I Have No Ounce of Compassion for Human Beings

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Didymos Thomas
Reply Mon 12 Jan, 2009 02:22 pm
@Mr Fight the Power,
Rannixx wrote:
I feel like people try to intentionally confuse you into believing it is your own 'self' to fault.

Well, what then is at fault, your not-self?
Reply Mon 12 Jan, 2009 03:41 pm
Rannixx;42093 wrote:
No no, that's the thing. I love myself with such abundance that I have become protective of my 'self'.

Is jealousy a problem in a relationship (assuming that you can have a relationship with such an.. 'attitude')? Do you crush the 'other' with your 'loving' protection?
That's what you might tell yourself, but the evidence manifests other 'truth'. You cannot both 'hate' and 'love' at the same time. You cannot 'love' (ego) self, or anything else, if you are 'hating' anything/one.

and that insecurity is part of the reason why I hate so irrationally at times.

Exactly! There is no 'security' in life'! Thats why we work so hard, pay such prices, to 'FEEL' secure. It's an illusion that is often supported by horror and violence.
"Know thyself!" (beyond the egoic image that we work so hard to support and protect...)

The only way that many can even bear to 'see' their own 'problems' is to 'transfer' them onto 'others'; its a lot less painfully personal. The beginning of 'healing' (integration!) is noticing the 'problem' in the first place, as you seem to have done. The real 'work' is yet ahead of 'personalizing' and 'integrating.
You cannot 'hate' without 'hating 'self'. If you truly 'learn' to not be in 'denial' and to accept yourself, complete, as is, you will be unable to 'hate' anyone else.

Charlie Chaplin once noted while looking through the director's lense;
"From a distance, man is a comedy; up close, a tragedy."


I think that you'll get past this in time, many go through this when first introduced to 'life' (young) with all it's apparent unfairnesses and injustices; 'time' adds Perspective. 'Added' Perspective is 'integration' (no one to hate).
Reply Mon 12 Jan, 2009 08:13 pm
Rannixx wrote:
I have zero empathy for humans. One thing that has kept with me is my hatred of human beings. I see us all as ultimately selfish most of the time people use you as a soundboard. I do not think that people genuinely listen to what you say. This worries me deeply. I do not know if I can put up with a system where people only half-listen to what you are saying. I have placed greater importance on my own ego (and I feel that this is the mentality that everyone takes).

I feel like people only care about their own works, some people will laugh and heap praise on you (but I only believe this to be an intellectualized admiration of the work in question), but nobody really wants to fixate themselves with someone other than their self. It's scary, really. I cross my fingers and hope that there really are people better than myself and the loads of selfish others out there, and really does have bonafied, sincere concern for people. I tell myself that those people must exist. Because right now I sort of getting an eerie feeling when I talk to people, wondering what their true feelings might be towards me, and their mere faking of emotions just for my sake (while secretly they could be thinking, "this guy is ******* crazy" and I'd be the focal point of their conversation. I have experienced lots of conversations where the person cynically bashes an individual, and this has become the norm; I have ranted endlessly on these types of things on other forums.)

I realize though that is smarter to play your cards by being more altruistic (or giving the impression that you care more about others), because in the end these manipulations come full swing and ultimately help you.

But for now I have zero faith in humanity, and it's a cold dog-eat-dog world where I have to protect my ego, and only my ego. I'm lucky to have only child with an abundance of time to wax on my own ego.

