The United Way

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Reply Fri 6 Mar, 2009 02:48 pm
Icon wrote:
yes... But my post was longer Razz


<pwned Very Happy

Reply Fri 6 Mar, 2009 03:04 pm
Icon wrote:
Long ago I found myself face to face with enlightenment. I was on the cusp and I could feel it. My meditations got to the point where time and the physical realm had no meaning and I could slip in and out of my perception of myself at a whim. I saw all things in their true light and could feel a connection with everything in existence. I could control the energies in my body and harness the power of of the unified self to resolve hunger, weariness and pain. Life was complete bliss. I needed nothing, wanted even less and was content with whatever came down the road.

But something occurred to me. Something which brought me back. Enlightenment is not beautiful and is not amazing in the same way that this world is beautiful and amazing. So, I made a vow.
Having found the way to enlightenment, I will sit upon it and wait. I will hold it until the day that it is right for me to find it. That day will be the day that I tire of the beauty in this world. Not al things are equal. If that were true then you would have the same awe over a muddy puddle as you do the deepest ocean and you would have so little concern for yourself that you would no longer need food or water to survive. It is the inequality in this world which is fascinating. It is the difference and distinction between all things which holds beauty. To be one with everything is not the true goal of the enlightened. The true goal of the enlightened is to understand the beauty which comes from everything. I do not understand it all yet and that is why I have chosen the path of the physical world. I want to see the beauty which surrounds me and I want to experience it and then, when I have accomlished that, I want to take my experiences into the next stage of existence.

This is a fraction of what I learned from enlightenment. Another thing I learned is that the Way that you reference with such joy and faith, is nothing you could possibly understand. to think you understand it is to immediately admit that you do not. You see, the teachings of the Tao Te Ching and the Hua Hu Ching and the 7 Taoist Masters all explain that the Way can never be comprehended. If you had actually done your research and stepped away from your ego then you might have been able to see that. The very reason that you can't understand it is because it is not something which you can use words to describe. It is something beyond words.

"As soon as you define Beauty, you also define what it is to be Ugly" ~ Tao Te Ching.

Read this passage. Think about it. The purpose of the Tao is to get down to true nature and to remove all these classifications. In order to explain the Tao, you have to classify it so it can be put into language. To put it into language is to immediately destroy it. Your theory on onesness is not even a fraction of the understanding which comes with the true way. The only way to truly know the way is to ascend to it. To remove the physical world, the self and the memory of all you know. When you get there, you'll understand that you cannot understand. Right now, you are showing yourself to be a fool. You are showing yourself to be naive and egotistical about what you think you know. The more you talk about it, the farther away you will get from it. The more you "know" about it, the less you understand it. THAT is the essence of the Way. THAT is the understanding of the Tao. When you find the true Way, you will understand why you understand nothing. Until then, you are nothing more than a self proclaimed holy man similar to the Christian stories of the Anti-Christ. (biblical reference, not common understanding)

I urge you to dive deeper, read more, go to a taoist temple, do all you can to understand. I urge you to try harder and instead of stopping at a mere literal understanding. I can quote books all day long, but to understand is beyond what language can tell.

The United Way
The true One is One.
I am One and so are you.
The unity of All is One,
God is One,


PS: If as you say the truth cannot be written or spoken, then why have you read so many books and believe and tell others what they say is true? If it is true that the great masters of TAO have told you they cannot tell the truth of One in words, then why do you believe their words to be true? Didn't they say not too as you said they said above?:shocked:


If your looking for truth study nature, Michelangelo and me:bigsmile:


Truth is One and = make it so.
Reply Sat 7 Mar, 2009 09:22 am
Love is the difficult realization that something other than oneself is real. Iris Murdock

The realization that One equals All is true love.

Reply Sat 7 Mar, 2009 02:54 pm
Icon wrote:
To remove the physical world, the self and the memory of all you know. When you get there, you'll understand that you cannot understand.
If enlightment is like that, I will go down the dark way Smile
Reply Mon 9 Mar, 2009 06:30 am
MJA wrote:
The United Way
The true One is One.
I am One and so are you.
The unity of All is One,
God is One,


PS: If as you say the truth cannot be written or spoken, then why have you read so many books and believe and tell others what they say is true? If it is true that the great masters of TAO have told you they cannot tell the truth of One in words, then why do you believe their words to be true? Didn't they say not too as you said they said above?:shocked:


If your looking for truth study nature, Michelangelo and me:bigsmile:


Truth is One and = make it so.

I have read because I was also looking for answers. I listened because I was curious. It is as Bruce Lee said:

"Before I learned martial arts, a punch was just a punch and a kick was just a kick. When I studied martial arts, a punch was no longer just a punch and a kick was no longer just a kick. Now I understand martial arts, and a punch is just a punch and a kick is just a kick."

