On Russell's chart of the elements, the elements are placed along a continuous spectrum of increasing compression and resulting density and are organized into octaves. The inert gases act as the beginning and end of each octave.
The chart organizes the elements in increasing order according to melting points and other characteristics until it reaches carbon.
Carbon, placed in the center of the fourth octave, is seen to be the balance point for the full chart and the point of perfect stability.
Elements up until carbon are, according to Russell,
integrating or condensing until a maximum of pressure results in the formation of carbon.
Elements past carbon on the chart are
expanding or disintegrating leading to the phenomenon of radioactivity.
Russell proposes that there is no such thing as transmutation from one element to another. One element can never become another, for each is voided when another condition makes its continuance impossible, and another one possible.
The best example of this is to be seen upon the sun. "Hydrogen flames leap for thousands of miles into the sun's atmosphere, yet there is no hydrogen at all upon the sun's surface until the time of its leaping into flame. If the amount of hydrogen which explodes from the sun's surface in one week existed upon the sun, there would be no sun. The sun generates hydrogen and it burns simultaneously."
Russell maintained that elements were not things, they are conditions.
from a rare article on magnets-magazine

and the same image from walter-russell.de

explanation from walter-russell.de:
The Nine Octaves of the Elements
The universal nine octave cycle.
An invariable characteristic of Nature is to express life-death cycles of any idea, in nine lesser interweaving cycles enfolded in the one. When we think of man as an idea, we think of him as grown up to fullness of middle age. Until then, we think of generating man as infant, child and youth. Following his generating cycles come the degenerative ones in which he gradually repays all of his borrowings from his zero of rest and returns to that zero to again borrow power to re-express the idea of man.
Light and Darkness
Darkness is compressed into incandescence. .
Then incandescence is then divided to again become darkness.
Bottom figures:
Giant Nebulas compress darkness into light and expand light into darkness to crate bodies and destroy them.
Whirl Pool of Motion
This figure illustrates Nature's method of winding light up into solid spheres to create the condition of gravity at troughs and crests of waves. The effect of gravitation is produced
When Nature desires to create a solid body of matter, she first expands and evacuates a great volume of space. This causes a black hole where space has been evacuated.
The light within it has been seemingly taken out to create dark, and that which has been thus pumped out has been simultaneously wound up wound up centripetally to create incandescence.
Darkness is an effect produced by dividing light into long light-waves and incandescence is the opposite effect produced by multiplying light by shortening its light-waves.
Solidity is thus born out of vacuity. A positive pole is created on one side of a dividing equator and its equal negative opposite is created on the other side.
Space is thus created simultaneously with its centering suns, just as the two poles of a bar magnet are simultaneously created. As the suns are gradually wound up inside black holes of space, the interchange between the two becomes more and more intense. The winding up into centripetal vortices multiplies gravitational power and radiative power alike. The power of gravitation to pull in, however, exceeds the power of radiation to resist it during the half cycle in which true spheres are being formed, and then the power of radiation increases to unwind the spheres in the other half of the cycle.
As radiative power increases, the cold, black holes of space, which are outside of hot suns, bore right through the suns and dissipate them centrifugally by making rings of what have been spherical suns for billions of years. There are hundreds of examples of these rings in the heavens, but a conspicuously good example of rings in this solar system are those that surround Saturn