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Who cares ? Pope says the same; nobody listens.
I am afraid........
1) no one has the authority to denounce other people's faith,
2) no one has the sole virtue of judging other's law of living or a way of life,
3) no one is capable of analysing in depth on how social movements and political motivations takes place.
Any one who claims he or she can do the above without prejudging or harbouring bias is a hypocrite.
Time to say no to postmodernist tolerance of the intolerant islam before islamization become a mass problem, before a time when any novel idea (especially contradicting the qur'an) is likely to be branded 'blasphemous', its proponets punishable by death/prison/lashes etc (one of the reasons the muslim world remained backward is the despise of critical thinking and diversity).
.... all Muslims - not just a group we called "fundamentalist" - believe that the Koran is literally the word of God...Many Christians have accepted the results of Science and adjusted their beliefs accordingly and are no longer committed to the literal existence of their biblical parents [Adam and Eve]. Muslims have yet to take even this first step. - ibn Warraq
Islam presents an absolutist political agenda one that doesn't lend itself to compromise, nor to coalition building. - imam Zaid Shakir, an African American convert to Islam (saying the truth about islam, indeed we mistake islam with other major religions) -..........
......... The real period of ignorance is the islamic period.
Our opponents accuse us National Socialists, and me in particular, of being intolerant and quarrelsome. They say that we do not want to work with other parties...I have to admit one thing, these gentlemen are quite right. We are intolerant...I have given myself one goal - to sweep these thirty political parties [existent in 1932] out of Germany. They mistake us for one of them. We have one aim and we will follow it fanatically and ruthlessly to the grave. - Adolf Hitler, electoral campaign 1932 - islam has definitely quite many in common with Nazi supremacism and fanaticism (among others dhimmis remind of the Nazis' 'subhumans of the East', the attacks of muhammad and his successors outside Arabia of the need for vital space, the fact that non mulims in the arab empires of the past had to wear distinctive signs of the persecution of the jews, the strong indoctrination of children with muslim supremacism of Hitlerjugend and so on)
Myth: If Islam were a violent religion, then all Muslims would be violent
While the muslims feel free to insult Christianity, they themselves go into paroxysms of rage and violence at the slightest hint of criticism of islam, which "must be accepted uncritically as divine revelation by non-muslims as well by muslims, and that this must be reflected in the structure and conduct of the state, and of society". - ibn Warraq
When muslims impose sharia, or at least part of it, will you say the same? No intention to be offensive here but it's a legitimate question...Besides we have never forget that they have always felt free to attack Christianity and all other faiths at will (unlike other major religions islam does not have the Golden Rule, somehow muslims are at peace, at the mental level, with demanding respect from others while showing basically none in return)...Happily contrary to what you say there is a standard of Rationality, albeit provisional, the rationality or irrationality of the qur'an (and for that matter all other holy books) it's not in the 'eye of the beholder'. No one want muslims to leave islam (at least not me), the problem is that it should be modernized because it is a threat for the whole world, even for muslims (although it may seem good for islamists of course). We can only say NO to the 7th century sharia and other discriminatory and intolerant teachings of islam (hypocrites are those who try to whitewash islam, in spite of a mountain of contrary evidence, in the name of political correctness instead of calling for non-trivial reforms)...
That is preposterous, since when the other people are suicide bombers we need to judge them, or else die.
You take a high point by stating that christian fundamentalists are different while islamic fundamentalists are quite another ball game. You cannot escape such irrationality. Lets trace some history: Christopher columbus went on a convert or get butchered (killed is a mild word) spree when after stepping serendipitiously on a continent, to find favour with his pope and king; Christain brutality and fundamentalism could be seen how cruelly the Australian aborigines were treated by the British invaders, when Ku Klax Klan used to murder citizens in the name of creed, race, and scriptures. Does this mean that the whole christiandome is at fault. No. So please do not label all islam for the sins of the few.
there will never be a real peace in islam even in the hypothetical case that it will 'take over' worldwide
islam will be forever in a war with Reason, common sense and basic human freedoms; a perpetual cultural and moral wasteland leading inexorably towards a much narrow intellectual horizon (that's why the contribution of islam to Modernity is minimal at best).
