It is never about me. it is always about you. You see what you wanted to see. You will always see your belief in every other person.
May be add little refraction coeffient and some energy loss.
People with strong habits and belief will always disagree. Because it is their belief is getting scared.
Only host belief makes a man angry not the man himself.
Everyone trying to energy balance in their own way. if you closer to center of gravity, you will have less energy required to see things.
if anyone need far away from center of gravity , then need more energy to energy balance , so they tend to not to bother. it is easier to disagree than spend more energy. Removing existing belief and replace with new one need more energy.
When you have empty head or less belief , it is easier to see things clearly.
It is like new database or hard disk...initially hardisk is faster as it keep saving files in different sector , it slows down as it is zig zagged...
Key is inorder to see you have to have less loose beliefs. It shows you are flexible and prepare to grow.
You should ask how do you know what you say , is n't it a belief?.
Well...you have to ask question and analyze and make your own mind.
EVerything localized.