I Have No Ounce of Compassion for Human Beings

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Reply Wed 14 Jan, 2009 01:34 am
@Didymos Thomas,
Didymos Thomas wrote:
Only in the imaginary fairy-land of super-duper science.

No offense, man. But genetic engineering, even if it a solution to the problem, is hardly the only solution.

let's get something straight, because I'm really sick of you and a few others assuming that I'm saying that the technology is here and now

I'm saying "let's get to work unraveling the genome and increasing our ability to consciously design our own experience"

it will take global collaboration and lots of time and money, but what other prospects do you have?

social reform? sorry
uploading? you still die
religion? never has worked
education? helps a little, but we relearn history over and over again

seriously, what is this alternative you guys see for eliminating involuntary suffering and death - not to mention inherent human stupidity?

rationalization? is it working?


promote the research and the values, challenge the ideological barriers

or else all you have is the same old game of trying to hypnotize yourself into believing that it can't get any better

MuseEvolution wrote:
Even as a great proponent of bioengineering, I agree wholeheartedly with Didymos Thomas. I also doubt that any progressive genetic engineering can remove egocentricity.

so you're saying that we can't abolish suffering because we'll never be able to abolish egocentricity?

prove it, if you can

I refuse to assume that it's impossible, not that I believe it's necessary to remove self-direction

Justin wrote:
WRONG! You may be a slave to your DNA but I know my DNA doesn't change and cannot produce a darn thing. If our perception allows the dna to produce the RNA, then we're a slave to RNA, not dna... and we're not a slave to either. We're a slave to our own thinking and perceptions and nothing else. DNA and genetics are controlled by the thoughts of mankind, not the other way around.

What comes first, the thought or the manifestation? What comes first the energy or the physical counterpart? - No need to answer, just ponder.

DNA is controlled by thoughts? then why can't you change it with your mind?

I know you need to rationalize your present design, but such thinking holds back progress.

Tell that to someone with Down's syndrome or some other known genetic disorder - see how funny they think it is.

manored wrote:
As for genetic enginnering: Its not the only solution to the problem but its the only FINAL solution, that is, the only solution wich will kill the matter for good.

thank you, you don't know how good it is to hear somebody acknowledge that

it's possible we might find some unknown that gives a better approach, but as of now the only hope for a true solution is through genetics

it's not a quick path and we still have alot to learn but there is no other way in sight

as far as I've read, besides ensuring that your basic needs are met, meditation is the only approach to happiness that elevates a person's overall happiness above their hedonic setpoint (which fluctuates over a person's life somewhat)

the brain has homeostatic mechanisms to keep you from experiencing higher levels of happiness - it's called the hedonic treadmill

only wireheading and meditation can subvert it right now, though genetic engineering can change the setpoint itself by design (potentially)

trust me I've looked into everything - it's my main interest in life, or don't trust me - I'm happy to discuss it
Reply Wed 14 Jan, 2009 06:01 am
Abolitionist wrote:
let's get something straight, because I'm really sick of you and a few others assuming that I'm saying that the technology is here and now

I'm saying "let's get to work unraveling the genome and increasing our ability to consciously design our own experience"

it will take global collaboration and lots of time and money, but what other prospects do you have?

social reform? sorry
uploading? you still die
religion? never has worked
education? helps a little, but we relearn history over and over again

seriously, what is this alternative you guys see for eliminating involuntary suffering and death - not to mention inherent human stupidity?

rationalization? is it working?


promote the research and the values, challenge the ideological barriers

or else all you have is the same old game of trying to hypnotize yourself into believing that it can't get any better

Since every modificafication of human behavior based upon some ideal of human behavior and Good has been a disaster for humanity; what make you think genetic self modification which is always going to grow out of the ideals of the rich and elite will be any better??? We have evolved to our natural conditions, and will continue to evolve, but who really believes we should be made to evolve to conditions we do not have???
Reply Wed 14 Jan, 2009 08:34 am
Abolitionist wrote:
so you're saying that we can't abolish suffering because we'll never be able to abolish egocentricity?

prove it, if you can

I refuse to assume that it's impossible, not that I believe it's necessary to remove self-direction

...No, I'm not saying that at all. Please read what I've written: I doubt (and thereby have no proof, only a gut feeling) that any progressive genetic engineering can remove egocentricity. And if you're refusing to assume that doing so is impossible, my attempts at proving it really wouldn't accomplish anything anyway.

