Tue 5 May, 2009 04:05 pm - [quote=Caroline]Who actually said that?[/quote]
I think it is somewhat of a paraphrase from Socrates. If he is not the one who said/believed that, then feel free to correct me.... (view)
Tue 5 May, 2009 09:26 am - [B]Fear[/B]: be afraid or scared of; be frightened of;
"A true philosopher does not fear death."
- (Paraphrase from Socrates?)
Do you believe in the above statement? Why or why... (view)
Mon 27 Apr, 2009 09:26 am - [quote=spacemonkey]This isn't a debate, more of a question - what has been your weirdest experience with philosophy?[/quote]
I have never really had a weird experience with philosophy... (view)
Mon 27 Apr, 2009 09:19 am - [quote=grasshopper]What would be the first 5 things that u would want from me if you were my GOD?[/quote]
If I were your "God" then I would want you to:
[*]Set a superb standard... (view)
Mon 27 Apr, 2009 09:14 am - [quote=grasshopper]Should i feel responsible of my parrents? Are we?
[SIZE=85]I sometimes feel like i am parrenting them because they seem helpless in [/SIZE][SIZE=85]some cases. [/SIZE][SIZE=85]I... (view)
Fri 24 Apr, 2009 07:40 pm - [quote=No0ne]:perplexed:Hmmm? "Before showing interest in things such as philosophy"
:sarcastic:Have you ever not been intrested in your own thoughts and point of view of the world... (view)
Fri 24 Apr, 2009 08:21 am - [quote=xris]My point is, in philosophy or actions the notion of mercy in my view does not occur in ancient history or even in reasonable recent history.When does the animal kingdom show mercy? when... (view)
Thu 23 Apr, 2009 08:06 pm - Before showing interest in things such as philosophy, how would you rate your life? Exciting, happy, sad, depressed, et cetera?
After discovering your interest and learning more about philosophy,... (view)
Thu 23 Apr, 2009 01:20 am - [quote=avatar6v7]Your basis for life is the heart- why? What differentiates it from other vital organs? What about people with artificial hearts- are they less alive, less human?[/quote]
I'm... (view)
Thu 23 Apr, 2009 12:42 am - [quote=Faun147]Why is a philosopher a philosopher? It seems to defy practicality. Of course, practicality is not the only issue. What about matters of memory? Can wisdom be forgotten? If so, did we... (view)