William; Are you saying that 'woman' is here is beauty, is here the missing link towards grasping God in God fullness? (not missing, just not present in popular/prolific iconographers/religiousists).
Is this beauty you describe in some small but awsome part the Sacred Feminine? (most are sadly lacking)
But the male is also Sacred, male singularly just gets and creates to many of the entitlements at the present, but not always ever.
Women must one time have their day world if they have not as yet had it?
Agreed we NEED to build this world as WOMB, but you still need the seeds to sew.
To be beautiful (woman) there needs to be the appreciator (man).
You can sadly? not have one without the other.
Are you saying gay males are merely confused?
We all need beauty, 'they cant have it, cant see it with only themselves to look upon'?
Why gay males (general) find they love and worship their mothers more, to fill the void their doppelgangers cant provide the beauty/truth we all need to be full? :poke-eye:(you dont need to answer this)
I think what you are saying is that beauty is not matterial, is not physical? if so i would agree, beauty is appreciation/recognition not even really the subject for it is concept, is at best recognition of truth, beauty is supposed to be pure supposed to be true, it is man and woman who taints beauty by not looking hard enough for it.
Are you saying that woman cannot look upon themselves and thereby never see appreciate beauty? What of gay females?
Can one ever consider themselves as beautiful and it still be pure beauty?
I worry the bloom you describe is only Delight which transformed into Delirium ( i wonder how many people will get what i just refered to?)
Delirium which is the male aspect reduction/reducement.
when the delight of sight and sense is lost it was males who no longer saw or could prove delight, so delight goes down into delirium because delight was damaged by males sights and reduced and distorted by men alone.
I respect your vision, left unsure if i agree, going back into the womb.
Salima; You make a great point, that all parents mothers (women) fathers (men) God (all) see, look and appreciate the beauty in all their children.
They must, to be parents.

Thanks, my hero