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I guess. But if Prior accepted theory doesn't waver any opinions on intelligent design, how can you use whats not stated. Its an empty attempt because its based on assumption. What I'm asking is how do you infer where the assumption is right or wrong, Logically?
Uh... no. It isn't a science, any more than an apple is a merry-go-round. This isn't a matter of proof, simply of determining whether ID meets the criteria of a science. It doesn't, for reasons already explained over and over here and for the same reasons science teachers in the US have explained over and over. Saying that you have to prove ID is false in order to prove it is not a science is just absurd.
Here's my 'theory'. The universe is a fart in a bathtub. Is this false? Who can say..? Is this science? No!
Uh... no. You have it all wrong.
As I stated as a defintion of science:
Science: "a branch of knowledge or study dealing with a body of facts or truths systematically arranged and showing the operation of general laws"
IF ID is true! Then it would be science. If ID was true then science of it would be a study of the laws and operations put into place by the intelligent designer.
IF your theory of a fart in a bathtub were true, then, it would be science as to the laws surrounding the 'fart in a bathtub'.
Do you understand? You presuppose it as false. If it is true then it is science and everything 'you' take as science much of it would be false. (big bang, evolution etc...)
If ID was true then science of it would be a study of the laws and operations put into place by the intelligent designer.
Uh... no. You have it all wrong.
As I stated as a defintion of science:
Science: "a branch of knowledge or study dealing with a body of facts or truths systematically arranged and showing the operation of general laws"
IF ID is true! Then it would be science. If ID was true then science of it would be a study of the laws and operations put into place by the intelligent designer.
IF your theory of a fart in a bathtub were true, then, it would be science as to the laws surrounding the 'fart in a bathtub'.
Do you understand? You presuppose it as false. If it is true then it is science and everything 'you' take as science much of it would be false. (big bang, evolution etc...)
I think you're missing the point, click.
Tools can do things faster, stronger, with more precision or to greater extent, but that speaks little to whether or not they are fallible. I constantly deal with managers who think tools are smarter than people
Tools always require human manipulation in some form.
I think you're missing the point, click.
Intelligent design is not a science since there is no testable hypothesis; there is no evidence supporting a claim, but merely an interpretation of facts to meet a desired end. Science can never explain the ultimate "Why", but can explain the "How". If the world originated from a fart in a bathtub, science could have place. However, if you made the claim the world originated from a fart in a bathtub by a benevolent god, science would be of no more use. Throwing in abstract ideas that cannot be evaluated in our physical realm is beyond the grasp of science.
It's apparent that you're taking a rather abstract approach here, but you must be aware of the differences.
Isn't that what we already do now? Really, you can call all of this what you will, but if we knew all of this was from an "intelligent designer", what would it change? Nothing, scientifically. Science has no grasp of intent, click. Science would be science regardless of the supposed *design* behind the layout. Spouting "intelligent designer" is out of the realm of science.
I don't presuppose ID to be false when I say it isn't science. I presuppose it be false when I say I don't believe in it, when I describe it, as I have, as 'clap-trap' or a 'fairy tale'. THAT is presupposing it as false.
When I say it isn't a science it is because it falls short of the actual criteria to be one, not because it falls outside your own personal definition of science. I have already stated what constitutes a science. That isn't the same as what you have said, so there lies the discrepancy. But either way, I never presupposed it to be false in that claim. Anyone reading my posts could see quite clearly what I meant by 'science' or 'not science' as I have made the distinction many times over. You may disagree with the definition I have referred to, but I'm not going to adopt yours any time soon either, as it is useless to me in my field. End of conversation, I suppose. [sniff]
Aedes and others ii the thread
I want to make it clear I am not religious and do not belong to community of thinking and make up my own mind where it is more logical to believe the universe just happened or was made by some much greater mind than ours
Taking this topic back to the most simple example, if an alien were to land on planet earth and find a watch in the lawn of the Taj Mahal He would KNOW that both these objects were build by some intelligence
But we are told to accept "a new faith" that the universe which is infinitely more complex than the two previous examples "is just a matter of chance"
The age of the universe, it is far too young, relative its unimaginable complex to have just happened by a blind accident of chance
To suggest that scientist simply dismiss the possibility of some great intelligence behind the fabric of the universe is just not true
I also belong to a physics scientific forum and believe me this topic comes up ull the time.
Maybe religion has high jacked this idea, (Big Bang mend the universe had a beginning thus it needed a creator, "their idea not mine")
Great physics like Fred Hoyle, Albert Einstein and even Stephen Hawking thought that their is/might be some intelligent force/mind behind the construction of the universe.
