Can we improve society through improving the brain?

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Reply Tue 14 Jul, 2009 05:49 pm
Zetetic11235;77272 wrote:
You are essentially proposing alteration to the limbic system. It seems like maybe the amygdala could be rewired or enhanced to reward positive actions and give only minimal reward to negative or suboptimal responses.


Zetetic11235;77272 wrote:
Please don't misunderstand the point being made and then attack a straw man based upon your misunderstanding. Try to give people the benefit of the doubt (which can be difficult). The point was that when a negative event occurs, there is some level of intrinsic benefit left for the taking. Just because a large loss has been suffered does not mean there is nothing left worth salvaging from it.

I'm not disputing that, but it's still turd-polishing.

Zetetic11235;77272 wrote:
Citing dioxin does not make your point, sort of like how an existence proof doesn't work when you are trying to show a property to be universal in the natural numbers.

The claim in question was "everything is a gift from god".

In other words, "for all x in the Universe, x is a gift from God"

I am not using an "existence proof" incorrectly, or any analogy thereof. I am knocking down an (overly optimistic) universal generalization, which, if you want to use a mathematical analogy, is perfectly appropriate.

Agent Orange, for example, is an extremely dubious "gift", especially for the direct recipient. I could cite many others, but one is enough. In other words, the example of Agent Orange was not being used to support the claim "Nothing is a gift from god," but the claim "Some things are not gifts from god," which is contradictory to the Sufi ... "wisdom" being quoted, although I do believe the E form you appear to believe I was arguing for in the context of the dioxin example, because God doesn't exist.

So, yeah, if anyone was using "existence proofs" incorrectly, it was my opponent.
Reply Tue 14 Jul, 2009 06:29 pm
odenskrigare;77265 wrote:

This is called 'turd-polishing'.

The less vulgar term would be 'Leibnizian optimism', and there's a novella you can read that shows you why it's bunk.

It's called Candide.

Sir; do get off... Leibniz, the original Pangloss did suggest that in the light of God, that this was the best possible situation, because why would God do otherwise than his best if, given the power of God, that every alternative were passible... Now; from what perspective do you judge human development??? We are a pebble on a plane... We cannot say what nature alone can judge worthwhile, or worthless... Clearly our intelligence has allowed us to escape nature to an extent... We may not need to evolve to reality because our forms allow us to master our reality; but upon what authority, or even need would we change our nature...This was attempted through the twenties and thirties in this country and others with violence... The Germans feared the Jews, not only because they conceived of them as parasites and criminals, but because they are a highly intelligent people who put a premium on intelligence and ability... Rather than raise their own ability which they could not do culturally, they attacked those whose history has been one long intelligence test... The Chinese are intelligent, and very like the Jews...They leave China with perhaps a ten IQ point advantage on the average American...Because they cooperate, and because they are intelligent, and because they are ambitious and hard working they have a tendency to take over the societies they join as minorities, in some senses, like the Jews... They too have had a long history as an intelligence test that would bless a good score with life... Could we as simple humans judge these people... We may have to protect ourselves from them, but that does not mean we should punish them...Intelligence is not a crime, and united culture is not a crime... We should see what they do right and imitate them...But consider, that just as we tend to end up working for Jews or Chinese and following their lead in government, that if we could with a simple opperation end up twenty IQ points above average, or our previous score that we would all be working for them...Is this any different from the rich being able to afford a first class education??? Generally people are educated based upon intelligence... Some say virtually all highly intellligent people are being educated in this country... But, some are getting their education without labor, and some must sell their souls for it... Why then, does anyone who can afford intelligence by the hour need it himself??? If people have intelligence they find, if they are moral, that it is an obligation, and many endure intelligence as a burden...They do not feel there is a game to win or humanity to master and employ, but feel that they must bring humanity along with them to a new paradigm...
Reply Tue 14 Jul, 2009 06:43 pm
if you believe i made a claim that everything is a gift from god you are mistaken. i made a reference to the fact that certain people look at life that way in another thread and it was brought here by someone else. my own personal statement was that i am grateful (not TO anyone or anything) for my misfortunes since i was able to reap a great deal of benefit.

