you wish wrote:I have every right to ask this question.
Yes. You do have every right to ask that question and I have every right to post links on the Internet. Welcome to the Internet . . . and the
entire idea of links!
you wish wrote:thats what happens when you post links that have no relation to you.
That's right. They have absolutely
no relation to me whatsoever. However, they
do have a relation to your group and, as such, having these links are in agreement with the purpose of this site.
you wish wrote:To be honest, it doesn't bother me at all as long as people keep it nice and tame.
If it doesn't bother you at all then why did you start this whole series of posts? When have we not been "nice and tame"? Posting a link to your blog (a
very public thing of you to do) does not, in my book, have anything to do with being nice or not nice (or tame or un-tame).
you wish wrote:But if you feel that you will get something out of it (although I truly doubt it) my guest.
Thank you. However, I can assure you that I won't "get something out of it". These are just links. Nothing more. Nothing less.