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Reply Sat 14 Feb, 2009 07:39 am
@Alan McDougall,
You keep repeating your claims about this intelligent designer but refuse to be questioned on it.Why are ufos to be scorned but your theories are to be marvelled, are you the new prophet we have waited so long for? Il ask you again is your creator benevolent?
Reply Sat 14 Feb, 2009 08:55 am

I cannot speak for Alan, but after reading some of his writing, and understanding the human the way I do, as well as the preconceptions we are born into, and bombarded with on a daily basis, it is rational to recognize that we are all on a learning curve that will travel through various ideologies, IF we are actually travelling. If one is simply sitting on what he believes is the absolute truth and needs to seek no further, than of course that would not be a learning curve, that would be a hole.

It sounds as though Alan has traveled many of the same paths I myself have, through religious persuasions, tossing aside that bondage to seek something else but carrying some of that baggage with you until you are able to completely relieve yourself of it all.

I am not sure why you keep suggesting that we do not want to answer to questions regarding the existence of a Designer and why we think that one exists, because that is what we have been doing here.

What you are suggesting however is that if one exists that we should be able to describe it. And than you use our inability to describe the Creator of the universe as your reason not to accept that option. What I am saying is that is not an excuse to dismiss it.

Just because you cannot describe the builder of the Taj Mahal does not mean that one does not exist.

With regard to extraterrestrial life, I think it is the hgihest form of idiocy to think that we are the only life forms in the universe. the simple fact that the human can exist is more than credible evidence for the possibility of other life out there.

To dismiss that is akin to believing that trees exist, but there couldnt possibly be such a thing as a flower.
Alan McDougall
Reply Sat 14 Feb, 2009 09:53 am

You keep repeating your claims about this intelligent designer but refuse to be questioned on it.Why are ufos to be scorned but your theories are to be marvelled, are you the new prophet we have waited so long for? Il ask you again is your creator benevolent

I do not "own any creator" and your responses are getting close to offensive :thats-enough:

I am not a prophet but I have the right to express my opinion even if they conflict with yours, "where the heck did I prophesy anything??" :brickwall:

UFO do exist but I do not like all the nonsense written about them. The UFO crowd embellish, change and alter the UFO events until they become nonsense.

UFOs are not spaceships from a remote star or galaxy, but vehicles that come through portal from other dimensions, right here on earth

I say different dimensions as this would explain how the beings from these differ in the physical as well as the vehicle in which they transport them selves with

I started a thread titled "My case for intelligent design read that if you like"

It did not seem that you read my post, you just jumped in with a negative response

God is not benevolent neither is evil or malignant

God is simply that which is


We humans are a duality of natures we are both benevolence and and malevolent.

Inside our psyche there exists two natures like two dogs, one a drooling killer dog the other an altruistic kind dog The one you feed will dominate

And it is our god given free will that allows us to choose which side of the fence we sit on

Every thing that exist is because he allows it to exist, indeed god is

Existence and like it or not you are part and parcel to that reality


It sounds as though Alan has traveled many of the same paths I myself have, through religious persuasions, tossing aside that bondage to seek something else but carrying some of that baggage with you until you are able to completely relieve yourself of it all.

Yes we seem to have gone the same route and shrugged off the belief systems that made no sense and went on our own personal quest for meaning
Reply Sat 14 Feb, 2009 09:58 am
Pathfinder wrote:

I cannot speak for Alan, but after reading some of his writing, and understanding the human the way I do, as well as the preconceptions we are born into, and bombarded with on a daily basis, it is rational to recognize that we are all on a learning curve that will travel through various ideologies, IF we are actually travelling. If one is simply sitting on what he believes is the absolute truth and needs to seek no further, than of course that would not be a learning curve, that would be a hole.

It sounds as though Alan has traveled many of the same paths I myself have, through religious persuasions, tossing aside that bondage to seek something else but carrying some of that baggage with you until you are able to completely relieve yourself of it all.

I am not sure why you keep suggesting that we do not want to answer to questions regarding the existence of a Designer and why we think that one exists, because that is what we have been doing here.

What you are suggesting however is that if one exists that we should be able to describe it. And than you use our inability to describe the Creator of the universe as your reason not to accept that option. What I am saying is that is not an excuse to dismiss it.

Just because you cannot describe the builder of the Taj Mahal does not mean that one does not exist.

With regard to extraterrestrial life, I think it is the hgihest form of idiocy to think that we are the only life forms in the universe. the simple fact that the human can exist is more than credible evidence for the possibility of other life out there.

To dismiss that is akin to believing that trees exist, but there couldnt possibly be such a thing as a flower.
So you think you are the only ones who have pondered on a creator or a force of creation? I have probably thought more about it than the two of together.I think the more you ponder the more you will find its not in our capability to envisage a creator.You cant just say oh there must be one because of this or that you have to describe this force, it has to fit the image you have discovered.In my opinion if there is one his is so well hidden you have no chance of finding it only possibly admiring the result.Admire the view but its not like a building that demands a builder.
Alan McDougall
Reply Sat 14 Feb, 2009 12:53 pm


So you think you are the only ones who have pondered on a creator or a force of creation? I have probably thought more about it than the two of together.I think the more you ponder the more you will find its not in our capability to envisage a creator.You cant just say oh there must be one because of this or that you have to describe this force, it has to fit the image you have discovered.In my opinion if there is one his is so well hidden you have no chance of finding it only possibly admiring the result.Admire the view but its not like a building that demands a builder.

