religious faith to see the light.