By 'progressive' genetic engineering, I mean genetic engineering that will benefit humanity. At this time I wouldn't consider the removal of suffering beneficial to our species.
Reply Wed 14 Jan, 2009 08:46 am
I would simply like to add that genetically removing egocentricity may not actually be a good thing. The ego is what drives a great many good things as well as bad things. I think what we need is not genetic engineering to remove but self control to be taught.

If we teach children how to think then we won't need to mutate them.
Reply Wed 14 Jan, 2009 08:54 am
I agree that control is a much better option in such cases than genetic manipulation. However, I also still support manipulation in directions that cannot be easily controlled simply by force of will or mind. Smile

I just find the idea that genetic manipulation as being the only force that can ultimately better our world to be as ludicris as the idea that God, acupuncture, Coca Cola or any other myriad of things is the only force that can ultimately better our world. Genetic manipulation simply isn't "big enough" to encompass the universe.
Reply Wed 14 Jan, 2009 09:41 am
MuseEvolution wrote:
I agree that control is a much better option in such cases than genetic manipulation. However, I also still support manipulation in directions that cannot be easily controlled simply by force of will or mind. Smile

I just find the idea that genetic manipulation as being the only force that can ultimately better our world to be as ludicris as the idea that God, acupuncture, Coca Cola or any other myriad of things is the only force that can ultimately better our world. Genetic manipulation simply isn't "big enough" to encompass the universe.

Genetic manipulation is not the answer in my opinion. Frankly, mutating our children is not something I would be willing to do to my child. I would rather raise my child with a sense of honor, humility and self awareness.

Of course, if you think that genetic manipulation is a good replacement for raising children then why not sterilize the world and just create children how we want them?

This is the problem with manipulating the foundation for life... where does it stop?
Reply Wed 14 Jan, 2009 10:19 am
Icon wrote:
Genetic manipulation is not the answer in my opinion. Frankly, mutating our children is not something I would be willing to do to my child. I would rather raise my child with a sense of honor, humility and self awareness.

Of course, if you think that genetic manipulation is a good replacement for raising children then why not sterilize the world and just create children how we want them?

This is the problem with manipulating the foundation for life... where does it stop?

What you are talking about we have always done... We have always killed each oher and we suffer from britle genes as a result...More than that, we have always managed our behavioor on the basis of our ideas of good which to be honest, has seldom resulted in good... We are more governed by our ideologies than self governed, and when we are, we cannot judge the idea, but always fault the people in relation to their failed ideas... There is a reason for the way we are... We have spent the bulk of our time as humans evolving to our situations and no one can say about our anger or violence that it may not be needed for our survival down the line... It is crazy to think we know more than our genes....It is crazy to think we know better than our genes... We have a lot of ideas... Perhaps, not a fraction of them will be good ideas...In any event, the forms/ideas people develop out of need for utility will last the longest, and serve the best...Human nature cannot be changed, and we must do as we have always done, and accomidate our nature with our forms... Still human nature is still as much our nature as the environment...We cannot always expect human nature will be any more pliable to our desires than nature as a whole....
Reply Wed 14 Jan, 2009 10:55 am
Fido wrote:
What you are talking about we have always done... We have always killed each oher and we suffer from britle genes as a result...More than that, we have always managed our behavioor on the basis of our ideas of good which to be honest, has seldom resulted in good... We are more governed by our ideologies than self governed, and when we are, we cannot judge the idea, but always fault the people in relation to their failed ideas... There is a reason for the way we are... We have spent the bulk of our time as humans evolving to our situations and no one can say about our anger or violence that it may not be needed for our survival down the line... It is crazy to think we know more than our genes....It is crazy to think we know better than our genes... We have a lot of ideas... Perhaps, not a fraction of them will be good ideas...In any event, the forms/ideas people develop out of need for utility will last the longest, and serve the best...Human nature cannot be changed, and we must do as we have always done, and accomidate our nature with our forms... Still human nature is still as much our nature as the environment...We cannot always expect human nature will be any more pliable to our desires than nature as a whole....