You make a claim that you cannot substantiate ( "I think I have probably thought it than the two of you together")

I reject this statement with the disdain it deserves. How could a limited being ever comprehend an infinite intellect and mind

Oh!! If you have where can I find your writings from these deep pondering of yours?,

I have written many articles and essays which bring to life my beliefs about god, existence, science and physics etc etc.

You are trying your utter best to elevate yourself above others and trying to show how clever you are and how stupid we are .

And I believe if you have really thought and meditated on the possibility of gods existence, you were trying to find him and got disillusioned because he would not manifest himself to you

Back to intelligent design, If you were walking in a fed of flowers thousands of years ago and found a watch, you would know there was a designer and Creator of this mind blowing object.

But the universe and all that is in the universe is unimaginably complex and knife edgily held together by fundamental constants. But you would have us believe that this awesome almost infinitely complex universe had no mind and no builder, but you can see a designer in a silly watch

The space shuttle is possibly the most complex machine ever made by humans, but when you compare it to a cockroach it is unimaginably simple

A cockroach can detect the movement of a single hydrogen atom

God is life the space shuttle is dead

Reply Sat 14 Feb, 2009 01:47 pm
Hi Xris,

You said,

I think the more you ponder the more you will find its not in our capability to envisage a creator.UNQUOTE

Now that is one profound statement my friend and I couldn't agree more. There is no way that we can comprehend the creator of the universe, no way.

All I am saying Xris, is that I do not deny that it exists just because I cannot comprehend it. I know that I have a liver in there somewhere, but have never seen it. LOL

I did not mean to give you the impression that I thought you had never pndered such things. Sorry about that! Most intelligent people do consider the creation at some point in their lives.

I am not simply believing in faeries here though as you suggested earlier. What we are talking about is the origin of what we have visible beneath our very feet. We know we exist and had an origin. If there were some credible reason to believe that faeries were responsible for that than I might consider it for thought and speculation. However, I am not assigning the creatioin of the universe to anything mythical or imaginable. I am simply saying that SOMETHING is responsible. Do you see the difference?
Reply Sat 14 Feb, 2009 01:50 pm
@Alan McDougall,
Alan McDougall wrote:

You make a claim that you cannot substantiate ( "I think I have probably thought it than the two of you together")

I reject this statement with the disdain it deserves. How could a limited being ever comprehend an infinite intellect and mind

Oh!! If you have where can I find your writings from these deep pondering of yours?,

I have written many articles and essays which bring to life my beliefs about god, existence, science and physics etc etc.

You are trying your utter best to elevate yourself above others and trying to show how clever you are and how stupid we are .

And I believe if you have really thought and meditated on the possibility of gods existence, you were trying to find him and got disillusioned because he would not manifest himself to you

Back to intelligent design, If you were walking in a fed of flowers thousands of years ago and found a watch, you would know there was a designer and Creator of this mind blowing object.

But the universe and all that is in the universe is unimaginably complex and knife edgily held together by fundamental constants. But you would have us believe that this awesome almost infinitely complex universe had no mind and no builder, but you can see a designer in a silly watch

The space shuttle is possibly the most complex machine ever made by humans, but when you compare it to a cockroach it is unimaginably simple

A cockroach can detect the movement of a single hydrogen atom

God is life the space shuttle is dead

Oh contra Mon Ami it was the who posed that you had the answers i was not privy to...Manifest to you and not I.. so be so pretty please pray tell me his countenance or describe him so.. Bring forth your evidence or be forever still..
Reply Sat 14 Feb, 2009 01:57 pm
hmmmm, let me try to reach you this way Xris,

If you were born in a cave and alone with no other human life to share, and you were trapped in the cave because its entrance was too high for you to climb out. Yet you could see the light coming in from outside and you could hear the sounds from outside.

Now lets say that there was a person who walked by that cave everyday whistling a tune and had no idea you were there. And each time he waled by you could see his shadow on the cave wall as he passed by.

There is certain evidence for you to believe that this person exists, but you have never seen him and know nothing about him.

All you know is the shadow he casts and the whistle he makes.

Why should you deny his existence just because you cannot produce his personal physical presence for proof?
Reply Sat 14 Feb, 2009 02:07 pm
Pathfinder wrote:
hmmmm, let me try to reach you this way Xris,

If you were born in a cave and alone with no other human life to share, and you were trapped in the cave because its entrance was too high for you to climb out. Yet you could see the light coming in from outside and you could hear the sounds from outside.

Now lets say that there was a person who walked by that cave everyday whistling a tune and had no idea you were there. And each time he waled by you could see his shadow on the cave wall as he passed by.

