Thu 15 Oct, 2009 03:19 am - [QUOTE=Pathfinder;97600]Why not?
Walking around a globe is not a comparison because you are walking in circles. Are you suggesting that the universe is a globe and that one would end up back... (view)
Thu 15 Oct, 2009 03:13 am - [QUOTE=Caroline;97587]Infinite means that goes on for eternity, that's a very long time eh Pathfinder?[/QUOTE]
Very long time, miss Caroline.:detective: (view)
Thu 15 Oct, 2009 03:09 am - [QUOTE=Pathfinder;97584]You cannot even define infinite. What does that mean?
To say that something is infinite is just another way of saying you have no idea how far it goes or how big it is or... (view)
Thu 15 Oct, 2009 01:41 am - [QUOTE=xris;97441]The question of infinite, there is no such thing. The universe is not infinite and it can never be so . If you ever reach that point when you can make that claim then its not... (view)
Thu 15 Oct, 2009 01:38 am - [QUOTE=Octal;97539]You seemed to have missed my point. If it wasn't for your self importance, (and your "superiority" over my narcissism) you wouldn't have bothered giving this... (view)
Thu 15 Oct, 2009 01:26 am - [QUOTE=Emil;97502][B]Symbols and implication[/B]
Careful with that symbolization. "⇒" is usually used to mean logical/material implication. But most of the propositions that we... (view)
Wed 14 Oct, 2009 12:02 pm - [QUOTE=Bhaktajan;97430]Vector wrote:
"I maintain that the universe is infinite, because the evidence suggest there is not enough mass to slow the expansion of space."... (view)
Wed 14 Oct, 2009 11:49 am - [QUOTE=xris;97385]The point is you are too quick to dismiss but never able to formulate your own views. Its only too easy to degrade a argument by selecting certain phrases out of context.[/QUOTE]... (view)
Wed 14 Oct, 2009 01:17 am - [QUOTE=xris;97128]If we see the universe as a closed cct. with no outside influence then you have begining without cause. If you accept you cant have nothing then you have to see a constant state... (view)