You did not answer my question... Where does it stop?

To modify oursleves to the point that you are talking is to remove humanity from being human. As soon as we remove one thing, something else will urk us and we will want to modify that.

Eventually we will be nothing like humans. So where does it stop?
Reply Wed 14 Jan, 2009 11:13 am
Fido wrote:
Since every modificafication of human behavior based upon some ideal of human behavior and Good has been a disaster for humanity; what make you think genetic self modification which is always going to grow out of the ideals of the rich and elite will be any better??? We have evolved to our natural conditions, and will continue to evolve, but who really believes we should be made to evolve to conditions we do not have???
Natural evolution takes eons to work and human behavior has cripled it: For example: What pushes an specie away from diseases is the fact that the sick individuals die early and leave little or none descendents. Since humans cure their sick instead, we never evolve to be resistent to most diseases. Natural evolution is not intelligent, it choses a randow point between the best possible solution that works and the worst.

Fido and Icon, no offense but I feel a lot of fear of the unknow in your posts.

I think genetic manipulation is necessary because ever time a new generation takes over they are kinda starting over: We accumulate knowledge of the world and of the past through generations, but not spiritual growth (Other things too but am generalizing). With genetic manipulation we can make ourselves immortal or insert that spiritual growth in our children so that they evolve even further than we did, pushing the species forward in this manner. There is a biologic limit to our growth that has to be superated through self-modification.

The answer is never Icon: Our minds and our forms through the universe never stop changing, why not our bodies? Smile Why you are afraid of changing ourself?
Reply Wed 14 Jan, 2009 11:36 am
manored;42652 wrote:
With genetic manipulation we can make ourselves immortal or insert that spiritual growth in our children so that they evolve even further than we did, pushing the species forward in this manner.

No we can't. We don't even understand how human genes work to the point where we could be certain what exactly we might be changing when we manipulate a gene. Our genes interact with our environment, and you can't simply manipulate some genetic information without considering the environment, and without regulating human behavior and somehow eliminating natural genetic mutations and changes in the gene pool.
Reply Wed 14 Jan, 2009 11:56 am
manored wrote:
Natural evolution takes eons to work and human behavior has cripled it: For example: What pushes an specie away from diseases is the fact that the sick individuals die early and leave little or none descendents. Since humans cure their sick instead, we never evolve to be resistent to most diseases. Natural evolution is not intelligent, it choses a randow point between the best possible solution that works and the worst.

Fido and Icon, no offense but I feel a lot of fear of the unknow in your posts.

I think genetic manipulation is necessary because ever time a new generation takes over they are kinda starting over: We accumulate knowledge of the world and of the past through generations, but not spiritual growth (Other things too but am generalizing). With genetic manipulation we can make ourselves immortal or insert that spiritual growth in our children so that they evolve even further than we did, pushing the species forward in this manner. There is a biologic limit to our growth that has to be superated through self-modification.

The answer is never Icon: Our minds and our forms through the universe never stop changing, why not our bodies? Smile Why you are afraid of changing ourself?

I would not call it fear per se. It is more a laughable recall of past events.

Nazi tried to create super soldiers... ended up creating the drug X-tacy instead. Sold it to the Canadians after the war.

humans have technology beyond our maturity. Look at the atom bomb. We had the key to clean, safe, efficient power... We used it to kill each other in the most horrid way possible.

Computers... we have the ability to calculate information at speeds the human mind could never match.... Porn is the biggest industry on the net.

Each time that we do something with science, it is applied in a rather stupid manner.

Example. We are running out of resources as it is. So we make ourselves immortal.... Now we are producing more children but no one is dying... Resource consumption multiplies 100 fold annually.

GREAT!!!!! (sarcasm)

here is another one. We rermove the ego. Now there is no reason for man to want to DO anything. All of a sudden we accomplish jack squat and we die out as a race because we do not have the desire to better ourselves any more. Without egocentricity, desire is gone bud.

Everything in nature is there for a reason and we are not gods.