I fail to see where is the 'peace' in islam
And if there is a frustration that is because of the undeserved status which islam enjoys today, it certainly does not deserve it.
unfortunately even if many muslims are honest in their belief that islam is peace the double standard of islam is evident for all would be rational thinkers.
Islam the ideology (I have nothing against people by the way) is as extremist as fascism;
Appeasement of the unreformed islam is as pointless as was the appeasement of Hitler and the Nazis by the English and French.
The fact that there are many muslims is no excuse for the political class in Western Europe,
Unfortunately islam does not have the Golden Rule and deserves no respect, it has selfish rules at the core
the zakat for example means nothing as much as only muslims can benefit from it
What the muslims claim is 'tolerance' is in fact sheer intolerance and discrimination (upon our standards of which they duly benefit).
islam gives the appearance of a 'strong' religion because it inculcates a very powerful, uncritical, clan identification
the Nazis or Mafia ideologies were able to inculcate basically the same strong group identification
all muslims are the islamic equivalent of Christian monks
a vast majority is quasi-literalist. Some minor deviations from sharia do not make those muslims moderates (in the Western acceptation of the term).
jihad is also the predatory misuse of the legal system, the use of persistent pressures to shield islam from critical thinking
the raise of money to help the islamist cause (including funding extermist organizations abroad), the organization of widespread muslim propaganda in order to mislead non-muslims that islam is 'peace' etc. This is lead by the 'educated' people
The final goal is basically the same (although the time table is very different): the islamization of non-muslim societies.
even if quite many apologist of islam say that it [islam] is fully compatible with democracy in reality it isn't
if sharia is retained (I've already pointed this in another post). What do you want us (critics of islam) to do more? Wait for muslims to take over
Existing evidence points clearly toward the fact that the model of the Middle East will move to the West if muslims ever 'take over'.
My 'bigotry' and 'irrational fear' (islamophobia) exists
I was provoked as in other occasions when I dealt with muslims,
muslims seem incapable to think that someone can criticize islam with honesty
I've always tried to focus on providing rational arguments.
If the muslim fellow had known to tolerate alternative views (whilst offering counterarguments compatible with a minimal standard of argumentation) my tone would have been milder
of course the criticism would have been basically the same.
What makes you believe that I do not understand the nature of islam?
I'm afraid
when seen from a rational standpoint
Where are the apologies for the conquests made in the name of Islam?
islamic apologists try to persuade us that the conquerors of Egypt, Palestine, North Africa, Persia, Anatolia (all Byzantine Empire finally) and so on were in reality...'still pagan' (a forced move for no one dares to challenge the view that the qur'an is the eternal and exact word of allah and muhammad the perfect human being; dishonesty ad infinitum).
one cannot use this to defend islam against the common sense observation that it teaches hate, violence and discrimination against non-muslims.
Hi meta,
You are not only fearful and frustrated, but you are angry too. Anger leads to rantings. I am extremely sorry to say this, but is it not clear?.
You say your arguments are rational. But it is irrational all the way. You keep on saying 'muslims are this or that or you tend to say all muslims are like this and that.
I find it very strange that those who cant accept the truth of Islam can never rebuke those who criticise it with anything other than rhetoric...I always say if those who believe Islam teaches peace and tolerance, just join an average Muslim web site but beware you can be easily banned for disrespect. I lasted five years, quite a record for a non believer.
The public face of Islam is quite different to the teachings. It never advertises the extremes of its scriptures and is very publicly astute at hiding its extremist preachers, since the recent terrorist attacks. There are many moderate muslims , the majority, but the scriptures allow extremist voices to be believed and carry authority.
---------- Post added 04-03-2010 at 06:30 AM -------
But he does not say that at all. He is talking about the religion, not about the people. He is saying that insofar as Mulims are guided by their religion, they are a great peril. And, I tend to agree.
Do you have anyway to defend this argument?
Demonstrate which scriptures you are talking about? You make assertions without any knowledge of the subject at all.
Post the passages you have issue with and I will gladly demonstrate where your lack of understanding has led to complete ignorance of the subject.
otherwise, admit that you are are a fear monger.
