I Have No Ounce of Compassion for Human Beings

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Reply Thu 15 Jan, 2009 01:02 pm
But it still follows that there is no existing proof that we will "get burned." The idea that any modern metaphor for the story of Frankenstein should justifiably end research in any direction is an idea based solely on unfounded fear. Simply equating a line of research with a gothic novel attributes no objective facts to it.

I could equate your statements to the Bible verse that states that he who increases knowledge increases sorrow, and use such a statement to suggest that what you're saying implies that you're Christian. But my doing so has nothing whatsoever to do with your religious tendency (if any).
Reply Thu 15 Jan, 2009 01:05 pm
MuseEvolution;42910 wrote:
But it still follows that there is no existing proof that we will "get burned." The idea that any modern metaphor for the story of Frankenstein should justifiably end research in any direction is an idea based solely on unfounded fear. Simply equating a line of research with a gothic novel attributes no objective facts to it.

I could equate your statements to the Bible verse that states that he who increases knowledge increases sorrow, and use such a statement to suggest that what you're saying implies that you're Christian. But my doing so has nothing whatsoever to do with your religious tendency (if any).

We've already been burned. Weapons of mass destruction were not a concern a century ago.

I never said that we should end research. Just that we need to tread carefully. We should not hail some potential scientific breakthrough as being the solution to all of our problems. We need to keep in mind that it might just bring more problems with it than it solves.
Reply Thu 15 Jan, 2009 02:00 pm
Evidence of the past is no absolute proof of the future.

I consider the need for caution and thorough research and the like to be a foregone conclusion when advancing on paths like this.
Reply Thu 15 Jan, 2009 03:58 pm
Fido wrote:
If you kill one person who has evolved a defense for a disease only his people have been killed by then you may be killing all of humanity...
That cannot be true. Because if there is only a single person in all of humanity with defenses against something with an otherwise 100% selection rate, then at best his offspring will be the only ones who survive to the next generation; and if at best this is an autosomal dominant trait, then only 50% of his offspring will survive.

In any other scenario, with a lesser degree of selection, killing that one person would not be killing all of humanity.

We judge people, and do not have the wisdom to judge genes...
We don't have the wisdom to judge either. But genes are easier -- they've got fewer variables.

And we do not understand that war kills masses as feuds never did...
As a proportion of world population you are incorrect. As a proportion of world population, the hundreds of thousands of people slaughtered by the Mongols in Baghdad is comparable to the 55 million killed in WWII. And those are the two extremes of their era.

German culture took over Europe from the Celts, but it did not destroy their genes, but incorported them...
You might check your history on this one. Germany became the dominant culture in Europe at around the time of Charlamagne (who was Frankish) and the subsequent development of the Holy Roman Empire (which was predominantly German). The previous hegemon in Europe was Rome.

Great events like the black death led to a lot of homogeny, but war was worse...
The Black Death killed 1/3 the population of Europe and more than half the population of Italy. Name me a single war that has killed such a great proportion of an entire continent.

Furthermore, you seem not to be aware of the demographic studies that repeatedly show that population drops are invariably accompanied by extremely high fertility rates. The population lost in WWII was easily overcome within a generation. The countries with the highest birth rates and population growth rates are the ones with the highest mortality rates, especially among infants and children.

China produces people on average of ten IQ points on Americans
that's crap. IQ testing isn't even foolproof among native English speakers, and it's never been validated in other languages and cultures.

Genghis Khan sorted people by intelligence and killed anyone without skill
He also killed the entire populations of cities indiscriminately

for the most part human beings have through our forms limited our evolution because we have limitted our exposure to the caprices of nature...We have created and recreated our nature in our forms.
We are natural phenomena. We are one of many selecting forces on ourselves.

If you rephrase this by saying that we limit genetic diversity through our actions, I'll concede that point. But evolution is simply change -- unqualified by positive or negative connotations. Anything that changes us is evolution, whether it's good, bad, "natural", or human.
Reply Thu 15 Jan, 2009 07:08 pm
Every evolutionary change occurs in a single individual and only by its survival does the gene become more common... You do not know what adaptation you might be killing even when you kill some stinking freak murderer... And it is crazy to do so...It would be great to practice some level of negative eugenics, because very often damaged genes can spread the more the disease is treated... But no one really knows that one physical change today resulting in disease may not provide some resistence to an environmental problem, or some pandemic, and even there, in a hot slate cleaning disease situation the first question I am sure people would ask is: who did not die, and why did they not die??? Do they have natural antibodies??? Have they a genetic resistence??? Because a genitic resistence might tell something about the disease and be the basis of a drug to fight the disease... Some people believed that many Indians passed a far less dangerous and virelent form of syphilus that offered some protection from the African and European variety.., and I would guess that it might have been the basis of so vaccine... Just a guess since all the diseases the whites passed like small pox and measles killed far more than fire arms...