You say that I am afraid, none of this would happen in my lifetime anyway so I have nothing to fear. I just think that it is a really stupid idea because mankind is notorious for considering only the immediate application and not what will happen 100-1000 years down the line. We seem only capable of seeing to the extent of our lifetime.
Reply Wed 14 Jan, 2009 07:03 pm
manored wrote:
Natural evolution takes eons to work and human behavior has cripled it: For example: What pushes an specie away from diseases is the fact that the sick individuals die early and leave little or none descendents. Since humans cure their sick instead, we never evolve to be resistent to most diseases. Natural evolution is not intelligent, it choses a randow point between the best possible solution that works and the worst.

Fido and Icon, no offense but I feel a lot of fear of the unknow in your posts.

I think genetic manipulation is necessary because ever time a new generation takes over they are kinda starting over: We accumulate knowledge of the world and of the past through generations, but not spiritual growth (Other things too but am generalizing). With genetic manipulation we can make ourselves immortal or insert that spiritual growth in our children so that they evolve even further than we did, pushing the species forward in this manner. There is a biologic limit to our growth that has to be superated through self-modification.

The answer is never Icon: Our minds and our forms through the universe never stop changing, why not our bodies? Smile Why you are afraid of changing ourself?

Absolutly correct... When we became intelligent to manipulate reality through our forms we quite evolving... What we have evolved is greater intelligence by killing off the ignorant, but we have killed off a lot of genetic diversity at the same time... When we practice genocide as wars often are, we are killing evolution, the adaptation of genes to environmental factores... And we do not always select for intelligence...Like my father said: the best and most able became fighter pilots, and they suffered a lot of loses...

The possibility of immortality is remote, but there is a chance that there is a clock on our reproduction just as in every person's cell division...
Reply Wed 14 Jan, 2009 07:18 pm
MuseEvolution;42605 wrote:
I doubt that any progressive genetic engineering can remove egocentricity.
It may be possible -- and those who have the least egocentricity will be quickly selected out of the population.

Fido;42765 wrote:
When we practice genocide as wars often are, we are killing evolution
That is not killing evolution. We are still natural phenomena, whatever we do. There is only ONE thing we can do to stop evolution, and that is to go 100% extinct. A genocide is a moral benchmark for evil, but stripped of morality, it IS evolution. That doesn't mean it's good, but neither is the fact that fish swim and birds fly. It is what it is.

Insofar as one generation leads to the next, we always evolve. Gene frequencies may change because of drift or selection or they may change because of the asymmetrical victimization and population movements during war. But that doesn't alter the fact that evolution, which is the alteration in gene frequency over time, still goes on.
Jay phil
Reply Wed 14 Jan, 2009 08:42 pm
"I Have No Ounce of Compassion for Human Beings":

1) " have zero empathy for humans."
2) "I have placed greater importance on my own ego..."
3) "I have to protect my ego, and only my ego."
4) "I love myself with such abundance that I have become protective of my 'self'."
5) "It's other people, I feel, that are the obstacle."

Eastern traditions council us:
We are not to try to get rid of the ego (our linguistic "I") with out it one is clinically insane.
What we are to learn to do is, NOT self identify with it.

Here are some links to the problem of being self identified with the ego and having no other reference point.

Reply Wed 14 Jan, 2009 09:28 pm
Aedes wrote:
It may be possible -- and those who have the least egocentricity will be quickly selected out of the population.

That is not killing evolution. We are still natural phenomena, whatever we do. There is only ONE thing we can do to stop evolution, and that is to go 100% extinct. A genocide is a moral benchmark for evil, but stripped of morality, it IS evolution. That doesn't mean it's good, but neither is the fact that fish swim and birds fly. It is what it is.

Insofar as one generation leads to the next, we always evolve. Gene frequencies may change because of drift or selection or they may change because of the asymmetrical victimization and population movements during war. But that doesn't alter the fact that evolution, which is the alteration in gene frequency over time, still goes on.

If you kill one person who has evolved a defense for a disease only his people have been killed by then you may be killing all of humanity... We judge people, and do not have the wisdom to judge genes... And we do not understand that war kills masses as feuds never did... German culture took over Europe from the Celts, but it did not destroy their genes, but incorported them... Some one followed our families genes to some guy back in ireland many hundreds of years back... But the report also stressed the commonality of all European genes.. Great events like the black death led to a lot of homogeny, but war was worse...