my point is that you are challenging certain things you believe can be improved in human life by brain surgery and i am telling you not everyone will agree with you. even if you want it to be elective surgery, do you really think people are going to line up outside an office saying 'i am greedy, i am violent, i am stupid-i need an operation to fix me'.???
your personal perfect posthuman world will not necessarily satisfy the definition of anyone else's. if your purpose in posting this thread was to find that out, expect some disagreement. and dont expect a stack of evidence to back up any personal opinions.
or were you expecting everyone in your modern posthuman world to have to prove that they in fact do not need any brainfix?

and i am not your opponent. this is not a debate, you have posted in the general discussion area.
Reply Tue 14 Jul, 2009 07:25 pm
odenskrigare;77284 wrote:

The claim in question was "everything is a gift from god".

It was really just a reference to that claim, but I get your point.

odenskrigare;77284 wrote:
In other words, "for all x in the Universe, x is a gift from God"

I am not using an "existence proof" incorrectly, or any analogy thereof. I am knocking down an (overly optimistic) universal generalization, which, if you want to use a mathematical analogy, is perfectly appropriate.

It cannot be demonstrated to be overly optimistic if taken literally because its premises (God exists and can give gifts) are not really verifiable. Bearing this in mind, a less literal interpretation might be called for. If you take 'God' to mean 'everything' and 'giving gifts' to be a metaphor for ' causes sh** to happen', what is being said in the overall scheme of things (and I really do think this is what the quote is supposed to be getting at) is really 'sh** happens; if its bad, take what you can from it (polish your turds, there might be some good corn left); if its good, have a nice day'.

More on topic, what specific goals would you hope to achieve; what ways would you change human behavior and what consequences do you think might arise from such changes?
Reply Tue 14 Jul, 2009 07:33 pm
Fido;77295 wrote:
Sir; do get off... Leibniz, the original Pangloss did suggest that in the light of God, that this was the best possible situation, because why would God do otherwise than his best if, given the power of God, that every alternative were passible...

Yes but there's no compelling reason to believe in God

But, hey, maybe there is a utility function for the whole Universe, but God, in trying to optimize it, got stuck in a local maximum which is really very bad in the scheme of things. Ever think of that?

It's certainly plausible

Fido;77295 wrote:
This was attempted through the twenties and thirties in this country and others with violence... The Germans feared the Jews, not only because they conceived of them as parasites and criminals, but because they are a highly intelligent people who put a premium on intelligence and ability... Rather than raise their own ability which they could not do culturally, they attacked those whose history has been one long intelligence test... The Chinese are intelligent, and very like the Jews...They leave China with perhaps a ten IQ point advantage on the average American...Because they cooperate, and because they are intelligent, and because they are ambitious and hard working they have a tendency to take over the societies they join as minorities, in some senses, like the Jews...

The Jews and Chinese are not inherently more intelligent than other peoples. To say so would be racist. I have studied Chinese and I have to say that the Han race is really not unlike other races: most of its members aren't terribly bright, and many are pretty dull. You must not know how many Chinese people believe in ghosts, star signs, etc. ... they are no more a race of supermen than anyone else.

I also don't believe in IQ tests. At first, Ashkenazic Jewish immigrants to the US were assumed to be dull-witted based on these tests. Now they aren't; they've swung in the other direction entirely. And what about San hunter-gatherers? They live in the scorching desert and yet on average they are supposed to be mildly retarded. That's ridiculous.

Fido;77295 wrote:
If people have intelligence they find, if they are moral, that it is an obligation, and many endure intelligence as a burden...They do not feel there is a game to win or humanity to master and employ, but feel that they must bring humanity along with them to a new paradigm..

Well, then, keep rubbing the rabbit foot of humanism; I'm going to put my trust in technology instead.

