Walter Russell's periodic table

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Peace phil
Reply Mon 18 May, 2009 12:37 pm
Dear Dale,

I really appreciate your work. But I think how you use the naming of certain things in relation to Dr could well bring a new reader of Dr's cosmogony off the track. In your new pic for example: You name the different locked potentials 1 to 4, as octaves!! This really doesn't fit Dr's naming correctly. I have no problem if, by trying to link the different cosmogonies, you make another naming. But IMHO you should at least indicate somewhere, that the naming does not correspond to the naming of Dr.

Again thank you for your continuous effort in this direction. I really respect your work.
Reply Mon 18 May, 2009 12:55 pm
@Peace phil,
Peace;63739 wrote:
Dear Dale,

I really appreciate your work. But I think how you use the naming of certain things in relation to Dr could well bring a new reader of Dr's cosmogony off the track. In your new pic for example: You name the different locked potentials 1 to 4, as octaves!! This really doesn't fit Dr's naming correctly. I have no problem if, by trying to link the different cosmogonies, you make another naming. But IMHO you should at least indicate somewhere, that the naming does not correspond to the naming of Dr.

Again thank you for your continuous effort in this direction. I really respect your work.

Thank you, Peace, for pointing this out. I had to go back to my work and see just why I pictured things the way I did. Actually, if we follow out the math and logic of Russell's Locked Potential scale, (Fuller's Indig numbers) etc. we come up with these numbers in the table below. (Maybe someone better talented in math can double check these numbers for us.) They indicate the scale is indeed "octave" in nature; i.e., doubling of volumes, proportions, etc. But they are not as linear octaves as in music.
Reply Sun 31 May, 2009 06:22 am
Russell never did complete his work/writings. He himself said he wished he hadn't published "The Universal One" because it was incomplete and would mislead people. I definitely agree with this. A careful study of that text along with the text of his other writings shows holes, incomplete concepts and explanations, misstatements and contradictions. The man did a truly Great Work but he simply ran out of time to put finishing touches on such a vast endeavor. (Same problem I'm running into.) As with any progressing science there are also writings published earlier then later works which correct or clarify those earlier writings - hence apparent contradictions. So it is not enough to quote the exact words he wrote or to do so without qualification. My effort has been, wherever possible, to fill in the holes, expand concepts and add cross references with similar scientists and fields of science. In putting together an expose on just his Locked Potential Scale countless details and connections are required to fill in holes and flesh out concepts. The work I've done to date is somewhat detailed but represents only the tip of a much larger iceberg. You can see the Table of Contents of that material here:

Table of Contents

Until certain details are clarified even more than I've done the clear and exact connections to elements (for instance) remains enigmatic at best. The progress I've made in this area indicates we will need a radical new vision of how the vibratory universe actually works. Russell laid a good groundwork but we'll have to mosaic in countless details of that Bigger Picture.
Phoenix phil
Reply Tue 2 Jun, 2009 06:05 am
Hello Dale, I really appreciate all your efforts. when you have time would you mind documenting here what other anomolies you have come across in the Universal One so I can ponder them myself.
I did mention in previous posts re : C++4, rotation/revolution/hardness !!!
See also my own walter blog at The Universal One

May the Light centre you....alan
Reply Tue 2 Jun, 2009 08:19 am
@Phoenix phil,
Phoenix;66174 wrote:
Hello Dale, I really appreciate all your efforts. when you have time would you mind documenting here what other anomolies you have come across in the Universal One so I can ponder them myself.
I did mention in previous posts re : C++4, rotation/revolution/hardness !!!
See also my own walter blog at The Universal One

May the Light centre you....alan

Your blog is a good start. I encourage you to read every book Russell wrote and read what others have written. There is a lot to do in this field of research. No one person will ever have a monopoly on it.

Uncovering and detailing "The Universal One" as also Russell's other books is an ongoing work. This includes the works of others such as Tesla, Keely, Quimby, Cayce and many others. You can see a few of the details here:

SVP Universal Cosmology, Table of Contents
Phoenix phil
Reply Wed 3 Jun, 2009 12:40 pm
I have an open question regarding Walter's theories and a pole shift. There have been apparently 14 poles shifts in the last 4 million years ! According to Walter the Earth is formed by two interacting cones of energy contacting at the apices of the cones. He implies the compass needle attracted to the Earths North Pole would also be attracted to the Earth South Pole, because the spiral cone is winding in the same direction, towards North via East.
So if Walter is correct a pole shift would really have no effect on the Earth ???
Reply Thu 4 Jun, 2009 05:29 am
@Phoenix phil,
Phoenix;66413 wrote:
I have an open question regarding Walter's theories and a pole shift. There have been apparently 14 poles shifts in the last 4 million years !

Got a reference for that?

Phoenix;66413 wrote:
According to Walter the Earth is formed by two interacting cones of energy contacting at the apices of the cones.

