Humans are weak.

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Reply Sun 28 Mar, 2010 09:18 am
Fido;145153 wrote:
Yes, we wait, the need is eternal, no end in sight. The answers which we have not found but are still seeking.

All right... For example; let me see you get past death...It is not reasonable to presume anything of infinites... As the Greek said; as children of Promaetheus we have the power of foresight, and blind ourselves with hope against hope...In knowing life we know the past, and it is folly to project the past onto our sense of the future to know calm...

Rather, we should see the signs, accept the obvious, and stay always ready to react, and adapt... So admit you know nothing of death, or even of the power of ignorance over the lives of men and over human kind...In truth, we would do but little if we grasped the extent of our ignorance, and yet we do all we do out of ignorance, relying on luck to preserve us...

Yet why should individuals do better than their governments, or governments do better than their people??? If we would abandon hope, and act upon knowledge our futures would all be more secure, but instead we trust in God which is the same as surrendering ourselves to fate...[/QUOTE]

I will get past death at some point. Why should I see death as eternal when everything we know shows the constant to be change.

As far as the rest of your argument, or quotation, I guess I'm missing something, it appears to convey nothing more than ambivalence to me
Pepijn Sweep
Reply Sun 28 Mar, 2010 01:48 pm
Yes, human human we;r weak

Humanity Will be
The Human (m/f0 will continue to take care of Earth like we promised Our Fathers and Mothers as they did Theirs:detective:

Reply Mon 29 Mar, 2010 05:48 am
wayne;145161 wrote:
All right... For example; let me see you get past death...It is not reasonable to presume anything of infinites... As the Greek said; as children of Promaetheus we have the power of foresight, and blind ourselves with hope against hope...In knowing life we know the past, and it is folly to project the past onto our sense of the future to know calm...

Rather, we should see the signs, accept the obvious, and stay always ready to react, and adapt... So admit you know nothing of death, or even of the power of ignorance over the lives of men and over human kind...In truth, we would do but little if we grasped the extent of our ignorance, and yet we do all we do out of ignorance, relying on luck to preserve us...

Yet why should individuals do better than their governments, or governments do better than their people??? If we would abandon hope, and act upon knowledge our futures would all be more secure, but instead we trust in God which is the same as surrendering ourselves to fate...

I will get past death at some point. Why should I see death as eternal when everything we know shows the constant to be change.

As far as the rest of your argument, or quotation, I guess I'm missing something, it appears to convey nothing more than ambivalence to me[/QUOTE]
It is rather pointless to talk to you about reason when you are working on belief...You see death as you want to see death...Do you see life as you want to see life??? Theology is not philosophy...
Reply Tue 30 Mar, 2010 12:25 am
Humans are weak because they react!.Smile
Pepijn Sweep
Reply Tue 30 Mar, 2010 12:42 am
pondfish;146019 wrote:
Humans are weak because they react!.Smile

Member of this Forum should not spill a .LaughingLaughing
Reply Tue 30 Mar, 2010 07:00 pm
pondfish;146019 wrote:
Humans are weak because they react!.Smile

Humans are alive because they react, and act... It is when people bind themselves up with political garbage, or ideals so they can no longer think that they cannot react... Every idea can be a way of seeing, and each can be blinding... Every idea can be an aid to thought, or used as a substitute for thought... Used properly, every idea can be a piece of truth that can help to guide us in actions and reactions; but not usually...

People do not want their worlds to change, and they prevent change, often to the point where it kills them and their whole societies... They prevent change until change can no longer be resisted, and then it sweeps them away..
Reply Wed 31 Mar, 2010 12:24 am
Not exactly.

Humans do want to change.

He just do not want spend energy. He is energy conservative dude. Hahaha.

It is all about energy people.

Happy guy makes other happy because he has surplus energy.

Negative guy always pull everyone down ..because that way he can be relative positive if everyone more negative than them.

That is all there to it.

He has to change when his livelihood threatened. If nothing gets threatened he like to be where he. He is a lazy BUM!.Laughing
Humans react because it is not them reacting , the host belief parasite reacting because it do not want to change. Too much energy wasted for nothing when he is already in comfort zone.

Even if he change what is the gurantee he will be in comfort zone?.

Only seekers think and try to find out why things are as they are. Curious minded people.

