xris said:
Illuminate me please how is your god different to the accepted god of the bible?
First off, let me say that there are
many different conceptions of God besides that which is portrayed in the Bible.
Second, let me say that even if one accepts the Bible as 'truth', there are still
hundred of different interpretations of God and God's directives. For example, the Wesleyans disagree with the Episcopalians; the Epicopalians disagree with the Charismatics; the Charismatics disagree with the Nazarenes; the Nazarenes disagree with the Evangelicals; the Evangelicals disagree with the Presbyterians, the Presbyterians disagree with the Catholics, etc, etc.
Personally, I believe God loves ALL humans, reguardless of politics, social order, sexual orientation, age, race, religion / philosophy, geopolitical origin,
gender, and history.
I believe that God loves
everyone and, moreover, accepts
I believe that God is capable of providing subtle guidance in every situation.
I do not accept that any one religion holds the exclusive rights to the nature or concept of God.