Do you feel this is a correct idea? Do you think this double vortex reflects the entirety of the process of a planet coming into being and maintaining its form and functions? Do you believe these vortices are composed of a single energy or combinations of different energies? Where do these cones of energy come from? Why? How? What keeps them in form and function? How would two spinning vortices actually create matter of hundreds of types and form it all into a ball with LIFE on it?

Phoenix;66413 wrote:
He implies the compass needle attracted to the Earths North Pole would also be attracted to the Earth South Pole,

Got a quote or reference to this equal magnetic attraction of the two earth poles? I found this quote UO Book 2, Chapter 7:

"That is why the compass needle loses its dip on the zero isoclinal line which roughly follows the geographic equator, and swings its north pole to the south magnetic pole south of that line and to the north magnetic pole when proceeding north from it."

I lived in Brazil on and near the 13th parallel for a number of years and while the above quote 'could' be correct I do not remember seeing the north end of a compass needle pointing south, ever. I think I would have remembered something like that. But then maybe he was right?

Phoenix;66413 wrote:
because the spiral cone is winding in the same direction, towards North via East.

One cone would be.... and the other?

Phoenix;66413 wrote:
So if Walter is correct a pole shift would really have no effect on the Earth ???

"IF" he is correct? Is Russell correct or isn't he? Does magnetism and magnetic alignment have an effect on the earth or things on/in it? Is this in reference to a magnetic pole shift (the magnetic pole moves around all the time) or is it a reference to the earth rolling over top to bottom?
Phoenix phil
Reply Thu 4 Jun, 2009 06:34 am
Hi Dale,
Yes I know there are lot's of if's and but's here. I'll mediatate over the issues over the next days. My intutition tells me Walter is correct, I just want to cover all the bases.
I'll get back with the references you asked for. Take care alan
Reply Thu 4 Jun, 2009 06:49 am
@Phoenix phil,
Phoenix;66516 wrote:
Hi Dale,
Yes I know there are lot's of if's and but's here. I'll mediatate over the issues over the next days. My intutition tells me Walter is correct, I just want to cover all the bases.
I'll get back with the references you asked for. Take care alan

Don't spend your time for me. I was asking Socratically......
Reply Thu 1 Apr, 2010 05:37 am
I've done some piecing together of seeming anomalous clues and bits of data into an organized overview of the first octaves in Russell's table of the elements. These first octaves contain proto-elements or ether. Enjoy!

"A common concept and thread connecting Keely, Russell, Cayce and Quimby is Matter is solidified tenuous Mind substance. Mind stuff or substance is a range of energy densities as shown in the Etheric Element table. In other words, Mind is a form of tenuous matter (gas, plasma or ether)..."

SVPwiki : Mind Force is a pre-existing Natural Force
Reply Sun 4 Apr, 2010 07:54 pm
Hey There, Dale-

As always, great work. You website continues to show up in my life and it's nice to have more recently understood the 'why' of this. Where's your Nobel prize?? :perplexed: I mean, really - you're continuing to do great things...thank you.

My sense of the nature of reality and the construct of Mind shifted dramatically after I first started reading "The Kybalion." I believe it's wisdom is extracted from Kabbalah teachings. Though it's all clearly something not the sole domain or claim of any one belief system structure or philosophy. The basic knowledge seems to have been preserved by different people and groups in history. Much of it (imho) lost to time, translations, evolutionary shifts in culture & language forms, etc. So not only due to deliberate attempts to bury or covet it by unscrupulous types. Which only adds crazy, juicy and sometimes fun and silly details to this eternal story of Life. And which, coming full circle, may just 'originate' from within the Mind of the observer anyway.

Since these early days of my studying the Russell writings I'm even more inclined to see every-thing, every form of being or existence as first: invisible, unconditioned Mind that then next: takes on conditions or form(s). Mooji is also one who talks about this as unconditioned or unassociated being. Which could even be said to come before any concept or form of Mind. Generic, formless being. Nisargadatta, too, talks of this same thing.

I like Russell's treatment of the info as well - and others who offer it in their own, beautiful and unique fashion. Seems important to hear it said by more than one source. Since human beings can each understand something said or written in entirely different ways. One lecture, for instance, with an audience of 1,000 people could be interpreted 1,000 different ways.

dalesvp;147027 wrote:
I've done some piecing together of seeming anomalous clues and bits of data into an organized overview of the first octaves in Russell's table of the elements. These first octaves contain proto-elements or ether. Enjoy!

"A common concept and thread connecting Keely, Russell, Cayce and Quimby is Matter is solidified tenuous Mind substance. Mind stuff or substance is a range of energy densities as shown in the Etheric Element table. In other words, Mind is a form of tenuous matter (gas, plasma or ether)..."

SVPwiki : Mind Force is a pre-existing Natural Force
Reply Tue 6 Apr, 2010 09:23 am
daystar;148397 wrote:
Hey There, Dale-

As always, great work. You website continues to show up in my life and it's nice to have more recently understood the 'why' of this. Where's your Nobel prize?? :perplexed: I mean, really - you're continuing to do great things...thank you.