(By the way, "lucky" rabbit feet tend to stink, did you ever notice that?)

salima;77297 wrote:
if you believe i made a claim that everything is a gift from god you are mistaken. i made a reference to the fact that certain people look at life that way in another thread and it was brought here by someone else. my own personal statement was that i am grateful (not TO anyone or anything) for my misfortunes since i was able to reap a great deal of benefit.

Alright but that seems kind of silly, when it's much better to learn from other people's mistakes or, indeed, not to make any at all.

salima;77297 wrote:
my point is that you are challenging certain things you believe can be improved in human life by brain surgery and i am telling you not everyone will agree with you. even if you want it to be elective surgery, do you really think people are going to line up outside an office saying 'i am greedy, i am violent, i am stupid-i need an operation to fix me'.???

There's plenty of people already willing to do so (they're called transhumanists), and I suspect that others will eventually follow their example.

People used to believe in things like vitalism, a flat Earth, geocentrism, and the Biblical creation, too, but not so much anymore ... although we still need to work on creationism. Likewise, I expect that people will eventually abandon the comforting delusions that humanity can't be improved upon, that the brain is magical, and move on to a better life.

And, remember, a huge rift between posthumans and regular humans could lead to conflict between the two sides. That's a very strong reason to elect for brain modification in itself.

salima;77297 wrote:
and i am not your opponent. this is not a debate, you have posted in the general discussion area.

This isn't a debate?

Debate is forbidden in GD?

This is certainly news to me.

---------- Post added 07-14-2009 at 09:45 PM ----------

Zetetic11235;77304 wrote:
It cannot be demonstrated to be overly optimistic if taken literally because its premises (God exists and can give gifts) are not really verifiable. Bearing this in mind, a less literal interpretation might be called for. If you take 'God' to mean 'everything' and 'giving gifts' to be a metaphor for ' causes sh** to happen', what is being said in the overall scheme of things (and I really do think this is what the quote is supposed to be getting at) is really 'sh** happens; if its bad, take what you can from it (polish your turds, there might be some good corn left); if its good, have a nice day'.

I'm not going to eat corn I find in poop, ewwww

Zetetic11235;77304 wrote:
More on topic, what specific goals would you hope to achieve; what ways would you change human behavior and what consequences do you think might arise from such changes?

More rationality, both in the individual and collective sense (i.e., more non-zero sum activity); an emotional experience geared not so much towards survival (i.e., just barely eking out an existence, which is what our brain is currently geared towards), but towards enjoyment; additional senses, like, say, infrared, like pit vipers have; other enhanced intellectual abilities; longer lifespan if so desired; cures for blindness, paraplegia, etc.; bla bla bla bla. Many of these things are starting to be implemented now, not in some hazy indefinite future, so it's important for us to think about them.

If carried out with adequate legal protection ensuring that everyone goes under the knife willingly, I can see nothing but good things coming out of transhumanism in the long run. Some experiments with the new technology I am talking about will, and indeed have had negative side effects, but they're no different from any new medical innovation whose bugs have to be worked out.

Of course ... there could eventually be conflicts between humans and posthumans but, like I said, just getting with the program already would head off these issues.
Reply Tue 14 Jul, 2009 07:49 pm
Oden; Leibniz was great with logic; but in a time when virtually everyone accepted the existence of God, he did as well...It was all gigo, but we do no less, and even the proposition that we might be improved by our own actions, when we are a product of nature, is gigo... Nature judges us, and the worst thing we are doing now, is to treat some genetic illnesses that cannot be cured... If you treat aids, you get more aids...If you keep genetic mistakes alive, again, you will have more disease and more dependence on medical technology- which makes us slaves...Should we eliminate any genetic accidents???. To do so would be to judge apart from nature what may or may not be valuable down the line... What if, down the line, some one with sickle cell anemia has some resistence to a pandemic that wipes out nearly all of humanity...Should we decide humanity will die so sickle cell anemia will die??? We would not if we knew, and it is false reasoning to pretend we will know, or can know..We should as much as possible, let nature take its course...