You see, before I knew Taoism, I knew that there was something beyond words or forms. When I studied Taoism I found words and forms which I could see. Now I understand Taosim and I know that there is something beyond words and forms.

Truth cannot have form or phrase because these things can be understood differently. Truth has to be beyond cognisant perception. Anything percieved can be changed. Truth is a constant.

2 + 2 = 5 in greater quantities of two.

One = 1
I = 999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999991

My point is simple and yet it seems to be beyond your comprehension. The united way is only possible if you give up your humanity. Since I don't see you doing that, I would assume that you are wrong. If you were one with everything then when an animal was tortured and killed, you would be tortured and killed. And yet you are here.

I am going to be perfectly honest with you. I have been watching your posts and I don't see how you have brought any benefit to any of your threads or the threads of others. The fact of the matter is that you are narrow minded, stubborn and repetitive. To say the same thing over and over again is not philosophy. To ignore peoples posts because you don't have an answer and to simply repeat yourself is not intelligence. To deny peoples questions without even considering that they may be right is not awareness and = = truth is NOT enlightenment.

We all take a journey like the one that you are on. Most people don't stop halfway and think themselves to be correct.

I noticed that you ignored my book suggestion. Tell me, is it fear of being wrong which compels you or fear of something else?
Reply Mon 9 Mar, 2009 07:14 am
dear icon, your so negative i have difficulty responding to you.
are you ok? I've added some questions to your last post and maybe your answers will help us both.

truth cannot have form or phrase because these things can be understood differently. Truth has to be beyond cognisant perception. Anything percieved can be changed. Truth is a constant.

isn't that a contradiction?
truth cannot have a phrase - truth is a constant?

2 + 2 = 5 in greater quantities of two.

One = 1
i = 999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999991

are you certain about your math?
it's contrary to mine.

My point is simple and yet it seems to be beyond your comprehension. The united way is only possible if you give up your humanity. Since i don't see you doing that, i would assume that you are wrong. If you were one with everything then when an animal was tortured and killed, you would be tortured and killed. And yet you are here.

give up humanity? What does that mean?
and if we kill this planet we die too. Oneness is universal.

i am going to be perfectly honest with you. I have been watching your posts and i don't see how you have brought any benefit to any of your threads or the threads of others. The fact of the matter is that you are narrow minded, stubborn and repetitive. To say the same thing over and over again is not philosophy. To ignore peoples posts because you don't have an answer and to simply repeat yourself is not intelligence. To deny peoples questions without even considering that they may be right is not awareness and = = truth is not enlightenment.

my writing about unity, the way, equality, oneness, justice, truth, freedom,... Is not beneficial? What is then?

we all take a journey like the one that you are on. Most people don't stop halfway and think themselves to be correct.

i think i'm right and i'm going to keep going, i'm going to live right, share right, and be right. Just is right and better than wrong.

i noticed that you ignored my book suggestion. Tell me, is it fear of being wrong which compels you or fear of something else?[

and what is that question, i'll try to answer it if i can.
Try being positive too. The united way is a positive thread.

Reply Tue 10 Mar, 2009 09:19 am
The practice of equality not only of mankind but more truly practicing the equality of All things is the united Way to go.
Equality unites One or All.
Practicing the united Way is the truest Way to go.
Try it, you'll be, you'll see!:detective:

Reply Sat 14 Mar, 2009 11:29 am

The Enlightenment of Truth

I idealize the truth of equality.
Equality that unites us All and makes All One.
I realize the absolute truth that All is One, the Universe is One, God is One, as You are One. I see the light, I am the light, and equally or truly so are you.
I am One.
How is this Truth So?
Truth is more simple than thought; it is simplicity itself.
The synonym for 'is' is equal, and mathematically the symbol for equal is simply =.
Mathematically or empirically, = or equal, as truly is, unites All things. The simple truth lay hidden under our uncertain measures of difference all along; measure was the flaw. Measure is the uncertainty that divides us All. Once the uncertainty of an equation is removed, = or equal is All that remains. Do you have any uncertainty about this equation: God is = equals One? If so, by removing those uncertainties, the judgments or measures, the theories or faiths, equal or = is All that truly remains.
Equal is the equation is the foundation is the truth itself! Wow!
Physics finally has a true not theoretical equation for nature, for the Universe, for All: =
And Einstein came so close with e = mc2. The solution to his unsolved unified field theory was at the very center of his own equation. But the solution is not a theory; it's the most simple, most beautiful truth of All. Had he known nature was truly and infinitely immeasurable, he would have let go of his uncertainties, simplified his own equation, and found = too. He was right that God is not probable, but a role of the dice certainly is. Science is still rolling dice.
And religion finally goes beyond the uncertainties of faith too, to the absolute true equity that unites us all, to God. Science unites with mathematics with religion at the point of Truth Equals One. =
And what of Justice, nothing is more right (not fair as practiced) than equality. There is no grey area in truth.
Democracy you ask? Ask Jefferson, he knew the truth of equality as well.
Life without measure is truly One. Equal is the Enlightenment of Truth that will set us free.
Free at last, free at last, free at last. King knew it too!
God is One,
Be One too,

Reply Sat 14 Mar, 2009 12:49 pm
Just something that I've been bursting to get out on the whole '=' things, call it my two cents.