You are absolutly wrong about the Mongols... They would destroy any city that resisted him, but just like Tamerlaine, if you joined him you were good... Even with captured cities, he would sort out smiths, and skilled peoples of all sorts and pack them off as captives... Before their conquests the Mongols had no metal work what so ever... They were disciplined by Genghis Khan, taught to choose their battle field, to spread terror, to spy out their enemies, to use captives in the first wave of attack, to dress straw men on their spare horses to make more targets and inflate their numbers, and the one I lke best was to wear silk shirts that would not be cut by arrows, so that the arrow could be pulled out with little damage...Don't let me forget the double recurve bow that would shoot arrows through Euopean armor.. There was nothing stupid about them, but when they learned that peasants were the wealth, instead of killing them they set themselves up for defeat by them in short order...Oh, and they respected religious people which led to future divisions between them, and led to wars being warmed over today by the end of the Tatar Khans...It was through religious institutions in Moscow that the russians were able to save their wealth from the mongols, which became the basis of their power... And when Tamerlain came by, he whipped the Golden Horde (ordu) and left the Russians free and undamaged to beat the mongols only a few short years later...
Reply Thu 15 Jan, 2009 08:04 pm
Fido;42943 wrote:
]You do not know what adaptation you might be killing even when you kill some stinking freak murderer...
How is putting him in prison for life going to pass on his adaptation?

And people don't pass on one gene at a time. They also pass on the genes that make them more or less likely to be a stinking freak murderer.

But no one really knows that one physical change today resulting in disease may not provide some resistence to an environmental problem, or some pandemic
I agree with this wholeheartedly. This is why I've had a fundamental problem with Abolitionist's eugenic agenda.

Some people believed that many Indians passed a far less dangerous and virelent form of syphilus that offered some protection from the African and European variety.., and I would guess that it might have been the basis of so vaccine... Just a guess since all the diseases the whites passed like small pox and measles killed far more than fire arms...
Some of it is genetic, some of it is from acquired immunity, but you're completely correct here.

Of course the whites got their own trying to colonize Africa -- they had an 80% annual mortality mainly from yellow fever, malaria, and dysentery.

Fido;42943 wrote:
You are absolutly wrong about the Mongols...
Yeah, noble people they were:


Mongol Conquests: Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity

Same with Tamerlane, who exterminated the population of Nishapur and much of Iran.

Have you forgotten about the Viking raids into Europe?

And lest we blame only barbarians for these crimes, I'll refresh your memory about the Crusaders when they came upon Jerusalem:

First Crusade - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Reply Thu 15 Jan, 2009 09:39 pm
I did not say they were noble... I would not say that of any savage, or barbarian... That is a later stage of society from feudalism that really does not represent biological or intellectual value, but simply a moral valuation... When the Mongols became civilized they were weakened, and accepting religious freedom as natural, they were soon divided over it... If what we think of as better qualities sets a person up for slavery or defeat, are they actually better qualities??? In any event, they were intelligent and adaptable, and excepting a predisposition to gout were gnerally healthy and hardy, and they did act as an intelligence test by saving as many of the intelligent, upper strata members of other societies... It was the Chinese who really began to spell their doom because they spared so many of them, that when they turned on this minority with force there was no stopping them... No, I never rob anyone of their humanity trying to see them as noble... They were what they were just as the Native Americans, and the Germanic peoples were what they were, human...
Reply Thu 15 Jan, 2009 11:26 pm
nameless wrote:
We don't see things as they are, we see them as WE are.