People may, and I do mean may, have gained some in intelligence...It is hard to prove or tell...Places that have endured great invasions, tragedies, starvasion, or natural disasters, like China produces people on average of ten IQ points on Americans...Genghis Khan sorted people by intelligence and killed anyone without skill... For example...But for the most part human beings have through our forms limited our evolution because we have limitted our exposure to the caprices of nature...We have created and recreated our nature in our forms.
Reply Thu 15 Jan, 2009 08:47 am
I see nothing wrong with humanity growing into something we would not necessarily consider "human" any longer. But even that makes assumptions of what "human" is. Is it simply our form (that thing most commonly considered as being altered by genetic manipulation, though not by any means the only thing), which already comes in many varieties? Is it our minds, which many who are unsupportive of genetic manipulation would love to see us use in different ways and to a much greater capacity than we do currently anyway? Is it our ephemeral souls?

I also find it unlikely that we would manipulate our forms beyond a shape at least vaguely recognizable as human. Our minds are fairly bent on keeping ourselves at least somewhat similar to those we hope will be our mates, and generally, that means we'd need to continue looking fairly human.

Outside of such experiments for the sake of experiment, I see no reason why genetic manipulation would ever lead to a removal of the ego. As has been discussed already, this cripples the victim to a degree that it's extremely difficult to call it progressive or positive change.

My answer to the question: Where does genetic manipulation stop? It stops when there is nothing left to learn and evolve from continuing to manipulate.

One may hypothesize all the horrific results one may wish to, but without a sound reason to believe that any of it will undeniably happen, there's little point in doing so. I outright ignore personal assurances that such things will happen, because I've never met anyone with true intimate knowledge of the future.

It is true that achieving immortality would come with drastic repercussions. Humanity as a whole can't even change the heavy focus we have on breeding with the advancements we already have in lengthening the typical lifetime. I see this as much more of a problem with our approach to breeding and childbirth than with genetic manipulation.

As to killing evolution, it is as likely that a single person who may have developed a defense for a disease could be killed in a feud as in a war. That depends more on the nature of the conflict in that person's environment than whether the violent conflict comes from an individual, a mob or an army.

What interesting turns this thread has taken.

[edited for spelling]
Reply Thu 15 Jan, 2009 09:44 am
Pangloss wrote:
No we can't. We don't even understand how human genes work to the point where we could be certain what exactly we might be changing when we manipulate a gene. Our genes interact with our environment, and you can't simply manipulate some genetic information without considering the environment, and without regulating human behavior and somehow eliminating natural genetic mutations and changes in the gene pool.
We just have to learn it.

Icon wrote:
I would not call it fear per se. It is more a laughable recall of past events.

Nazi tried to create super soldiers... ended up creating the drug X-tacy instead. Sold it to the Canadians after the war.

humans have technology beyond our maturity. Look at the atom bomb. We had the key to clean, safe, efficient power... We used it to kill each other in the most horrid way possible.

Computers... we have the ability to calculate information at speeds the human mind could never match.... Porn is the biggest industry on the net.

Each time that we do something with science, it is applied in a rather stupid manner.

Example. We are running out of resources as it is. So we make ourselves immortal.... Now we are producing more children but no one is dying... Resource consumption multiplies 100 fold annually.

GREAT!!!!! (sarcasm)

here is another one. We rermove the ego. Now there is no reason for man to want to DO anything. All of a sudden we accomplish jack squat and we die out as a race because we do not have the desire to better ourselves any more. Without egocentricity, desire is gone bud.

Everything in nature is there for a reason and we are not gods.

You say that I am afraid, none of this would happen in my lifetime anyway so I have nothing to fear. I just think that it is a really stupid idea because mankind is notorious for considering only the immediate application and not what will happen 100-1000 years down the line. We seem only capable of seeing to the extent of our lifetime.
So we should stop trying to do things with science? Well, then, I guess that leaves us with no other option but to kill like half of the worlds population since it wont ever stop growing as long as there is still enough food, independently of how long that food will last Smile

If we get enough technology to achieve immortality, we will also get enough to control the population growth with perfection and to eat pretty much anything. Removing ego is just too stupid to happen.

