Tue 12 May, 2009 09:54 am - An interesting question sprang up into my mind just the other day while I was listening to some music. It seems like a given fact that music can induce emotions within the listeners. However,... (view)
Tue 12 May, 2009 06:12 am - Oh. So you want to understand the crisis and how we can solve it?
Gee, it's a complicated matter because it has various problems that built up the current situation.
If one were to solve the... (view)
Mon 11 May, 2009 09:30 am - Now, as you said, the model you just provided is extremely simple, simple to the point that it becomes....well, flawed.
First, you have to consider the market, supply and demand.
The housing... (view)
Mon 11 May, 2009 09:00 am - Interesting view. So the paintings we see on the walls are just mere memories of art? That explains a lot, actually. However, these mere memories of art can sometimes elicit this inspiration from... (view)
Mon 11 May, 2009 08:45 am - My Name: Philly_CS has a long history behind it, it has been in use since the Tung Dynasty in China......
...is what I'd like to say. But to be honest, Philly_CS just means Philly CheeseStake.... (view)
Mon 11 May, 2009 08:32 am - Okay, since I have a mission to complete now, I'm not going to say much on the introductory post (even though, you know, it's my first post on this forum).
My mission here as of now is... (view)