All are monkeys in one context. AND WEAK!.
Pepijn Sweep
Reply Wed 31 Mar, 2010 12:40 am
pondfish;146527 wrote:
Not exactly.

Humans do want to change.

He just do not want spend energy. He is energy conservative dude. Hahaha.

It is all about energy people.

Happy guy makes other happy because he has surplus energy.

Negative guy always pull everyone down ..because that way he can be relative positive if everyone more negative than them.

That is all there to it.

He has to change when his livelihood threatened. If nothing gets threatened he like to be where he. He is a lazy BUM!.Laughing
Humans react because it is not them reacting , the host belief parasite reacting because it do not want to change. Too much energy wasted for nothing when he is already in comfort zone.

Even if he change what is the gurantee he will be in comfort zone?.

Only seekers think and try to find out why things are as they are. Curious minded people.

All are monkeys in one context. AND WEAK!.

:flowers: Come to live here ! Tell it to my neigbours ! With here I mean in a pond nearby, which are better than in-doors. You like clear, or muddy water ? Streaming or still ?

If you're not a big whale we could go sailing some bigger ponds, or go back to the pond i was born, nearby since ...March 1966.

Sorry to have called U a fishy alien, but that's how I see you. I am sure you found a way to type or whatecer to get your Characters on-line ?

Kind Regards,

Pepijn Sweep ud Wormer:lol:
Reply Wed 31 Mar, 2010 02:19 am
Pondfish do not just create little waves...hahaha...monkeeeeeeeeeeeeees!
Pepijn Sweep
Reply Wed 31 Mar, 2010 02:52 am
pondfish;146556 wrote:
Pondfish do not just create little waves...hahaha...monkeeeeeeeeeeeeees!

Since U don't exits; how can U create ? Are U beyond our natural Laws ?
The invite is still open, i Will go sailing from pond to pond. I just thought to be nice and promised myself to be that to sentient beings. I now understand I have to make exceptions. I do not think I would actually enjoy you in the boat, but you could still swim along. No-fish.


Pepijn Sweep
ud Jisp, Whalertown
Reply Wed 31 Mar, 2010 06:04 am
I do not exist , so invite do not exist. Smile.

I am ghost. forum ghost. hahahaa.
Pepijn Sweep
Reply Wed 31 Mar, 2010 08:41 am
pondfish;146604 wrote:
I do not exist , so invite do not exist. Smile.

I am ghost. forum ghost. hahahaa.

There U R Wrong ! Totally. The invite exists, twice even. That you don't exist makes it impossible to accept. But the invite exists.

U R a gosht, dissapearing through neglevct.

Pepijn SH Sweep
Magister SAEN"SIJ
Reply Sat 24 Apr, 2010 01:48 am
pondfish;139699 wrote:
Why humans always wants to analyze his behaviour and try to come up with new theories and philosophies?.

Everything is true and false different context.

The overwhelming obsession for answers blinds humanity.

If you are looking for answers , you will eventually find one that make sense to you , it will be your belief. Always.

All philosophies are time wasting exercize.

What you really want though understand why do you need answers?.

Because when you are trapped in the words , you can't come out of it with words.

You need to challenge everything you know as a human.

Detach. Question the questioner.

Never agree or disagree.

Only fools believe in theory.

Humans are so weak that he can't live without theory (answers) , he is a bi-tch to beliefs.

Strength is born of weakness and weakness of strength. It is a flaw to mistake the tendency to question and the desire for answers for weakness. It's how you respond to those questions and answers that matter. In the face of real answers, one can either soar as a hawk or run like a rabbit!
Reply Sun 25 Apr, 2010 03:18 am
hue-man;155981 wrote:
Strength is born of weakness and weakness of strength. It is a flaw to mistake the tendency to question and the desire for answers for weakness. It's how you respond to those questions and answers that matter. In the face of real answers, one can either soar as a hawk or run like a rabbit!

What you say seems quite arbitrary and opinionated.

Humans are a bi-tch to beliefs!
Pepijn Sweep
Reply Sun 25 Apr, 2010 07:38 am
platorepublic;156340 wrote:
What you say seems quite arbitrary and opinionated.

Humans are a bi-tch to beliefs!