I think we are smart enough... The problem is that too much of our intelligence is for sale, and not enough is for self improvement... People say: what good is a sharp noggin without loot in ones pocket...In fact; setting a purpose to it misses the point... We do it together... The smart drag the dull into the light... Few can invent what all can use... No one does it alone...The real impediment to human progress is the thought that if it makes no profit it has no use...Thinking is my main form of entertainment...I don't want to tell you what is next on my list, but after that is learning something useful from what I think...I like to know, and it is all vanity...
Reply Tue 14 Jul, 2009 07:59 pm
Fido;77311 wrote:
Nature judges us

Nature is impersonal and can't judge anything.

Fido;77311 wrote:
and the worst thing we are doing now is treating some genetic illnesses that cannot be cured... If you treat aids you get more aids

Are you against smallpox vaccination too?

Fido;77311 wrote:
The problem is that too much of our intelligence is for sale, and not enough is for self improvement... People say what good is a sharp noggin without loot in ones pocket

Yes, and the whole reason we have so many "moneymoneymoney" people is because there are these things in our brains called the amygdalas which are typically overactive and make us do stupid cavemannish things.

They can be fixed though. I don't see any point in painstakingly reining in our worst tendencies when we can just nip them in the bud permanently.
Reply Tue 14 Jul, 2009 08:00 pm
Fido;77295 wrote:
Sir; do get off... Leibniz, the original Pangloss did suggest that in the light of God, that this was the best possible situation, because why would God do otherwise than his best if, given the power of God, that every alternative were passible...

Three points:
1) Paragraph form is good
2)Bullet points work
3) three run on sentences are hard to read

Do you realize that you are repeating his argument? He was not supporting Libnitzian optimization. God was mentioned, that is why the reference holds. You really should read the posts being replied to before commenting.

Fido;77295 wrote:
Now; from what perspective do you judge human development??? We are a pebble on a plane... We cannot say what nature alone can judge worthwhile, or worthless... Clearly our intelligence has allowed us to escape nature to an extent... We may not need to evolve to reality because our forms allow us to master our reality; but upon what authority, or even need would we change our nature...

Oh wow, never had that line of though before :sarcastic:. Seriously though, a couple of moments of critical thinking and recognition of the context here might help you out. I think that it is pretty clear that what is being sought after is an increase in our natural ability to manipulate our environment and prosper (increase comfort, safety, whatever you might call it). Of course it is very subjective.

There is no such thing as the sort of authority you seem to allude to, its all social games backed up by physical strength. Any trans-physical/social authority is beyond our access.

Fido;77295 wrote:
This was attempted through the twenties and thirties in this country and others with violence... The Germans feared the Jews, not only because they conceived of them as parasites and criminals, but because they are a highly intelligent people who put a premium on intelligence and ability...

Questionable... maybe I'm too ignorant of the subject, but it seems more reasonable to say that Hitler recognized the fact that he could play on the anti semitism already present in Western Europe in order to gain power. He did indeed implement several types of eugenics; promoting breeding among people percieved as 'strong', killing the handicapped, the list goes on.

All in all, however, this does not address the topic at hand.

Fido;77295 wrote:
Rather than raise their own ability which they could not do culturally, they attacked those whose history has been one long intelligence test... The Chinese are intelligent, and very like the Jews...They leave China with perhaps a ten IQ point advantage on the average American...Because they cooperate, and because they are intelligent, and because they are ambitious and hard working they have a tendency to take over the societies they join as minorities, in some senses, like the Jews... They too have had a long history as an intelligence test that would bless a good score with life... Could we as simple humans judge these people... We may have to protect ourselves from them, but that does not mean we should punish them...Intelligence is not a crime, and united culture is not a crime... We should see what they do right and imitate them...But consider, that just as we tend to end up working for Jews or Chinese and following their lead in government, that if we could with a simple opperation end up twenty IQ points above average, or our previous score that we would all be working for them...Is this any different from the rich being able to afford a first class education??? Generally people are educated based upon intelligence... Some say virtually all highly intellligent people are being educated in this country... But, some are getting their education without labor, and some must sell their souls for it... Why then, does anyone who can afford intelligence by the hour need it himself??? If people have intelligence they find, if they are moral, that it is an obligation, and many endure intelligence as a burden...They do not feel there is a game to win or humanity to master and employ, but feel that they must bring humanity along with them to a new paradigm...

