Thu 22 Oct, 2009 10:44 pm - Looking at this issue from an evolutionary standpoint, this attraction to certain qualities can be easily explained. Some men are attracted to women with large breasts due to the enhanced... (view)
Thu 22 Oct, 2009 10:39 pm - I agree completely with you, manored, but I would like to add one thing:
Good/Evil: Why do we need such black and white categories? Why must they be deemed so very absolute when I feel these... (view)
Thu 22 Oct, 2009 10:27 pm - To answer the last question first, simply because it is the only one I can wrap my feeble mind around, I would have to say that my life has not become anything. That is to say, my life was a... (view)
Sat 31 Jan, 2009 12:28 am - I agree that morality is a general consensus supported by a popular opinion, but I don't think that has everything to do with why we don't do the "wrong" thing. Of course, to... (view)
Wed 28 Jan, 2009 11:28 pm - I would totally make a bad penny joke here what with the two cents and all, but I will not do so. I will not make you suffer through my bad joke telling (view)
Wed 28 Jan, 2009 09:05 pm - Yeah, I find that to be very true. That's why I hang around this forum :). Hey Nameless, do you go on the online philosophy club too? I've seen ur name before (view)
Tue 27 Jan, 2009 11:48 pm - Hahah I totally agree with you on the whole emotional front. By maturity, I meant insight into situations, and mostly common sense.
I can see why he might not understand my problem, but he knew... (view)
Tue 27 Jan, 2009 08:49 pm - Guess you're right, but I mean the guys I associate with can't hold an intelligent conversation with me. Or him as well, but he doesn't mind so much for obvious reasons.
Yeah,... (view)
Tue 27 Jan, 2009 08:37 pm - Hey Miranda! We're in much the same position. How cool! I hope to be seeing your around the forum asking questions :) (view)