I agree but does this does this mean what one sees in himself he sees in his fellow man? Would this disposition cause zero empathy?
Reply Fri 16 Jan, 2009 07:23 am
Fido wrote:
That is a later stage of society from feudalism that really does not represent biological or intellectual value, but simply a moral valuation...
True, but I don't give people of antiquity a moral pass for butchery when there were clearly contemporaries who saw it as such.

they did act as an intelligence test by saving as many of the intelligent, upper strata members of other societies...
I see that as its own form of perverse eugenics. Hitler was quite the collector of art from occupied countries himself, and antisemitic Germans during the Nazi era actually protected well educated German Jews (who ended up having a much lower death rate than the ostjuden, i.e. the lower class Jews from Poland, Russia, and elsewhere in Eastern Europe who were all slated for extermination).

I never rob anyone of their humanity trying to see them as noble... They were what they were just as the Native Americans, and the Germanic peoples were what they were, human...
The word "human" is neutral. But people bring moral judgements on themselves by the choices they make. I can go along with your existential argument, but you're missing the next step that Sartre articulated famously. By constraining the humanity of others one constrains one's own humanity as well. Are we to celebrate the sophistication of Genghis Khan because he slaughtered babies but saved intellectuals? It makes him look all the more like a thug whose enormous empire wasn't enough for his self-aggrandizing self-image.
Reply Fri 16 Jan, 2009 08:55 am
Aedes wrote:
True, but I don't give people of antiquity a moral pass for butchery when there were clearly contemporaries who saw it as such.

I crossed key boards with you in the past, and I know you are intelligent, so do you expect that Genghis Khan was looking for a moral pass... It is possible that if the Muslims could have given their people justice that they would also have kept them strong enough to resist the Mongols. They did not...Look at who did whip their asses in the only real military defeat they suffered... It was the Mamaluks, the possesed ones who had only recently thrown off slavery and could match brutality with brutality when it came to the Mongols... Ibn Khaldun, who with his classic Muqaddimi really made the argument for history as a branch of philosophy, and who actually met and negotiated with Timoralain, the Iron Limper, traced the rise and decline of many civilizations showed that fresh wild people always conquer fat, rich and corrupt people...Where is the morality...Morality never enters into it...Unless one considers that all primitve societies are morality, and make an issue on honor, which is to say say, ethics. Only when honor is lost to wealth can any people be defeated, and they are defeated because they are immoral...

I see that as its own form of perverse eugenics. Hitler was quite the collector of art from occupied countries himself, and antisemitic Germans during the Nazi era actually protected well educated German Jews (who ended up having a much lower death rate than the ostjuden, i.e. the lower class Jews from Poland, Russia, and elsewhere in Eastern Europe who were all slated for extermination).

Rosenburg, I think was his name, had a Jewish girl friend and lover for a long time... He was killed for hate speach, and was an embarrassment to humanity and to the nazis...They recognized that all nazis had their good Jews, exceptions to the standard conception of Jews... The Jews helped the Germans win the first part of that war, and when they most needed trained people, engineers and scientists they tried to ship them to the camps... No one said they were smart.

The word "human" is neutral. But people bring moral judgements on themselves by the choices they make. I can go along with your existential argument, but you're missing the next step that Sartre articulated famously. By constraining the humanity of others one constrains one's own humanity as well. Are we to celebrate the sophistication of Genghis Khan because he slaughtered babies but saved intellectuals? It makes him look all the more like a thug whose enormous empire wasn't enough for his self-aggrandizing self-image.

You are making a moral judgement without the basis for a moral judgement...We can judge people within our society moral or not on the basis of our morality... They have their morality annd we have ours, and while we seek a human morality we will only find that when we find human affection...Do you know that twining is quite common among American Indians, and the reason is that they used to kill twins..Not all of them, but the old people would try to test the infants to see which one was evil, and they would take that one and give to another, or kill...Because more mothers with twins would survive by this method, not being over stressed, so more twins would survive because they had their mothers, so that the gene became more common than elsewhere....Does it seem barbaric...It was, and it worked for society, and ultimately for their humanity which is the object of all morality, for humanity to survive even if an individual should die...When an oriental king took the throne, he would as soon kill off all his brothers, and it seemed a terrible crime to the Christians; and yet those people would rejoice knowing they were spared civil war... Better a bad king than two...
Reply Fri 16 Jan, 2009 09:58 am
Pangloss wrote:
Do you really trust that we can make good changes simply with technological advancement? The problem with this is the lack of ethical consideration that goes into much of our science. We are like Dr. Frankenstein trying to solve the mysteries of life, and before we know what we have, we've created a monster. Atomic technology comes to mind-- the powers of the atom have been a double-edged sword, giving us the ability to wipe out all of existence in nuclear war, and also incredible diagnostic abilities that we now use in much of modern medicine.