I think you're missing the point. What is being suggested is a modification of behavior not necessarily intelligence, by rewiring a section of the human brain. We could make it so that when people engage in a more appropriate behavior, they are rewarded by dopamine or something along those lines. Or we could curb aggression ect.

As for I.Q.:

I.Q. is relatively useless beyond a certain level (definately at 130+), it is too subjective and too unreliable. As far as highly intelligent people being highly educated goes; there are most certainly mensa members (not that that really means much) that work blue collar jobs.

People are usually eduacted based on the ammount of money they have combined with how curious they are, how much their parents push them and a whole host of other factors.

---------- Post added 07-14-2009 at 10:10 PM ----------

odenskrigare;77305 wrote:

I'm not going to eat corn I find in poop, ewwww

What if you had nothing else to eat? Smile

odenskrigare;77305 wrote:

If carried out with adequate legal protection ensuring that everyone goes under the knife willingly, I can see nothing but good things coming out of transhumanism in the long run. Some experiments with the new technology I am talking about will, and indeed have had negative side effects, but they're no different from any new medical innovation whose bugs have to be worked out.

Of course ... there could eventually be conflicts between humans and posthumans but, like I said, just getting with the program already would head off these issues.

It seems to me to be likely that conflicts might arise due to the humans rather than post humans (unless something goes terribly wrong). It would be hard to build public trust of such advancements (hopefully this will become less and less true), and so mistrust of those who undergo the mistrusted procedures would follow.
Reply Tue 14 Jul, 2009 08:21 pm

odenskrigare;77315 wrote:
Nature is impersonal and can't judge anything.

Bull shet... Nature condems many to death for want of intelligence...When the lions eat the lambs they do not eat all the lambs, but mostly those who are not smart or fast....


Are you against smallpox vaccination too?

No; but I am against keeping the virus alive so it can be used as a weapon...I do not buy that it is just for research... Think of the millions small pox has killed...Like starvation, it is one of the great enemies of mankind...It will never ever be our friend, and will always be held over our heads by the wealthy and powerful who claim this place...


Yes, and the whole reason we have so many "moneymoneymoney" people is because there are these things in our brains called the amygdalas which are typically overactive and make us do stupid cavemannish things.

Not all forms are stupid...Even money as a form has its advantages... The only problem is that where money is dear, honor is cheap...The form of money, because it was not such a harsh judge of character was preferable to some...It is hard to say it is progress...It was a change that brought good and evil...But, that is how humanity progresses: With A Change of Forms...We cannot change what we are, our basic needs, or make up, as you suggest... We can only change our forms... But consider this: If you could make a human being resistent to pollution, so that filthy air and water could be tolerated, where would be the incentive to keep them clean???It may well be that we are breeding people nearly immune to the poisons of modern society in the slums of the third world....Will they change without changing the character of all of humanity in the process???
They can be fixed though. I don't see any point in painstakingly reining in our worst tendencies when we can just nip them in the bud permanently.
You do know, perhaps, that science can judge a baby in the womb and tell which ones are likely to be risk takers and end up in prison... Shall they nip them in the bud??? We hate violence...What if we were once violent for a cause, and that cause arises again??? Those people, out of a misconception of their culture and place in nature who seek to change humanity take a great risk...Instead, give humanity the ability to adapt by understanding their forms and changing them as needed... The problem is not people...The problem is our forms which are like a sock to a mouse... Once in we cannot see our way out... Get formal sight... See through the forms that blind all others... People only act badly when their forms are failing them...Make the form work or trash it...Leave humanity alone...
Reply Tue 14 Jul, 2009 08:33 pm
Zetetic11235;77316 wrote:
I think you're missing the point. What is being suggested is a modification of behavior not necessarily intelligence, by rewiring a section of the human brain. We could make it so that when people engage in a more appropriate behavior, they are rewarded by dopamine or something along those lines. Or we could curb aggression ect.