[CENTER]Pondfish said we were bi-tches to answers, not to the beliefs. We change one theorie to the next, as long as the facts are measurable. I think humans become ir-rarional as soon as they don't understand the theoreama any-more.
Reply Sun 25 Apr, 2010 08:38 am
platorepublic;156340 wrote:
What you say seems quite arbitrary and opinionated.

Right. And what you say doesn't?

platorepublic;156340 wrote:
Humans are a bi-tch to beliefs!
Reply Sun 25 Apr, 2010 12:16 pm
hue-man;156409 wrote:
Right. And what you say doesn't?

You are right. Which makes me a human.

---------- Post added 04-25-2010 at 07:18 PM ----------

Pepijn Sweep;156383 wrote:
[CENTER]Pondfish said we were bi-tches to answers, not to the beliefs. We change one theorie to the next, as long as the facts are measurable. I think humans become ir-rarional as soon as they don't understand the theoreama any-more.

Right. (To make this comment 16 char.)
Reply Sun 12 Dec, 2010 06:07 am
Very interesting concept. I do not like that there are many spiritual-like books, and some people say that they contradict each other or whatever. They all seem similar, yet different. In some ways you are dead-on, and I never argue with people, I ask questions. That way, it validates their beliefs, and removes me from the responsibility of having to adopt them, while avoiding a stupid argument.
The only thing is is that I cannot deny that there is a spiritual world, and that it exists. I have experienced this, in a very real sense. So no matter how much I like to be void of belief, I cannot deny what I have experienced. I also cannot deny that I have experienced the direct, divine revelation of a higher being, which saved my life. I am no longer addicted to pornography, I have recovered from being dragged into a psychotic state, and have renounced the use of demonic armour and abilities like telekinesis and telepathy, which I saw with my own eyes work. I have experienced invisible forces affect me, and felt the power of demonic wands. The armour I had also could tell me where things were located, and was right, and could tell me what was in a backpack before I looked into it, and was right. I also know many people who have recovered from addictions, myself included. So these facts completely nullify your argument. You have made an argument and stated that you have no argument. What you are really advertising and suggesting is that humans are weak, and that there is no God, and that there is no devil, no spirits. I can only buy that if all those experiences were created by my own mind to create a delusion within myself to thus create a belief, and quite frankly I don't think the mind is capable of tricking itself that much to distort reality by tricking its own senses. We need something to believe in because we have a spirit that lives on beyond our body. I have had experiences with ghosts, or something like that. If nothing happens after we die, than we truly must be misusing our minds that have the intelligence to create such theories.
That should send your head for a bit of a spin.
Check the song by John Rueben -
Here are the lyrics:
Lose the costume
The day's of dress-up are gone
Time to join in and put a different outfit on
Maybe that's harsh well let's find a happy medium
Be responsible and you can wear it in the evening

This dude took pride in his cause everyday
Put on his costume which defined who he was
He said he didn't care he liked being unique
Accused the rest of the world of being a bunch of sheep
Lived his life going against the grain
Spent all of his time with those who felt the same
Hit his mid-twenties and still nothing's changed
Except his boys who chose to grow with age
Now he's looking for friends with the same behavior
He hangs out on campus with a bunch of teenagers
He's punk rock he's hip-hop he's everything the system's not
And he likes it that way he likes being on the defense
He likes having something to fight against
He likes calling himself a revolutionist
I'm sorry but you have an identity crisis

Lose the costume
The day's of dress-up are gone
Time to join in and put a different outfit on
Maybe that's harsh well let's find a happy medium
Be responsible and you can wear it in the evening
And on the weekends when it's appropriate
You can make believe for a minute
Stir up some controversy and have fun
But hang-up your angst when play time is done

Ignore the truth and neglect your responsibility
Because you can't decipher the real world from your hobbies
This whole starving artist shtick you've been running with is wearing thin
Put it to an end and grow old gracefully
Time for you to start cooperating cuz rent ain't free
And neither is your family's needs
What you want and should expect are two different things
You think the rest of the world likes their suits and ties working nine to five just to get by?
Maybe, I mean if they've figured out what it truly means to make this life count
But that don't sit well with you're anti-authority
Me against the world sub-genre category that you've placed yourself in
Do you honestly think the average man celebrates the system
But they cooperate

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