My totally cool link archive thread

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Monger 1
Reply Fri 22 Jul, 2005 11:44 am
Glad we could brighten your day a little. Wink

In any case, I'm not particularly fond of the last couple posts' suggestions that people only stick around if they agree with someone else's point of view, or that asinine trolling qualifies someone as a "Family Apologist".
WalkerJ 1
Reply Fri 22 Jul, 2005 03:04 pm
Monger wrote:
In any case, I'm not particularly fond of the last couple posts' suggestions that people only stick around if they agree with someone else's point of view, or that asinine trolling qualifies someone as a "Family Apologist".

I agree.

"You wish" (Guest), you're most welcome--if not encouraged--to stick around and contribute your point of view. Please keep in mind, though that intelligent and non-caustic input is preferred.
Reply Sat 23 Jul, 2005 08:57 am
I am sorry or the lack of intelligence in that last comment. Think before acting comes to mind here.

Actually..I had a question that I hope one of you might help me with.
And that is, what is the point of listing all "Family" blogs? Where does that get you? I'm not pointing the finger rightnow, I really am wondering..
Thorwald 1
Reply Sat 23 Jul, 2005 01:04 pm
you wish wrote:
what is the point of listing all "Family" blogs? Where does that get you?

What is that to thee? Follow thou the links.

PS: We seem to be having to continually answer these types of questions. For the record, and for everyone, this site is about anything and everything related to The Family International (past and present). This is an encyclopeedic website and is meant to be, as such, exhaustive on the subject.
WalkerJ 1
Reply Sat 23 Jul, 2005 01:17 pm
you wish wrote:
What is the point of listing all "Family" blogs? Where does that get you? I'm not pointing the finger rightnow, I really am wondering..

That's a good question, actually.

I think if we were the "anti-cult" website the Family and others make us out to be, it really wouldn't get us anywhere--in fact, it would probably be counter productive--seeing as the blogs prove that Family members are just regular folks who really don't seem to be brainwashed zombies.

But since the purpose of this website, as Throwald said, is to document anything and everything related to The Family International--regardless of what "side" it's from--the listing of these blogs help, IMO, to give a more rounded portrayal of the group and its members.
Indian Joe 1
Reply Sat 23 Jul, 2005 01:49 pm
what is the point of listing all "Family" blogs? Where does that get you? I'm not pointing the finger rightnow, I really am wondering..

The point of writing a blog is to attract public attention to your private life. Given that we have taken on the job of documenting everything "Family" (positive or negative), how could we pass up the blogs?

People who want their private lives kept private, don't blog.
Reply Tue 26 Jul, 2005 12:17 am
[/quote]What is that to thee? Follow thou the links.

PS: We seem to be having to continually answer these types of questions. For the record, and for everyone, this site is about anything and everything related to The Family International (past and present). This is an encyclopeedic website and is meant to be, as such, exhaustive on the subject.[/quote]

I care because I am one of those "family blogs" So I have every right to ask this question. Sorry its exhausting for you, suppose thats what happens when you post links that have no relation to you.

To be honest, it doesn't bother me at all as long as people keep it nice and tame. You are welcome to see into my life, if that is what you want, as it is a public thing now. In truth it was started and still is for my family and friends. But if you feel that you will get something out of it (although I truly doubt it) my guest.
That's about it.
Take care.
Reply Tue 26 Jul, 2005 12:18 am
oops...mistake. The top of the page was a quote. Confused
Thorwald 1
Reply Tue 26 Jul, 2005 08:04 am
you wish wrote:
I have every right to ask this question.

Yes. You do have every right to ask that question and I have every right to post links on the Internet. Welcome to the Internet . . . and the entire idea of links!

you wish wrote:
thats what happens when you post links that have no relation to you.

That's right. They have absolutely no relation to me whatsoever. However, they do have a relation to your group and, as such, having these links are in agreement with the purpose of this site.

you wish wrote:
To be honest, it doesn't bother me at all as long as people keep it nice and tame.

If it doesn't bother you at all then why did you start this whole series of posts? When have we not been "nice and tame"? Posting a link to your blog (a very public thing of you to do) does not, in my book, have anything to do with being nice or not nice (or tame or un-tame).

you wish wrote:
But if you feel that you will get something out of it (although I truly doubt it) my guest.

Thank you. However, I can assure you that I won't "get something out of it". These are just links. Nothing more. Nothing less.
Reply Wed 27 Jul, 2005 06:26 am
Whatever..think what you want. I'm not going to argue with you as there is no point. It could go on and on without us getting anywhere and wasting each others time. But yes, for the record I do think you are very wrong but I won't get into it.
WalkerJ 1
Reply Wed 27 Jul, 2005 08:07 pm
you wish wrote:
[F]or the record I do think you are very wrong but I won't get into it.

Also for the record, you will one day look back at what you said here from our perspective. By that time, I hope I will still remember what it looks like from your perspective as clearly as I do now.
Monger 1
Reply Wed 27 Jul, 2005 09:18 pm
you wish wrote:
Whatever..think what you want. I'm not going to argue with you as there is no point. It could go on and on without us getting anywhere and wasting each others time.