Yeah. Improving intelligence would be great, though. I look at the great geniuses of history and wish I could be more like them. Everyone could be more like them, really. It is already well known that subtle alterations to brain structure dramatically change a person's intellect. We could all be so brilliant.

Zetetic11235;77316 wrote:

What if you had nothing else to eat? Smile

That's the point of agriculture (and transhumanism): to improve your well-being.

Zetetic11235;77316 wrote:
It seems to me to be likely that conflicts might arise due to the humans rather than post humans (unless something goes terribly wrong). It would be hard to build public trust of such advancements (hopefully this will become less and less true), and so mistrust of those who undergo the mistrusted procedures would follow.

Well, I am hopeful, and with good reason: the process of transhumanism that really kicked off as soon as the first flint was knapped is and will continue to be pretty gradual. The way things are going now, it's not like a whole lot of nothing will happen and then BAM! Roy Batty. Current recipients of experimental surgery and modification aimed at interfacing directly with the nervous system, like retinal implants for the blind, are totally sympathetic.

I mean, come on. As it is, the only people calling for violence against transhumanists now are radical green left anarchists.

The thing that could be a bit more problematic is military applications of neuroscience. DARPA is currently very interested in, well, deploying cybernetically-enhanced soldiers eventually. That's not an exaggeration at all and, minus "Star Wars", they have a pretty good track record of success, so it's fair to say these technologies are pretty much certain to come.

I think that they could improve attitudes towards transhumanism in the US. But elsewhere, and in particular in places we have ... ah, substantial ideological disputes, and where people are often very superstitious, these technologies could be seen as freakish and demonic.

---------- Post added 07-14-2009 at 10:39 PM ----------

Fido;77322 wrote:
You do know, perhaps, that science can judge a baby in the womb and tell which ones are likely to be risk takers and end up in prison... Shall they nip them in the bud???

No, because that's coercive. I am not promoting coercion.

(I will be the first to admit I like being an upsetter though.)

Fido;77322 wrote:
Make the form work or trash it...Leave humanity alone...

I'm using skin enhancement and eye enhancement. (I trust you use skin enhancement, aka, "clothes", at the very least.) Does that perturb humanity too much?
Reply Tue 14 Jul, 2009 08:53 pm

Zetetic11235;77316 wrote:
Three points:
1) Paragraph form is good
2)Bullet points work
3) three run on sentences are hard to read

Do you realize that you are repeating his argument? He was not supporting Libnitzian optimization. God was mentioned, that is why the reference holds. You really should read the posts being replied to before commenting.

Do you realize that I am restating his argument to try to point out that it is fallacious...Leibniz' agurment was gigo...So is his... It presumes that in playing God we know what is best...The difference between him and Leibniz is nil -whether we are playing at knowing God, or playing we are God...

Oh wow, never had that line of though before :sarcastic:. Seriously though, a couple of moments of critical thinking and recognition of the context here might help you out. I think that it is pretty clear that what is being sought after is an increase in our natural ability to manipulate our environment and prosper (increase comfort, safety, whatever you might call it). Of course it is very subjective.
It is all subjective...The good we think necessary for humanity we can accomplish with forms...Unlike Leibniz with God, we can presume that up until near modern times, that nature has done its worst and best with us...Okay, our nature, and external nature should be left alone as much as possible... We can control our condition through forms, like of forms of transportation, shelter, economies, government, communication, and education, for example...Rather than change what we are, which we have no objective ability to judge, change our forms which all can judge...

There is no such thing as the sort of authority you seem to allude to, its all social games backed up by physical strength. Any trans-physical/social authority is beyond our access.

What you call social games I would call forms because they are not really supposed to result in ruin or loss of life for one side or the other..Yet;often they do just that....


