When is the wedding for you and Occam's razor? I'll be your best man, if you'd like.
Here, here:
"Simpler theories are preferable
other things being equal. The other things in question are the evidential support for the theory. Therefore, according to the principle, a simpler but less correct theory should not be preferred over a more complex but more correct one."
-Wiki Occam's razor
Even if you're correct and the answer to
everything, is simply "=", what are you waiting for us to do? You're going to wait at, "=", at One, at Truth... and how would you like us to meet you? If everyone shared this notion that everything was, "=", we wouldn't be progressing in anything, now would we? Am I still misunderstanding you?
You seem to imply you have everything figured out. Well, what do I think? I think you've taken the easy way out. I think you came to some epiphany sometime in your life, and have decided to stop critically thinking. I think "One", "Truth", and "Equal", are all subjective in the context you're speaking them, and someone may come to different conclusions, conclusions that are no better or worse than yours!
My only advice: Don't stop considering! Contemplate!