I'm not anti-technology, but I think we need to tread carefully. We probably already have too much technology for our own good; we are not prepared for immortality in the slightest. How could we manage to deal with immortality when currently we are all still intent on wiping each other out? Technology is not going to be the change. We need a cultural, spiritual change, a change where we first learn to treat each other correctly, to treat ourselves correctly, and to lead happy, productive lives. Immortality can certainly wait; I would never want to be made immortal on this planet as it currently stands, the way we are heading. That would be something like hell, "eternal suffering".
Cultural and spiritual changes are already happening in all sorts of directions, and will give birth to all sorts of conflicts. I dont believe we can make good changes only with technology but I believe that, as we are now, we cannot make advancements in the cultural and spiritual areas winhout further advancement in technology, we just dont manage to understand each other enough as mere humans to stop killing each other... maybe we could manage, but it would at take a lot more time and a lot more wars, way more time that its gonna take for advancements in genetic enginnering and robotics to start changing us.

Holiday20310401 wrote:
I agree but does this does this mean what one sees in himself he sees in his fellow man? Would this disposition cause zero empathy?
Would Smile The reason honest people are naive is because they assume others are honest until proven otherwise, and this is also why people that cant be trusted usually dont trust much others either Smile
Reply Fri 16 Jan, 2009 10:43 am
Fido wrote:
do you expect that Genghis Khan was looking for a moral pass
That's not the point. The point is that you've been disproportionately condemning the atrocities of modernity in contrast to antiquity. And in so doing, you are passing a moral judgement on antiquity yourself -- you're saying that what they did is OK, it's not as bad, it was more virtuous or humane or whatever.

And I'm saying that if we are going to evaluate ethics across historical eras, then you're going to have a very hard time justifying that the modern age is any crueller than pick-your-atrocity from history. The scale was smaller, but the proportions were comparable and the cruelty just as severe.

It is possible that if the Muslims could have given their people justice that they would also have kept them strong enough to resist the Mongols.
Is that also true for the Armenians, the Jews, and the Tutsis?

Only when honor is lost to wealth can any people be defeated, and they are defeated because they are immoral...
The Jews WERE defeated in WWII. The centuries-old Ashkenazy culture is gone, Yiddish is dying, and of the 8 million Jews in pre-war Europe 75% of them died. And if you consider that some kind of pyrrhic victory, that the Jews lasted longer than the Third Reich, then are you arguing that the complete extermination of the Jews would somehow qualify the Jews as immoral?

They recognized that all nazis had their good Jews
Yup, Himmler was an opponent of that hypocrisy. An ironically evil champion of consistency he was.

You are making a moral judgement without the basis for a moral judgement...
But so are you in contraposing history against the immorality of the present.
Reply Fri 16 Jan, 2009 11:49 am
Aedes; don't we know more, and understand better that we are a part of humanity??? People very often conceived of themselves, their group as the only humanity and made their survival the only essential considderation, and looked at all others as less than human, certainly as deserving of no moral consideration... People must be judged on their own morality...Since our morality is Christian, and that does see all humanity as equal and deserving their lives it ic certainly easy to judge many f us against our own morality and find us evil, or at best hypocritical.

Yes, I would say Jews were generally immoral, but only on testimony from my own family... The Jews to whom I am related were definitely second class; but coming to America found the old class hierarchy was behind them, so they achieved and rose in society according to their ability. My first father in law was a phd psychoanalyst... out of very poor circumstance, lower East side, a vonce bit me twice kind of people...But while many rich were shook down for their loot as a price for escape, also many leading Jews helped to keep their societies under control for deportation... They could not present a united front against the nazis because the rich were united against the poor... not to say that it would not have done some good or any good but to be in a position to turn on your attackers... Look at the Roma...Those people were Arians, but the nazis did not like them, and so the shipped them to the camps..But their value to the nazis was quite small since as soon as they tried to separate the men from their wives out would come the knives, and some one would die...The first true thing many Jews heard in the camps was: that is your wife and children you smell burning...Get to work.