Questionable... maybe I'm too ignorant of the subject, but it seems more reasonable to say that Hitler recognized the fact that he could play on the anti semitism already present in Western Europe in order to gain power. He did indeed implement several types of eugenics; promoting breeding among people percieved as 'strong', killing the handicapped, the list goes on.

All in all, however, this does not address the topic at hand.

Social engineering by operation, by pharmochology, by ideology, or theology is nonsense... If you feel a certain way one should first presume a natural reaction that may have once served humanity well...If people are injured and insulted, and because of some happy pill they accept the abuse; then what is next??? Will slavery and the grave follow... The damned society does not work, and it does not work for many people...instead of considering that it may be at fault, they are taught to blame themselves, and try to change their perspective through chemistry... What if they are right and the situation is wrong...Is better living through chemistry the answer???Are you not already a victim???

I think you're missing the point. What is being suggested is a modification of behavior not necessarily intelligence, by rewiring a section of the human brain. We could make it so that when people engage in a more appropriate behavior, they are rewarded by dopamine or something along those lines. Or we could curb aggression ect.
I think you are missing the point...If you could do one, why not the other??? But perhaps people do not always behave as they should, but out of intelligence are very constrained in their behavior...The point is, that we have nothing objective upon which to draw a conclusion of what is proper behavior... We can tell, even from liturature that what people once thought, they did... They were not conscious as we almost all are today... As their consciousness grew, their ability to live in larger societies grew...Is this always desirable??


As for I.Q.:

I.Q. is relatively useless beyond a certain level (definately at 130+), it is too subjective and too unreliable. As far as highly intelligent people being highly educated goes; there are most certainly mensa members (not that that really means much) that work blue collar jobs.

People are usually eduacted based on the ammount of money they have combined with how curious they are, how much their parents push them and a whole host of other factors.

I am not educated; but I cannot say if that fact has hurt me or helped since I cannot be one both sides of that street... Just going off one book, now dated, the Bell Curve; -they suggest that almost all highly intelligent people are ending up with formal institutions...But; at what price to them...Perhaps I was more free to think as I found naturally, as a construction worker...I will agree that there are may very bright and even gifted people everywhere...Perhaps many, like myself, resisted the form, and suffered, and suffer yet the results...Freedom of speech has much made of it; but feedom of thought iis where it is at, if one can afford it...
---------- Post added 07-14-2009 at 10:10 PM ----------

What if you had nothing else to eat? Smile

It seems to me to be likely that conflicts might arise due to the humans rather than post humans (unless something goes terribly wrong). It would be hard to build public trust of such advancements (hopefully this will become less and less true), and so mistrust of those who undergo the mistrusted procedures would follow.
Reply Tue 14 Jul, 2009 09:02 pm
Fido;77330 wrote:

Couldn't agree more.
Reply Tue 14 Jul, 2009 09:06 pm
odenskrigare;77334 wrote:
Couldn't agree more.

After I posted, a note said my post was too short; and that I needed at least sixteen characters...I must have exceeded the minimum...Consideer it a period piece...
Reply Tue 14 Jul, 2009 09:10 pm
Fido;77335 wrote:
After I posted, a note said my post was too short; and that I needed at least sixteen characters...I must have exceeded the minimum...Consideer it a period piece...

Did you post inside the quote tags? You're not supposed to do that: it's confusing.

Reply Wed 15 Jul, 2009 12:11 am
odenskrigare;77265 wrote:

Please don't advocate masochism.

Im not, I have no idea what you're talking about, please explain, masochism? please dont be ridiculas.

---------- Post added 07-15-2009 at 01:17 AM ----------

odenskrigare;77265 wrote:

I find it strange that you would want to thank an imaginary person. Are you OK?

I find it strange that you dont believe in God. And thanks for your concern I think, are you a Dr?
Reply Wed 15 Jul, 2009 01:00 am
Caroline;77353 wrote:
Im not, I have no idea what you're talking about, please explain, masochism? please dont be ridiculas.