"=" isn't all that.
Reply Sat 14 Mar, 2009 10:14 pm
"He who experiences the unity of life sees his own Self in all beings, and all beings in his own Self, and looks on everything with an impartial eye." Buddha = me
= unites all things,from a =z to you = me!
That's the gold!

Reply Sun 15 Mar, 2009 06:52 pm
So the gold is to make a statement that means next to nothing? Come on, we both know that I do not equal you, nor do you equal Buddha. We are all individual and unique, so to the human condition we can never be equal. Theoretically we should be equal in rights, and how we are treated, but this nearly never happens. Even the man who professes that he treats all people equally will have some form of prejudice. Even if you believe that through a mathematical symbol you are at one with everything it does not make it so. I once met a man who believed that bar codes are the sign of the Anti-Christ, and another who believed he was Jesus, but sadly neither were true.
Reply Mon 16 Mar, 2009 09:54 am
MJA wrote:
"He who experiences the unity of life sees his own Self in all beings, and all beings in his own Self, and looks on everything with an impartial eye." Buddha = me
= unites all things,from a =z to you = me!
That's the gold!

That must be why you eat plants but not animals.
Reply Mon 16 Mar, 2009 09:54 am

The secret to turning nothing into something, and something into gold,
The secret of alchemy, the Universal solvent, is the simple missing ingredient of truth, the truth of equality.
Try it, you'll see.
Equal unites All and makes us truly One.
Truth solves everything and turns the whole Universe
Into the pure light of Gold.
Be true, be One,
Be the light,
Be Gold,

Reply Mon 16 Mar, 2009 10:12 am
When you consider yourself one with everything and equal to everything, does that not ruin your ability to be so.

I have read most of your posts and I can only think to myself that your arogance is what keeps you from moving on to the next step. MJA, I have an understanding of why you think what you think but I can express my concern that you have stopped half way my friend. There is so much more to understand about this and yet you seem content with only the smallest understanding of the consequences of your words. You see, there are many things that you don't understand and can't understand so long as you think you understand anything. What you have is a key but you have yet to find the door or walk through it.
Reply Mon 16 Mar, 2009 10:15 am

I'd go easy on him. What he's expressing is an impressionistic version of a philosophy, in a sort of poetic form that gives conclusions without derivation.

There's nothing wrong with that, but it's not presented in a debatable way, so the rest of us just get to take it or leave it. And the same goes for him. The difference is that it works for him -- clearly -- he's content with it.

I think we all see what he means, whether or not we buy it ourselves.

But clearly this thread isn't going to hammer this out...
Reply Mon 16 Mar, 2009 10:42 am
Fair enough. I will step away from this thread. I feel that it is best considering my history with this type of philosophy. I find it to be quite offensive when this thought type is presented in a way which does not give a full understanding of it. This has a tendency of causing confusion and damage to the credibility of the ideas and often leads people away or down the wrong path.

When speaking on powerful ideas, it is important to be cautious and not lead with your heart.
Reply Tue 17 Mar, 2009 09:16 am
[CENTER]No man, he hath lighted a candle,

putteth it in a secret place,

neither under a bushel, but on a candlestick,

that they which come in may see the light.

Luke 11: 33

Equal is the true light that lights the united Way.

Reply Tue 17 Mar, 2009 10:15 am
Now this intrigued me. My goal whenever I come into one of your threads, MJA, is to understand you. You're a mystery man to me.

You now quote Bible verses...? Are you sure this "light" is the same as the one you speak? Would you consider yourself religious, Christian even?
Reply Tue 17 Mar, 2009 10:34 am
Zetherin wrote:
Now this intrigued me. My goal whenever I come into one of your threads, MJA, is to understand you. You're a mystery man to me.

You now quote Bible verses...? Are you sure this "light" is the same as the one you speak? Would you consider yourself religious, Christian even?

The mystery Z is truth.
I found the solution to truth
and someday you will to.
Religious? I am truly One.
God is One, the Universe is One, and so are you.
The mystery of truth is understanding the Oneness of Oneself.
The true Oneness of All.
the solution is more simple than thought.
Simplify and be One too.


PS: Philosophy is truth, and what better place to share it than right here on this forum of truth!
Reply Tue 17 Mar, 2009 11:27 am
I just did a three step process on myself, and it worked out quite well:

  1. Simplified myself
  2. Became "One"
  3. Became the universe, god, and you.

Well, it looks as though I took your advice. What do we do now "One" brother?

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