Argentina court records
Argentine court records related to Claire Borowik (and others)
This is very incomplete. There are a lot more records (thousands of pages) but most are not available on line. Some additional records may be found through
San Martin Court of Appeals, Case 81/89 "Cavazza, Juan C. and others, on Inf. Art.125, 139, 140, 142, Par.l, 142 bis, 210, 293 of the Code of Proceedings and art.3 of Law 23,592," Federal Court of San Isidro, 1 Sec.2 Office II, Reg. 443. Federal Judges: Horacio Enrique Prack, Alberto Mansur, Daniel Mario Rudi (dissented), Buenos Aires, Argentina, December 13, 1993. 127 page PDF file. In Spanish.
C. 489. XXVII. Recurso de Hecho. Cavazza, Juan Carlos y otros s/ infraccion articulos 125, 139, 140, 142, inc. 1, 142 bis, 210, 239 del Codigo Penal y art. 3 ley 23.592, Causa No. 583. Argentina Supreme Court. June 29, 1995. 2 page (but the 2nd page is blank) PDF file. In Spanish.
Cavazza, Juan Carlos y Otros S/ Infr. Arts 125 y Otros, S.C. Comp. 91 L.XXXII. Argentina Supreme Court. July 19, 1996 and October 10, 1996. 3 page PDF file. In Spanish.