yep, individuals only care about their own power within their own subjective contexts

recent studies suggest that those with the most power have the least empathy towards others - because they don't have to I'm guessing

that's why I advocate that we pursue genetic engineering to address our inherent stupidities, attributional errors, and egocentricity

and open forums for the debate of public policy to provide checks and balances

only through changing human nature can we prevent the same mistakes being made over and over again - just like a dog cannot learn to talk humans cannot learn to collaborate and stop trying to dominate each other
Reply Mon 12 Jan, 2009 10:08 pm
I resent your assumption that dogs cannot learn to talk.. For example arooo garroo agggroo... If you want to say dogs cannot learn to stay off the couch, I would have to say you are approaching the problem from the wrong perspective... They learn on their own to like the couch, so to keep them off the couch you must teach them that what is good is bad...How bad can you be to dogs who obviously think they are a valuable part of the family??? My dogs nest in their blankets, though they prefer one recently used by some one in the family... They will pull pillows down to lay their heads on and burrow under blankets for extra warmth.. Sometimes I take the trouble to tuck them in... Why not??? They love me... Shall I not return that love which is given??? You must remember that in regard to power, it has been obvious that neither slave nor master is likely to know enlightenment... Each is served in some sense by the situation, but both are limited... How do you unteach what is learned??? So long as ones forms of relationship work on any level, people are unlikely to trade them for the unknown..
rambo phil
Reply Mon 12 Jan, 2009 11:45 pm
I share a similiar opinion as the OP but I learned that MOST people are drones in society. Feelings first, Think/Rationalize later. Humans nowadays fail to notice their surroundings and "so caught up with themselves". The result is the lack of paying attention to what they are doing upon themselves and/or onto others. Most actions are without fore-thought and face consequences thinking "oh I really screwd up". And that's what I hate in most people with utter disgust. All of our "problems" stem from us and instead of taking the logical way out or preventing it, we just use scapegoats.
Reply Tue 13 Jan, 2009 12:28 am
we love to rationalize our existance because that's all we can do until we get to work on genetic engineering, though wireheading may become viable in our lifetimes as well as immersive AI - but these will be delusive shortcuts ultimately

we need to face our genes and it will require collaboration to do so

we're all slaves to our DNA, it helps to keep this in mind when viewing others and your own inherent flaws

not having empathy won't help you much though you'll need to care for yourself primarily because the others definately will not

help to promote genetic engineering - it's the only way out, the only solution
Didymos Thomas
Reply Tue 13 Jan, 2009 02:53 am
Abolitionist wrote:

help to promote genetic engineering - it's the only way out, the only solution

Only in the imaginary fairy-land of super-duper science.

No offense, man. But genetic engineering, even if it a solution to the problem, is hardly the only solution.
Reply Tue 13 Jan, 2009 07:57 am
Even as a great proponent of bioengineering, I agree wholeheartedly with Didymos Thomas. I also doubt that any progressive genetic engineering can remove egocentricity.
Reply Tue 13 Jan, 2009 08:21 am
@Didymos Thomas,
Didymos Thomas wrote:
Only in the imaginary fairy-land of super-duper science.

No offense, man. But genetic engineering, even if it a solution to the problem, is hardly the only solution.

Wholly concur; I've been watching this thread flail about on various arguments and this notion; that genetic engineering is the 'only way out' and 'only solution' is about as far unfounded as an assemblage of words can be.

What little I can profess to know and believe tells me the picture's much more complex and open-to-possibilities than this.

Reply Tue 13 Jan, 2009 08:34 am
MuseEvolution wrote:
Even as a great proponent of bioengineering, I agree wholeheartedly with Didymos Thomas. I also doubt that any progressive genetic engineering can remove egocentricity.

We already have the technology, but we have been sitting on it... Just shoot everyone who acts strangely and you will see everyone trying to form a line even when it has no front and no sugar at the end of it...
Reply Tue 13 Jan, 2009 09:08 am
Rannixx wrote:
I have an ego sure, but I'm not exactly happy.
I think your problem can be solved through an extremelly simplicity line of thought, the one I also took for myself: First, realize there is no sure purpose in life, second, chose yourself an objective in life... must be the kind of objective you cant hope to acomplish (I chosed to forever colaborate to the growth and evolution of mankind). Third: Work rationally towards it.