If everthing in nature is there for a reason, then we must change it so that the consequences will show us the reason, and our wiseness and knowledge will grow as a result: You cant evolve winhout taking risks.

And if we cant trust ourselves to make good changes in the future generations, then what hope can we have of creating system of ideas that will not only have a positive effect in humanity, but also be mantained by future generations?
Reply Thu 15 Jan, 2009 10:19 am
manored;42873 wrote:
And if we cant trust ourselves to make good changes in the future generations, then what hope can we have of creating system of ideas that will not only have a positive effect in humanity, but also be mantained by future generations?

Do you really trust that we can make good changes simply with technological advancement? The problem with this is the lack of ethical consideration that goes into much of our science. We are like Dr. Frankenstein trying to solve the mysteries of life, and before we know what we have, we've created a monster. Atomic technology comes to mind-- the powers of the atom have been a double-edged sword, giving us the ability to wipe out all of existence in nuclear war, and also incredible diagnostic abilities that we now use in much of modern medicine.

I'm not anti-technology, but I think we need to tread carefully. We probably already have too much technology for our own good; we are not prepared for immortality in the slightest. How could we manage to deal with immortality when currently we are all still intent on wiping each other out? Technology is not going to be the change. We need a cultural, spiritual change, a change where we first learn to treat each other correctly, to treat ourselves correctly, and to lead happy, productive lives. Immortality can certainly wait; I would never want to be made immortal on this planet as it currently stands, the way we are heading. That would be something like hell, "eternal suffering".
Reply Thu 15 Jan, 2009 11:42 am
manored wrote:
You cant evolve winhout taking risks.

I'm going to nitpick just a wee bit here, in that the generally agreed upon definition of 'evolution' does not necessarily imply improvement, only change. However, I'll also throw in that I understand completely that your statement was intended to mean 'progressive evolution."

Pangloss wrote:
We are like Dr. Frankenstein trying to solve the mysteries of life, and before we know what we have, we've created a monster

There is no proof that this will happen, and as I've not noticed any worldwide renown of your ability to see the future, I'll assume you have none. Even the liklihood of this happening has no bearing. It is entirely dependent upon those doing the manipulation and the caution they exhibit. The human race isn't manipulating genes, individuals working in the field are. Until you prove that those researchers are madmen creating monsters for the heck of it, your statement is invalid.

I do not deny that a cultural and spiritual change could benefit the fields involving gene manipulation.

While I do not believe that bioengineering or gene manipulation (or any science) will be the thing that achieves immortality, I will always argue that it will likely prove to be an important (and probably prerequisite) part of it.

I do not believe that a cultural shift will be the event that allows us to achieve immortality. Nor do I believe that a spiritual breakthrough will be the event that achieves immortality. I believe several factors must be involved in such an extraordinary event.
Reply Thu 15 Jan, 2009 12:36 pm
MuseEvolution;42897 wrote:
There is no proof that this will happen, and as I've not noticed any worldwide renown of your ability to see the future, I'll assume you have none. Even the liklihood of this happening has no bearing. It is entirely dependent upon those doing the manipulation and the caution they exhibit. The human race isn't manipulating genes, individuals working in the field are. Until you prove that those researchers are madmen creating monsters for the heck of it, your statement is invalid.

You have, apparently, missed the point. I'm not talking specifically about gene manipulation or certainly of creating real "monsters" with this type of research. The Frankenstein reference was to simply point out how sometimes our obsession with knowledge and the unknown exists simply because we want what we can't have...and once we get it, we don't know what to do with it, or it might just overpower us. In this case, we have already reached and surpassed that point with much of our nuclear, biological, and chemical technology. To think that unlocking the secrets of the human genome would not also be a double-edged sword is ridiculous.

Frankenstein was also called "The Modern Promotheus", Prometheus being a Greek Titan who stole fire from God to give to man. With much of this technology, we are playing with fire. It is only a matter of time until it burns us (again).

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