There is certain evidence for you to believe that this person exists, but you have never seen him and know nothing about him.

All you know is the shadow he casts and the whistle he makes.

Why should you deny his existence just because you cannot produce his personal physical presence for proof?
But no ones walking past my cave.. i cant hear him whistling.. all i hear is the wind..I am alone and i will die alone ..what lies beyond death is a promise but not a promise ..
Alan McDougall
Reply Sat 14 Feb, 2009 03:35 pm


Oh contra Mon Ami it was the who posed that you had the answers i was not privy to...Manifest to you and not I.. so be so pretty please pray tell me his countenance or describe him so.. Bring forth your evidence or be forever still..

Look at a mirror , remember a new born baby cry, look out at the unimaginable beautiful universe

Look into the eyes of your mother and father and see their souls reflecting back at you. Smile

Look into the eyes and the beauty of a child, a little girl hopping in the sun and tell me all this is just some cruel mistake of blind nature Smile

If you really do this then you have reached out and touched the face of God :bigsmile:
Reply Sat 14 Feb, 2009 08:05 pm
You hear the wind and you do not wonder where it comes from?
Alan McDougall
Reply Sun 15 Feb, 2009 12:40 am

You hear the wind and you do not wonder where it comes from?

Nice quote, can I take it even further,

"They are the wind and do not know it"

Can a fish comprehend the ocean.?
Reply Sun 15 Feb, 2009 12:52 am
@Alan McDougall,
I have a goldfish that I am pretty sure thinks its the center of the universe! lol
Reply Sun 15 Feb, 2009 03:46 pm
Pathfinder wrote:
You hear the wind and you do not wonder where it comes from?
i hear the wind and it comes from the north its cold and it carries no spirit of salavation.
Reply Sun 15 Feb, 2009 03:50 pm
@Alan McDougall,
Alan McDougall wrote:

Look at a mirror , remember a new born baby cry, look out at the unimaginable beautiful universe

Look into the eyes of your mother and father and see their souls reflecting back at you. Smile

Look into the eyes and the beauty of a child, a little girl hopping in the sun and tell me all this is just some cruel mistake of blind nature Smile

If you really do this then you have reached out and touched the face of God :bigsmile:
Ive read that thousands of poor souls died because of an underground earthquake caused a tidal wave ,i hear every day a thousand children die because a mosquito has bitten them. I see no benevolent you?
Reply Sun 15 Feb, 2009 04:49 pm
who said anything about a salvation Xris?

I am saying that if you hear something and do not question what you heard than that lack of interest is the reason you do not consider an intelligent designer. It is not anything to with credible evidence.

Whether or not this god is benevolent or not is another debate.
Alan McDougall
Reply Sun 15 Feb, 2009 09:03 pm


Ive read that thousands of poor souls died because of an underground earthquake caused a tidal wave ,i hear every day a thousand children die because a mosquito has bitten them. I see no benevolent you?

Really xris and all that from comfortable England?

I have real life experience with the sorrow and real pain you discribe over here in South Africa.

And yes my heart still bursts with love, gladness and go , when I see a little girl in ponytails hopping and jumping in the SA sunshine.

I use the example of a little girl because I get endless joy from watching my little granddaugter do exactly that

As I said before you can not attribute human qualities like benevolence or evil to God, God simply IS

This infinite entity we call god is and must always be INSCUTABLE to the mind of man, anyway that is what i think
Reply Sun 15 Feb, 2009 09:24 pm
I think Alan has a good sense of how to regard the Creator.

we shoulod not try to attribute character to a character we know nothing about.

All we know of the creator is that it exists. All the religious mumbo jumbo that has distorted the truth about it, does not mean that it does not exist.

But to dismiss it just because religion made a mess of it is not the answer.

And to try to judge it by our standards is also as bad as the religious ones who did the same thing.
Alan McDougall
Reply Sun 15 Feb, 2009 11:24 pm
Pathfinder :bigsmile:

we shoulod not try to attribute character to a character we know nothing about.

All we know of the creator is that it exists. All the religious mumbo jumbo that has distorted the truth about it, does not mean that it does not exist.

But to dismiss it just because religion made a mess of it is not the answer.

And to try to judge it by our standards is also as bad as the religious ones who did the same thing.

Hey you rally have a way with words you condense the whole truth into just one short sentence, no one could do better especially me :bigsmile:

Thank you for your insight
Reply Mon 16 Feb, 2009 05:40 am
Pathfinder wrote:
I think Alan has a good sense of how to regard the Creator.

we shoulod not try to attribute character to a character we know nothing about.

All we know of the creator is that it exists. All the religious mumbo jumbo that has distorted the truth about it, does not mean that it does not exist.

But to dismiss it just because religion made a mess of it is not the answer.

And to try to judge it by our standards is also as bad as the religious ones who did the same thing.
If you two are happy believing in a creator , im happy for you.I for one can not take such a giant step without knowing its not just wishful thinking.The only way you can assure yourselves you are not kidding yourselves is answer the questions posed.You wont or cant so i assume its faith driven just like any other religion.looking up at the night sky in awe is not finding god.

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