Another good thing for happiness is realizing there is no reason good enough to be sad. If you are sad, twitch your perspective of reality until you are happy Smile

As for genetic enginnering: Its not the only solution to the problem but its the only FINAL solution, that is, the only solution wich will kill the matter for good.
Reply Tue 13 Jan, 2009 09:31 am
Fido wrote:
Just shoot everyone who acts strangely and you will see everyone trying to form a line even when it has no front and no sugar at the end of it...

I'd like for you to elaborate on this a bit, because I don't seem to understand quite what you're suggesting.

I'm also thinking perhaps this should be moved into it's own thread, as it doesn't have much to do with Rannixx's predicament.
Reply Tue 13 Jan, 2009 11:10 am
The reply was in relation to ego centricity which is individualism, which we push a lot and punish the excess of... But it does not matter whether it is eccentricity or egocentricity, if it were uniformly pushished instead of punished one day ane rewarded the next, then people would get in line... I don't know why they do it; but I have seen in my children's schools where they rewarded creativity... Why bother; do they think they can teach it??? If people are creative you cannot stop their creativity, and in fact you can only channel their outlet for it... If people have nothing to say what sort of art will they produce??? I always tried to tell the kids, fine, teach them to draw, reward them for getting the lesson; but they must learn before their creativity has any merit, so teach them what is...
Reply Tue 13 Jan, 2009 11:15 am
Abolitionist wrote:
help to promote genetic engineering - it's the only way out, the only solution

How much do you know about genetic engineering (or genes for that matter) that you can say this?
Reply Tue 13 Jan, 2009 11:55 am
I feel for you Rannix. Like Icon and some of the others, I grew up feeling as though I was different. Protecting my ego and thinking that I was smarter than everyone else around me. I used to hate the way others acted or thought and sometimes still struggle with this. Our hate for another human being though is merely a reflection of the hate we embrace inside. You cannot be happy with another human being unless happiness is found inside. If we think we are happy, in this state of dislike, we are only fooling ourselves.

Rannixx wrote:
I have an ego sure, but I'm not exactly happy.

Ego is separation from self, it has no connection with self. Ego is what we've created because we cannot handle the truth of self or don't want to face the responsibility of such a truth. A human is not his ego unless the human is tricked into thinking he or she is ego. Ego is something that needs destroyed not protected. Ego stands directly in the way of enlightenment, (like William said). A man can only rise as far as his ego will allow him and that's not very far.

Rannixx wrote:
I'm just telling you the problem. I didn't say it was right, or necessarily rational. Part of the reason I came here is to learn and hopefully change my perspective.

Your perspective will change as you change. You will learn to love others as you learn to love yourself, not your ego. Ego kills.

nameless wrote:
We don't see things as they are, we see them as WE are. You cannot hate someone without hating yourself at the same time. We are you. When you learn to love yourself, you will automatically see the same beauty in us/the world.
It's not 'us', it's you. The key that you seek (shake ball with viewplate upwards) lie 'within'.
Perhaps some therapy will help you unravel where all this self hate comes from? Who's 'voice' is it in your head telling you that you are 'unworthy'/'stupid'/ugly'/'unforgiveable'/'dirty sinner'/whatever...'?
Life can be a lonely place, especially with that Perspective.
Good luck.

excellent! Yes I agree. We see things through our eyes and we see things as we expect others to see them. Once beauty is found within, it will shine outside and in that beauty ugliness and hate cannot be found.

Abolitionist wrote:
we're all slaves to our DNA, it helps to keep this in mind when viewing others and your own inherent flaws

WRONG! You may be a slave to your DNA but I know my DNA doesn't change and cannot produce a darn thing. If our perception allows the dna to produce the RNA, then we're a slave to RNA, not dna... and we're not a slave to either. We're a slave to our own thinking and perceptions and nothing else. DNA and genetics are controlled by the thoughts of mankind, not the other way around.