[links are a co-out, if you can't take the tyime to write what you know then you demonstrate to everyone that you know nothing]
---------- Post added 04-03-2010 at 11:19 AM ----------
There is no rational way to defend Meta's point. he is simply an ignorant fear monger. So, in order that you are not lumped into the same category, EXPLAIN why you tend to agree with meta's particular brand of bigotry.
So you immediately claim I have no knowledge of the subject in question? thats a good start. Do you agree that violent jihad is permitted or not? Do you agree that certain imams encourage violence or not? Do you agree there is a division in the Muslim community that suicide bombers are carrying out holy Jihad? Don't accuse me of fear mongering when a Muslim terrorist attack by suicide is committed every week somewhere in this world. If they have the conviction its holy, tell them they are fear mongering not me.
So you immediately claim I have no knowledge of the subject in question?
thats a good start.
Do you agree that violent jihad is permitted or not?
Do you agree that certain imams encourage violence or not?
Do you agree there is a division in the Muslim community that suicide bombers are carrying out holy Jihad?
Don't accuse me of fear mongering when a Muslim terrorist attack by suicide is committed every week somewhere in this world.
If they have the conviction its holy, tell them they are fear mongering not me.
islam is all fringe but no center
they don't even try to think rationally when islam is in question, the idea that islam can be criticized with honesty, legitimately, using Reason is alien to them.
there are too many dark parts of islam, dwarfing its good parts
In other words, if a country is perceived to be hindering the spread of Islam, Muslims are obliged to wage war against it.
What constitutes a sufficient provocation?
Must the defending side wait until the enemy strikes the first military blow?
If you had ever read a single word out of the Koran you would know the answer to this is yes. Which, coincidentally, is exactly what the history of the 20th century has proved time and again. Muslim societies have all waited until western chrisitianists struck the first blow.
xris;147911 wrote:xris;147911 wrote:These questions have no clear or definitive answers in Islamic law,
Further proving you have never read a single word of the Koran.
Why do you continue to further embarrass yourself with thise unintelligent speculations founded entirely on bigotry and christianist extremist blogs?
You are clearly quite afraid and your fear has driven you mad. It is sad that you choose to continue. Although its much more sad that you actually believe the lunacies you post.
Do you have anyway to defend this argument?
Demonstrate which scriptures you are talking about? You make assertions without any knowledge of the subject at all.
Post the passages you have issue with and I will gladly demonstrate where your lack of understanding has led to complete ignorance of the subject.
otherwise, admit that you are are a fear monger.
[links are a co-out, if you can't take the tyime to write what you know then you demonstrate to everyone that you know nothing]
---------- Post added 04-03-2010 at 11:19 AM ----------
There is no rational way to defend Meta's point. he is simply an ignorant fear monger. So, in order that you are not lumped into the same category, EXPLAIN why you tend to agree with meta's particular brand of bigotry.
That is just like the question, have you stopped beating your wife? When you ask a non-question-begging question, I may reply to you.
In other words you have no way to defend your opinion. I thought as much.
I will ignore your abuse as it is evidently beyond your ability to express yourself without it.
Would you say the debate among Muslims is not yet resolved on the question of suicide?
Would you also agree that Islam was spread by the sword.
You try to claim that Islam only acts in a defensive war,not aggressive, well history quite clearly shows that on the majority of occassions it only ever advanced by invasion.
Would you also say that a man who held slave girls for his satisfaction is not exactly the man to be given so much respect?
You know as well as I that many Muslims believe it has authority to advance Islam by any means.
Why you find it necessary to abuse my post is because you see I am making others aware of your devious intentions.
Look at the UMMHA it is a fine example,casual visitors find moderate views expressed but join and you will soon find the extremist views spewed out,t hey will give you your scriptures,they use,to excuse their bigoted opinions. Argue with them , they are the ones that brought Islam to my attention. Before I visited that site I believed Islam a moderate faith exploited by a few nutters but now I realise it has violence an extremists views embedded in its very nature.
BUT even the moderate Muslim will tell you they can understand why they commit these horrors, you have seen it here. The problem will always be that Islam allows violent jihad, no matter what the moderate imam tells his congregation, the violence can be given reason by scriptures. Its a problem for Muslims as much as it is for the non believer.