Hey, anything's possible. As yet, however, you haven't stated any reasons you object to anything, so I'm not sure what you're basing this prediction on if not the quality of your argument or your perception of our abilty to grasp it.

you wish wrote:
for the record I do think you are very wrong but I won't get into it.

That's quite the cop-out, considering you started these baseless suggestions of some kind of moral problem with promoting your blog.
Reply Wed 27 Jul, 2005 09:58 pm
It's not a cop out. And I have seen alot of people that have gotten the links from this site, go on Family blogs saying the most horrible stuff that was completely uncalled for, and accusing them of things that are rediculous just because they are in the family.
Monger 1
Reply Wed 27 Jul, 2005 11:15 pm
you wish wrote:
It's not a cop out.

Yes, it was. You claimed we were doing something "very wrong" while attempting to avoid offering any reasoning for your accusation, thus not having to defend whether it held any merit.

you wish wrote:
And I have seen alot of people that have gotten the links from this site, go on Family blogs saying the most horrible stuff that was completely uncalled for, and accusing them of things that are rediculous just because they are in the family.

We get our share of hatemail from troublemakers, too. If the above is what you find wrong with linking to Family websites, I believe it to be a case of misplaced blame.

Consider a similar accusation:

"Google helps anti-Semities find Jewish blogs, where some say horrible, meanspirited things. Google is very wrong to cause this. What does Google think they'll gain from this practice?"
Indian Joe 1
Reply Thu 28 Jul, 2005 07:24 am
Consider a similar accusation:

"Google helps anti-Semities find Jewish blogs, where some say horrible, meanspirited things. Google is very wrong to cause this. What does Google think they'll gain from this practice?"

Wow. The Internet has been a reality in daily life for how many years now?

It still amazes me how many people still don't get the frontier aspect of the thing.

As far as the Family blogs, they are significant. Part of what is happening with the apparent hate mail they receive is an education on what it is like to step out into the real world.

The Internet was never designed to be a safe, secure, or private environment. Everyone who has tried to make it that has eventually failed.

We are still playing cowboys and indians out here.
Reply Thu 28 Jul, 2005 08:07 am
What you are saying is, it's already bad so let's join in and make worse.
Thorwald 1
Reply Thu 28 Jul, 2005 09:26 am
"you wish",

Are you purposefully trying to miss our points or are you just playing games?

you wish wrote:
What you are saying is, it's already bad so let's join in and make worse.

For the last time, what are we doing that you consider "bad"? Is it only that we have posted a link to your blog (and now people are visiting your site because of our links)? If so, then I would refer you to Monger's Google example. Read it again. His point is exactly the case here.

What exactly do you find that we are doing to make the Internet worse?

It is amazing how often some members of your group throw out stuff like this (i.e. "you are wrong") but when confronted about it, they simply change the subject and/or resort to personal attacks.

I am forced to conclude that you really have nothing here. You are just offended with our site and the abundant information we have on your secretive group. It is the hit dog that howls.

If I am wrong, then I apologise. However, give me something to work with. Not your weak cop-outs and "you are wrong but I am not going to get into it" gibes.
WalkerJ 1
Reply Thu 28 Jul, 2005 09:30 am
you wish wrote:
It's not a cop out. And I have seen alot of people that have gotten the links from this site, go on Family blogs saying the most horrible stuff that was completely uncalled for, and accusing them of things that are rediculous just because they are in the family.

Then it's their job to keep the unwanted visitors off their site. If they didn't want to have to deal with flamers, they shouldn't have created a blog.

Since our intention in posting a link to these blogs is by no means to send flamers in your collective direction, where's the immorality?

'you wish', it sounds to me like you're pulling your punches. What is it you're really trying to get at? What is the source of your anger? Just come right out and say it. We're all adults here.

If you "don't want to get into it", then you shouldn't have expressed it in the first place.
Thorwald 1
Reply Thu 28 Jul, 2005 09:39 am
One more thing.

you wish wrote:
And I have seen alot of people that have gotten the links from this site

How do you know they found your blog by following a link from our site? Did they write in their posts "I found a link to your blog on and I must say..."? Sounds unlikely to me (prove me wrong).

Is it really "a lot" of people writing these hate posts? Or, is it more like one or two? Again, prove me wrong.

Also, just because someone isn't 100% for you, doesn't mean that they are 100% against you.
Jack 2
Reply Thu 28 Jul, 2005 01:02 pm
Thorwald wrote:
Did they write in their posts "I found a link to your blog on and I must say..."?

..or did you track your referrers like a good webmaster? If anything you should be happy that some ex-Family members have a chance to see your blog(s) and maybe become inspired to rejoin! Heh. heh. You wish!(get it? heh, heh)

Thorwald wrote:
Also, just because someone isn't 100% for you, doesn't mean that they are 100% against you.

Ha! Wrong again Thorwald! Jesus said "If you're not an friend, you're an enemy!" Shizzam!

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