Mon 23 Nov, 2009 12:44 am - [QUOTE=Krumple;105251]Don't you mean, I had no choice in being born but still must accept the fact that I am alive? That is fine, but on top of that now I must learn about god, then I must... (view)
Sun 22 Nov, 2009 09:01 am - [QUOTE=Krumple;105133]Doesn't necessarily need to be. God could just as easily be a passive unintentional participant who forgot the package in the back of the refrigerator growing humans. But... (view)
Sun 22 Nov, 2009 07:38 am - Why must God always be the power hungry authoritarian? This concept of God appears (at least in my opinion) to stem from man's projection of his own will-to-power upon God. It seems to me that... (view)
Sun 17 May, 2009 10:24 pm - your first question: different religions hold some conflicting ideas and too many people are too alienated and insecure to think for themselves about it, so they just pick one, or none, and... (view)
Wed 6 May, 2009 09:05 pm - So a tree falling in the woods can emit sound waves, but if there is no one around to interpret those sound waves then there isn't any sound?
It seems to me that if the tree fell in the... (view)
Thu 30 Apr, 2009 04:26 pm - I'm actually not sure why I felt like sharing this, but I'm reading this fabulous introductory book for Martin Heidegger, and it's gotten to a point where he talks about... (view)
Tue 28 Apr, 2009 04:06 pm - we've gotten much too big and bureaucratic to bother with ethics and scruples. These days bankers aren't lending money to their good friend farmer John, they're lending it to... (view)
Tue 28 Apr, 2009 04:02 pm - [QUOTE=coberst;60414][SIZE=85]"It is our organic flesh and blood, our structural bones, the ancient rhythms of our internal organs, and the pulsating flow of our emotions that give us whatever... (view)
Wed 22 Apr, 2009 06:12 pm - There's nothing that says a child can't teach their parents a few new things, or help them out in areas of weakness. Once you are of age/maturity to function in society as a responsible... (view)