They we/were absolutely not theologians, they were/are all professing agnostics, reserving their position on the matter
It remains that a search for intelligence is a valid question. And it is testable. That we may not yet have the tools in hand is irrelevant. There were many questions of particle physics that could not be tested until the latest accelerator was built. It is not that we have the tools in hand, but that it is plausible to pursue building the tools.
But let us separate "intelligence" from insisting that the bearer of the intelligence be a spiritual being in some way. Let us restrict our discussion to whatever effects this "intelligence" may have had on the physical world. Let us only ask if we can find evidence of intelligence in physics, biology, etc.
Stop presupposing one as false. Think about the chance that either could be true as right now you can't say otherwise no matter how hard you try.
Nah the difference with intelligent design is that there is a creator instead of big bang? and design instead of chance.
Error mostly lies in the inappropriate application of tools and the misinterpretation of their results. The tools themselves are much more consistent and quantifiable than human logic and human bias.
What kind of tools could evaluate "intelligence"? It would simply be an interpretation of facts, do you not see? Of course you could say patterns of life exist, and shoot at me the anthropic principle, but that does not prove "intelligence", it simply proves things do add up. Asking "why" it adds up deviates from science!!
You cannot separate these. For to say "intelligence" implies a designer, does it not?
Yes, tools are often more repeatable than humans. I mentioned their precision. But that does not speak to their fallibility. I can go to the best machining center in the world and make the straightest 12" ruler in the world, and it will tell me time after time how flat my desk is. But if I then conclude the earth is flat ...
At best I would concede that tools are neutral. They tell us nothing but what we ask them to tell us. It is then the human who succeeds or fails.
I agree, the implications are explosive. But so are the implications of the many singularities found in current cosmology. That should not lead us to avoid the question if it is valid.
So, are you saying that science never involves interpretation? Wow. I want a reference on that. In the mean time, you might want to study the debate over inductive methods in science.
the scientific method is not involved with having hypotheses that can not be testable!
There is a difference between the big bang and intelligent design. I can't grasp what you're not understanding. I'm not presupposing either is true or false, but merely that they are different kinds of claims. One can be evaluated by science, one cannot. If we took your perspective, everything could be regarded as science. NO!
To be fair, there is a LOT of scientific research that is not hypothesis-driven. For instance, the human genome project, or proteomics, or archeological digs, or sampling rocks from the surface of Mars, or amplifying DNA from seawater to identify unknown bacterial species, or high throughput drug discovery...
This is not hypothesis-driven research. It's more a kind of cataloguing, with the intent of allowing other research questions to be better answered, or identifying patterns and findings that ARE worthy of hypotheses.
Intelligent design theorists have access to all the science ever generated and published. But the difficulty is making that tell a story of "intelligent design" that is a compelling alternative to the much more parsimonious idea that intelligent design is unnecessary.
Maybe I just don't know enough about the big bang theory or any other theories. Are there other theories?
Just as 'big bang' can be aided by 'evidence' so can ID be aided by 'evidence'.
I say 'evidence' because neithers 'evidence' conclusively proves either to be true.
I'm not sure what you think I am not understanding.
I got my defintion here:
science definition |
əns/ Show Spelled Pronunciation
ns] Show IPA Pronunciation
1. a branch of knowledge or study dealing with a body of facts or truths systematically arranged and showing the operation of general laws: the mathematical sciences.
2. systematic knowledge of the physical or material world gained through observation and experimentation.
3. any of the branches of natural or physical science.
4. systematized knowledge in general.
5. knowledge, as of facts or principles; knowledge gained by systematic study.
6. a particular branch of knowledge.
7. skill, esp. reflecting a precise application of facts or principles; proficiency.
Also read what I wrote to Zetherin as I think that pertains to my discussion with you.
Note taken Resh.
1 (knowledge obtained from) the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical world, especially by observing, measuring and experimenting, and the development of theories to describe the results of these activities:
pure/applied science
recent developments in science and technology
Space travel is one of the marvels/wonders of modern science.
2 [C or U] a particular subject that is studied using scientific methods:
physical sciences
Economics is not an exact science.
advances in medical science
3 the study of science:
a science graduate/teacher
a science course/lesson
Science cannot explain the ultimate "Why's?" but can explain the "How's". Have you ever encountered a scientific theory that encompassed something of a mystical nature (yes, this includes intelligent design, as much as you say it does not)? NO! You could not, as the scientific method is not involved with having hypotheses that can not be testable! The induction method of science revolves around Observation and Experiment. How can you observe or devise an experiment to test "intelligence"?! You can't. Therefore, science has nothing to do with the claim of ID.
The point isn't necessarily the lack of hypothesis, but the fact that "intelligence" cannot be observed or tested; it is an interpretation of facts already observed and tested.
Maybe I just don't know enough about the big bang theory or any other theories. Are there other theories?