Thank you for your kind words. Nobel Prize? After Gore and Obama getting one does it have any credibility? I'm not sure I'd want one but the cash would be nice....

daystar;148397 wrote:
The basic knowledge seems to have been preserved by different people and groups in history.

Since these early days of my studying the Russell writings I'm even more inclined to see every-thing, every form of being or existence as first: invisible, unconditioned Mind that then next: takes on conditions or form(s).

I like Russell's treatment of the info as well - and others who offer it in their own, beautiful and unique fashion. Seems important to hear it said by more than one source.

What is coming out around the global is the ancient knowledge expressed in present day languages and jargons. I'm pretty sure none of this is new but our take on it and expression of it is perhaps new (to us). Humanity is approaching a threshold of Cosmic Understanding and Insight which approach is by definition and necessity destroying the old belief systems and superstitions. There is a New Day coming - should we survive the dark destroying dawning Light of Mind...
Reply Fri 4 Feb, 2011 01:00 pm
Dear reader,

I believe i have stumbled upon a discovery for which i would like to enroll your help in confirming this discovery. Due to my lack of knowledge in chemistry, and energy, I believe that crowd sourcing this research would bring about quicker results and thus help in refining the theory (bare in mind this is a rough draft).
For quite some time, I have been interested in Walter Russell’s periodic table and I read extensively about his research and philosophy (interesting read complements well with schauberger’s philosophy). Anyhow, I suspected that Russell’s periodic table was missing a dimension to make it complete. Through some research and a lot of cogitation, I decided to associate the platonic solids to Russell’s table (bare in mind that my chemistry knowledge is relatively limited, and a lot of help from MrGoogle) The following is the image of Russell’s table unmodified :
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Next is the periodic table with the plato solid added:

Elements Hydrogen to silicon are “ruled” by the Tetrahedron
Elements Silicon to Rhodium are “ruled” by the Hexahedron
Elements Rhodium to end of page are “ruled” be the Octahedron
Elements Alphanon are ruled by the Dodecahedron
Elements Betanon to Hydrogen By the Icosahedrons

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What does this mean well, I went digging up a few molecule on the web to see if one element from one side of the wave combined with an element from the opposite side , with both elements ruled by the same ruler (ie:tetrahedron, hexahedron etc…). Here follows 3d images of the molecules I found, however I could not go beyond octahedral since I am limited by my chemistry knowledge (that is here were I would love to enlist people knowledgeable in this domain)


Some can be found in the following website

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For the water molecule, it forms a triangle which is nothing more than the shadow of a tetrahedron (ex: if you hold a tetrahedron at the right angle the shadow it projects is a triangle), thus water evolves in tetrahedron “envelop”/”universe”; like the above mentioned molecules.


The following are some examples of molecules under the hexahedron “ruler”

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Observation: copper was considered among alchemist an earthen element, if you look up platonic solids in wikipedia guess which shape corresponds to earth: hexahedron.


I have searched for examples of molecules but it seems that there are few 3d representation with good perspective to figure out if it corresponds to an octahedral, all I could do is assume based on what I have found so far that there is high chance that the elements present in the octahedral, dodecahedral and icosahedra evolve when combined in there corresponding ruler’s plane.

One more dimension to add to this is present in the following table: first circle has the radius of the tetrahedron ruler and the second circle has the radius of hexahedron ruler. This part, I cannot interpret because of my lack of knowledge in chemistry. I think this brings a new dimension to chemistry and utilizes Russell’s chart to it’s full potential. Thank you for your help.
This is an open source project, so abide by the open source protocol and share your findings. "You cannot invent, you can only discover" - Gordon Plummer

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Reply Fri 4 Feb, 2011 02:37 pm
I chose Hydrogen as the beginning because H is the most abundant element in the universe and it also fit the idea of "All comes from one, and all goes to one"

the following kink is the video that triggered it all:
Reply Fri 4 Feb, 2011 07:30 pm
one more supposition: when combining two elements of two "realms" example: elements of tetrahedron and elements of hexahedron, the hexahedron solid overrules the tetrahedron ex NaCl, need more example to confirm this.
Reply Mon 7 Feb, 2011 06:54 am
these video shows that nature's language is centered around the golden ratio.... which russel' periodic chart should be slightly adapted to match the following statement. If you take the distance between element "Betanon to silicon" it should equal the distance between elements "silicon to "rhodium" and so on... enjoy "Nature by Numbers" "donald in mathemagic land " this one is more entertaining...Wink

Reply Mon 7 Feb, 2011 07:08 am
a little motivational video, to encourage those of you, who have doubts....

"IF. Live curious."
Reply Mon 7 Feb, 2011 07:47 am
"As above, so below" The Emerald Tablet
Reply Tue 8 Feb, 2011 05:13 am
does anyone have any input, i would greatly appreciate your input on this...pretty please Smile
Reply Wed 9 Feb, 2011 01:21 pm
the following pictures explain the principle of the golden ratio in a wave, which should help you construct your own periodical table whilst respecting the principle of the golden ratio...

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