Deliberately inflicting suffering on yourself for no good reason looks like masochism well enough.

Caroline;77353 wrote:
I find it strange that you dont believe in God. And thanks for your concern I think, are you a Dr?

Of course I don't believe in God. God is for heathens. I believe in the one true author of the Universe:
Reply Wed 15 Jul, 2009 01:09 am
odenskrigare;77358 wrote:
Deliberately inflicting suffering on yourself for no good reason looks like masochism well enough.

Of course I don't believe in God. God is for heathens. I believe in the one true author of the Universe:

You've misunderstood, I didn't mention anything about inflicting deliberate suffering on myself, im talking about getting the positive out of a bad situation, there is nothing in that statement that says deliberate sufferiing???????
And who is this one true author? Noodles?, your'e just taking the mick and I dont appreciate you wasting my time.
Reply Wed 15 Jul, 2009 01:20 am
Fido, you say: Do you realize that I am restating his argument to try to point out that it is fallacious...Leibniz' agurment was gigo...So is his... It presumes that in playing God we know what is best...The difference between him and Leibniz is nil -whether we are playing at knowing God, or playing we are God...

Would you really assert that if we can try, we shouldn't just because we might fail or it might go wrong? That is essentially what people who argue against 'playing god' seem to be saying to me.

What does it mean to play god? Every day we manipulate our environment in order to try to gain the greatest benefit for ourselves, all animals do this (though we are a little ahead of the curve as far as our ability to manipulate on a large scale). How is this area any different? If we are careful, and the participants willing, why should we not try?

Among other things, Nature makes us deaf, blind, kills us, builds us up and allows for us to manipulate our environment. The very ability to manipulate is part of nature; it is part of our nature. We have no reason not to try something until it has been established to be unreasonable. The implementation of the technology would probably be fairly gradual; there might be drawbacks at first, as there always are, but they can be worked out and the methods can be tested and improved.

If we have a goal that we feel needs to be met, why should we not see if it can be? What could be the worst that happens, we all die? Horrors abound? Horrors abound today, if you know where to look. Human atrocities are commonplace. Why should we not work to stop them at their source?

If a baby can be identified as a future serial killer simply based on its genetic makeup (which is actually pretty iffy), then what stops us from being able to manipulate the genetic makeup of a zygote in order to prevent that baby from becoming a serial killer? If we could screen for and safely prevent defects, why should we not? What do we loose?

I know you might now ask, where do we draw the line? Which characteristics are considered defects and which are not? I would say that if the results of non alteration are disastrous, we should alter, if the results are benign (would not inhibit the baby from average level function or unnecessarily allow for predisposition for criminal behavior) then the alteration should not be made. Of course, since this is all still pretty much conjecture, its hard to look at specific drawbacks and negatives.
Reply Wed 15 Jul, 2009 01:24 am
Caroline;77359 wrote:
You've misunderstood, I didn't mention anything about inflicting deliberate suffering on myself, im talking about getting the positive out of a bad situation, there is nothing in that statement that says deliberate sufferiing???????

If you have an alternative and you're not opting for it, it's masochism.

Or grossly irrational, at the very least.

Caroline;77359 wrote:
And who is this one true author? Noodles?, your'e just taking the mick and I dont appreciate you wasting my time.

Flying Spaghetti Monster - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Your god is no more or less ridiculous than mine.
Reply Wed 15 Jul, 2009 01:34 am
odenskrigare;77361 wrote:
If you have an alternative and you're not opting for it, it's masochism.

Or grossly irrational, at the very least.

Flying Spaghetti Monster - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Your god is no more or less ridiculous than mine.

I dont know what you're talking about, "grossly irrational"??? I think you've misunderstood me, look at Salima's example of the family whose child was born with disabilities, there is no alternative so I think you're confused about what Im talking about.
With regards to noodles, well I dont have the time to check your link, i have to go to work, but worshiping noodles, well that's your choice and I respect that. Goodbye.

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