Eh, I'm not smart, just a patriot. Burke was smart, regardless of how conservative he was and how much I disagree with him.
For the record, they very well may have met Burke. I've read many of the letters between Jefferson and Madison while Jefferson was in Paris, and I do not recall any mention of Burke. But, who knows. If they (either Jefferson or Franklin) were in town while Burke was in town, it is likely they shook hands.
Oy, but I suppose it's my turn with a quote. Let's see how this one sits with you guys:
"...in republics there is greater life, greater hatred, more desire for revenge; the memory of their ancient liberty does not and cannot let them rest, so that the most secure path is to eliminate them or live in them."
This one should be easy if you, instead of trying to remember where you may have heard it, think about who might have said it and why.