savagemonk wrote:I recently was run through a brain wash attempt of saying equality over and over again. I was just wondering what others views of what equality really is, and is it beneficial or harmful?
Well I do not think there is equality of anything acrosss the board, it only arises due to comparison and through comparision there are always going to be a wide variety or degrees of a given quality. It is a bit like mean time or mean temperature, not often dead on but a method of measurement. That said, there needs to be established in the human realm a basic circumference of equal treatment, where there is an equal standard in providing the necessities of life, considered a human right reguardless of the level of virtues and/or skills one possesses, equal rights to the neccesities of life.
Is equality beneficial or harmful, it is a subjective evalutation, but it is in everyones best interest to belong to a caring community which provides the neccessities of life for all its citizens, not just those whom have the skills to manipulated the system to their greater benefit. This is the basic contract that society has with the individual, when it is broken, as when society allows the homeless to die hungry in the cold, then, the contract is broken, society has broken the contract and the homeless owe no allegiance to the contract, to the society. Then any means neccessary to survive is justified for the individual.