'People' we are more than individual, we come from people, we are people, we belong with them first for our very survival, second because we need to find relation to ourselves as much as for others, we are oblivious to much of what we are.
Survival is knowing how who we are by example.
We cannot do it alone.
The bad element of the 'us' is only because we have first not been taught well and proper and have not learned to prperly educate ourselves, the human is a journeying evolution, evolution is just one and includes the all, we each own our very own evolution it is what keeps us alive and keeps us asking, moving even breathing, or misunderstanding in the case of the bad sad element. Of course there are freaks of nature evolution which should in a good world just lend to our overall understanding of ourselves and each other.
You speak as if you are only an individual therefore you do not understand something fundamental. Fundamentally something is missing. I do not mean to sound condemning, that is not the intention, the intention is to enlighten, even if just myself. The only good for the self is broadening horizons.
Something i dont know how to expose to you because i do not know you but through this, i would know you therefore understand myself only in conjunction with you, with you. So as to be part of the 'we'.
It is not mere interest here spoken of, it is fundamental exercise evolution of the soul as much as the frame, as apart by unifying similarities.
We are born into a world (of good and bad) a world of doubt here, therefore the 'we' by example of t his doubt and with your interest we seek to proove ourself as much as disprove others, not always just doubt, when we should firstly be trying to proove.
Scientists are not all trying to disprove God, the good ones are trying to prove God.
'and use them to get what we want' want is not need, why so cynical?
How is it weird? We come from another, we are part not just apart.
Are you lonely? See how it pains and afflicts you. Loneliness is implication towards one thing, unification. Reunification.
Where are ones parents, and fundamental need to find the first part of ourselves. Peopel cross continents to find what they think is themselves but is rather our-self.
I am surprised you are surprised, why are you here on this forum if not fundamentally trying first to find the lost part of yourself under the guise of self exploration, ALL ROADS LEAD TO HOME. And what is home first? but the seed and garden we grew forth from.
'Cope' if one is at loss, but this means they are without something.
Without knowing what is not there, they still have fundamental need to discover, uncover, to fulfill. Which is often the familiar, which is family, which is species, all evolving all asking to be full.
And as once they find rest, does not need to come, for once you have found light you need more, evolutionary speaking and asking, you know there is more light out there to find.
Education and learning for brighter illumination which comes from joining in, on, with, it is fundamental participation.
Breeding is conjoining.
Ashley Montague writes in 'The Humanisation of Man'
"The individual is a myth. There are no individuals. There are as many persons, however, who try to be individuals, who endeavour to live their lives separate and apart from their fellow human beings. frequently they live their individual lives without thought or concideration of the effcts of their individualism upon their fellow men. Such persons are psychically disfigured, disintergrated, and disoperation, and they are the producers of disintergration and disoperation among their fellow men, not only in the societies in which they immediately live, but also among their fellow men in far distant places, among human beings whom they have never seen and of whom they often have never heard.
The effect of 'rugged individualism', American or any other all variety, are likely to be widespread and particularly devastating to those peoples of the world who have been unprepared for its effects. The impact of smallpox and measles upon those who have no immunity is as nothing compared to the disastrous effects of the Western doctrine and practices of 'individualism' upon these peoples.'
Which means all peoples, upon the self infact, self disfugurement, the first society was the first family.
No i would not go as so far as to agree whole heartedly with Ashley Montague but what is put down cannot be disputted in the fact that it takes all of us for all us to survive. More so thrive, if we were to do away with such as 'rugged individualism'. It has become an ism which is one step away from disease as well as one step away from cure.
You also must see that it is because we are all 'lapse' (whether we recognise it or not) is when this 'individual' takes state. 'Place' being scholastic and possible symptom view.
Not to diagree with Dostoevsky, but it only becomes immeasurably more complex by the examination, rather than by said participation.
Octal; Obligation is good for it means you care, you do not understand, you question the motives or actions, enough to impose your rightful voice that should be heard. Impose away, but it is not really imposition.
It is insight.
Every one needs to be heard (teach) and everyone needs to listen (taught). We are only born with the answer that we do not know everything. It is arogance and the first fall sin that makes us think we can attain the knowledge for free, of everything. We are not God. But we can work to be as God, we can evolve to be as God.
Society came first in order for there to be those who rebuke it. You come from someone else, you owe your existance to something else, lest we chose to be born, you would not exist if it weren't for social interaction.
No one is born of rape, there was a choice made for each of us, it is the sad state of affairs that people dont live up to their choice.
You are bored because there is something not being fulfilled.
I hope you find it, but dare I say you wont find it one on your own.
---------- Post added 10-18-2009 at 04:03 AM ----------
We are all social creatures, we need other people, solitary confinement, makes people go crazy, go wrong, even if for all the right reasons, crazy, no exceptions.