If you want to see morality among the Jews look at the gaza strip war... There the survival of the Jewish community justifies any action no matter how extreme or brutal...It is not immoral unless one considers that each side is semetic, and that each side is humanity...Considering that one side is Jewish and the other side is Muslim, it is what morality has always been, not better, and no worse.
Reply Fri 16 Jan, 2009 01:44 pm
Fido wrote:
Aedes; don't we know more, and understand better that we are a part of humanity?
Yes, I agree. But the genocides of the 20th century were in part based on the modern understanding of genetic essentialism. It wasn't enough to convert or expel people -- they needed to be purged from humanity. This was a specific rationale used by the Nazi racial scientists, especially the Nazi doctors. They had a vastly different and highly pathologic sense of humanity that was in part derived from a strange rationalization of this modern understanding.

Yes, I would say Jews were generally immoral, but only on testimony from my own family... The Jews to whom I am related were definitely second class; but coming to America found the old class hierarchy was behind them, so they achieved and rose in society according to their ability.
Virtually the entirety of my family died in the Holocaust. One of my grandmothers lost her first husband, her brother and both parents. My other grandmother lost both parents and 5 siblings (all of whom were children). One grandfather lost his mother, 7 siblings, and survived a death march. One grandfather lost his mother who was his only living relative. Three of the four survived Auschwitz. In what way were they immoral compared with, say, their Christian neighbors in Poland and Hungary who were never sent to the ghettos and camps? In what way were they immoral compared with anyone else in the world? I mean my grandmother's brother, a young boy who starved to death in the Lodz ghetto, never did anything that deserves a judgement of immorality. They were all poor. My one grandfather from Hungary was a doctor but he was the only one in my entire family who ever had an education.

How can you say such things? Does immorality mean something different to you?

many leading Jews helped to keep their societies under control for deportation
You're talking about small handfuls of opportunists among literally millions who never did anything like this. Furthermore, the Jews who worked as liasons for the Nazis in ghettos did not know where the deportations were headed to. There were rumors, but no one in the ghettos ever knew.

They could not present a united front against the nazis because the rich were united against the poor
And because they were living in little shtetls in Poland, Lithuania, Ukraine, etc. Only a few hundred thousand Jewish victims of the Holocaust came from Germany. More than 3 million were from Poland. There were 470,000 from Hungary. There were over a million from Russia. The Jews in Germany didn't get a real taste of what was in store until the Nuremberg laws and then Kristallnacht, but elsewhere, the Jews were facing the Wehrmacht and the SS -- and early in the war these German troops were still among their elite, best armed, and numbering in the millions themselves.

I also find you treading awfully close to the argument that the Jews were somehow responsible for their own fate by not fighting harder, as if this really could have made a difference after 9/1/1939. The Polish army lasted about 2 weeks before entirely collapsing; and the Red Army lost 600,000 troops in about a month at the beginning of Barbarossa -- what could a bunch of Jews living in shtetls do?

The first true thing many Jews heard in the camps was: that is your wife and children you smell burning...Get to work.
My grandmother heard something similar from from other inmates at Birkenau after she arrived. She was hand selected by Mengele.

If you want to see morality among the Jews look at the gaza strip war...
Apples and oranges. You think you can generalize about Jewish morality by comparing the actions of Israel in 2009 to Polish Jews in 1939? This is a generalizable feature of Jewish morality? That's crap. Even if Israel committed some overt genocide in 2009, that says NOTHING about the morality of the Jews in Europe during the Holocaust.
Reply Fri 16 Jan, 2009 04:26 pm
Eh? What, you think anything we say is going to help? Change your mind yourself.
Reply Sat 17 Jan, 2009 10:54 am
Aedes wrote:
Virtually the entirety of my family died in the Holocaust. One of my grandmothers lost her first husband, her brother and both parents. My other grandmother lost both parents and 5 siblings (all of whom were children). One grandfather lost his mother, 7 siblings, and survived a death march. One grandfather lost his mother who was his only living relative. Three of the four survived Auschwitz. In what way were they immoral compared with, say, their Christian neighbors in Poland and Hungary who were never sent to the ghettos and camps? In what way were they immoral compared with anyone else in the world? I mean my grandmother's brother, a young boy who starved to death in the Lodz ghetto, never did anything that deserves a judgement of immorality. They were all poor. My one grandfather from Hungary was a doctor but he was the only one in my entire family who ever had an education.