What comes first, the thought or the manifestation? What comes first the energy or the physical counterpart? - No need to answer, just ponder.

Aedes wrote:

How much do you know about genetic engineering (or genes for that matter) that you can say this?

Aaah.. the above would fall into another discussion.
Reply Tue 13 Jan, 2009 01:35 pm
I couldn't have said it better Justin.

Ego is nothing more than a barrier in the way of "true thought". By true thought I mean thought which occurs without the individual and more in mind of the world around you. Your perception is only part of the puzzle. ]

To know others is power. To know yourself is enlightenment. It is hard to know yourself with your ego telling you what to think.
Reply Tue 13 Jan, 2009 01:56 pm
As someone who constantly finds faults in himself, I don't really comprehend the idea of loving yourself more than you can love someone else. Can you explain how you came to this please Rannixx?
Reply Tue 13 Jan, 2009 02:24 pm
I'm finding that with this medication I've recently taken I am leveling out quite a bit. It goes to show you how many of your irrational thoughts might be pinned on imbalance.

I'm far from cured, however. But I also don't understand peoples' pre-occupation with not wanting to cure themselves by means of medication (so often the quick-fix mentality is bashed, and rightfully so, but medication helping any form of imbalance should not be frowned upon I think. It opened up a whole new way of clearer thinking for me, and I'm not quite as steeped in the partially delusional state that I was in.

Thanks for all the posts, and I'm going to work towards being less misanthropic. But even in my medicated state right now, I can still feel quite a bit of disaffection for people and what I think of as the 'genetic lottery' (people being born into good circumstances and privileges and using those innate advantages....but rightfully so.) I guess that proves to determine that my hatred stems from a lot of envy as well (envy of privilege that I cannot have), but I still feel as if I should reject all societal rules and opt for the sulking route, full well knowing it is a game that I cannot go against.

While I know it is smarter to play your cards by being more selfless, but my brain still tells itself "why should I let anyone get in the way of my objective? I have been born into this world and have carte blanche to do as I please, as societal rules are just constructed by man and are not immutable."

Kolbe wrote:
As someone who constantly finds faults in himself, I don't really comprehend the idea of loving yourself more than you can love someone else. Can you explain how you came to this please Rannixx?

I am only child. I've never been disciplined (ever)--only reprimanded verbally. I suppose that could have a lot to do with it, Kolbe.
Reply Tue 13 Jan, 2009 02:38 pm
Rannixx wrote:
I'm finding that with this medication I've recently taken I am leveling out quite a bit. It goes to show you how many of your irrational thoughts might be pinned on imbalance.

I'm far from cured, however. But I also don't understand peoples' pre-occupation with not wanting to cure themselves by means of medication (so often the quick-fix mentality is bashed, and rightfully so, but medication helping any form of imbalance should not be frowned upon I think. ...

I am incredibly ADHD to the point of having a mild form of autism (selective of sorts). I was denied medication by my parents and have sense then learned to use this obstacle as a stepping stone. Through my ability to lock out the world and maintain control, I can hyper focus on tasks and complete them with ridiculous proficiency in a timely manner.

Perhaps being denied pills when I was younger formed my opinion of them but I believe you can over come the imbalance through determination. It takes dicipline but it is not impossible to learn how to counter balance the chemicals in your brain.

Example, I have a friend who has learned a nifty little trick to balance out/flush/ alcohol from his system in under half an hour. he can be completely toasted, stumbling, vomitting drunk and in less than half an hour, blow negative on a breathalizer. He has trained his body to take only what he desires and then flush it when he wants it to.

The trick of it all is control over emotional states. If you can learn to manipulate your emotions, you can effectively begin to learn how to manipulate the chemicals in your brain to counteract any imabalance.

There is a great deal of research on this, especially related to meditation.
Reply Tue 13 Jan, 2009 04:06 pm
Oh, yes, plainly banging the emotion you want to fell in your mind until it you fell it works too Smile

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