Like baby teeth we will shed our bodies and ascend to the stars, whether it is a court or a web, I do not know. Seeing as how we do not degrade into non existent elements or other physical particles; perhaps this is why we remember...
Wed 19 Feb, 2020 10:02 pm - [quote="Dirt"]
If you don't allready know the truth then how would you recognize the truth when you achieved it?
Further How do we know that what is the truth doesn't change... (view)
Sun 16 Feb, 2020 04:26 pm - To solve the problem of true love, one must reduce until there can be no more reduction, then when you find her it is simple enough to put the two halves together and make a whole, new family. When... (view)
Sat 15 Feb, 2020 05:00 pm - Me? Well it's goin.
Hmm... where should I begin? At a young age I was always questioning things, I learned better from books than teachers and as I got older of course I was questioned.... (view)
Sat 15 Feb, 2020 04:00 pm - For this discussion I would need to know more.
Yes, things change. Many also stay the same, the sky, even at night, is blue. Unless you're colorblind, in which case it is red. Or at least... (view)