@mark noble,
Hello again.
I agree with the absence of divine intervention, but the 'Pantera' rape of Mary always seems to appear when I consider the genuine conception. The lineage in Luke is clearly the adopted lineage from husband to wife, I am aware of that - I just wanted to see if others were.
Do you believe that Judas betrayed, or was subject to the requirements imposed upon him by, Christ? I have literature that suggests he lived long after the event with the Essenes at Qumran, and died on route to ,or at Massada?
Thank you, and may all your fruits flourish.
Hi Mark - I'm having trouble keeping up with this thread apparently -- it moves very quickly on me.
I have done little study of Judas in particular but would be interested in the literature you have read. Largely I assume that the story of Judas was told largely to fulfill prophesy and has little basis in fact. I really doubt the authorities needed a dude to kiss Jesus in order to figure out their target.