How can you say such things? Does immorality mean something different to you?
Then he said jews were immoral he obviously meant the vital part of the society that could have done something about it, no need to take this to the personal side.
Reply Sat 17 Jan, 2009 01:39 pm
manored;43242 wrote:
Then he said jews were immoral he obviously meant the vital part of the society that could have done something about it, no need to take this to the personal side.

When you make unfounded blanket statements like "jews were immoral" (or insert any generalization about a group of people), it immediately becomes personal.
Reply Sat 17 Jan, 2009 02:07 pm
manored wrote:
Then he said jews were immoral he obviously meant the vital part of the society that could have done something about it.
That's not at all what he meant -- in fact that is obviously NOT what he meant. He parodies a Yiddish accent, he says Jews were generally immoral which makes one wonder about whom he'd regard as an exception, he curiously makes a point out of Jewish immorality as if Nazi immorality is an afterthought, he refers to his Jewish "first father-in-law" as the reference for WHY he thinks Jews were generally immoral, and he goes on to extrapolate the immorality of current Israeli policy as an exemplar of Jewish immorality in general.

Furthermore, it's blind ignorance to historical facts to blame the genocidal policy of the Nazi regime on their victims -- but ironically this is one of the party lines of neo-Nazi organizations and Holocaust revisionists.

You should all take this personally just because you're humans. And don't tell me what I should and should not take personally; I'm sorry, but I've been around the living history of this event enough that I feel entitled to take offense at this.
Reply Sat 17 Jan, 2009 05:28 pm
Aedes wrote:
That's not at all what he meant -- in fact that is obviously NOT what he meant. He parodies a Yiddish accent, he says Jews were generally immoral which makes one wonder about whom he'd regard as an exception, he curiously makes a point out of Jewish immorality as if Nazi immorality is an afterthought, he refers to his Jewish "first father-in-law" as the reference for WHY he thinks Jews were generally immoral, and he goes on to extrapolate the immorality of current Israeli policy as an exemplar of Jewish immorality in general.

Furthermore, it's blind ignorance to historical facts to blame the genocidal policy of the Nazi regime on their victims -- but ironically this is one of the party lines of neo-Nazi organizations and Holocaust revisionists.

You should all take this personally just because you're humans. And don't tell me what I should and should not take personally; I'm sorry, but I've been around the living history of this event enough that I feel entitled to take offense at this.

The way the jews behave in Israel is Moral in the sense of community consciousness, and doing all they feel necessary to defending their own...We might not like it; but it is what morality has always been for all people... The Jews in Europe where demoralized, and very willing to feed off their own, and to see themselves divided in to rich and poor Jews... When you can see yourselves as one nation, you can put up a united defense which is the best defense any people can manage against outside attack... People seldom are divided by others as much as they find some excuse like money to divide themselves... That is immoral, the beginning of all forms of immoraltiy. Aedes...try to not get all warped...My Jewish family were always sensitive to anything smacking of anti sematism... My former mother family in law lost virtually all their relatives at the hands of the Germans..They had a right to their sesitivity...

And yes, many many of the jews and others cperated in their own demise... People do that too, putting their own lives first, or at least, before their communities, and that too is immoral...Community is morality..

You understand I hope, that just as Jews were happy to live on the backs of Jews, they were also willing to live off of others if the opportunity presented itself... I have met some Poles for example who clearly hated the Jews, but ended up suffing nearly as much...One man who learned in this land to absolutly detest Jews because they would take every advantage told me he went to Poland, and that the locals told him, that when Communism broke down, Jews showed up claiming they owned the land they were farming...Those people had been on that land for hundreds of years...What they may not realize is that while they had rights, the property may have been feudal property, and some lord may have had a mortgage on it... It's just more of the grave of Sarah...But we hold that a fast fish is fast to the man fast to it...
Reply Sat 17 Jan, 2009 07:59 pm
manored wrote:

Would Smile The reason honest people are naive is because they assume others are honest until proven otherwise, and this is also why people that cant be trusted usually dont trust much others either Smile

This is an excellent explanation. Aedes:), I see now why you are such an expert on the Holocaust.

Anyways, I suppose maybe we could speculate on Hitler, and his compassion towards human beings? It seems an awkward assertion to say he had no compassion for human beings otherwise it would be ideal to in the end(even though there is no way to prove this) get rid of the whole human race. But I suppose he was indifferent to compassion, it would seem.

He just had no compassion for his past perhaps, for himself? I mean, he didn't have blonde hair, or blue eyes, yet that was his ideal right?

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