The silliness of Christianity

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Reply Thu 6 May, 2010 12:04 am
So whats your piont,that the companions were lying or what??
Because in the quran its descended to mohamad straight from god
Pepijn Sweep
Reply Thu 6 May, 2010 02:29 am
onetwopi;158240 wrote:
I want America to be free. I would certainly prefer that people not protest at soldiers' funerals. But those soldiers died to defend the freedom that the protesters are exhibiting at their funeral.

Do I want the protesters to carry hateful signs like "baby killer" on a soldier's funeral procession? No. Would I rather take away their right to protest? Absolutely not.

Edit: sorry if this seems political -- certainly not the intent -- I just wanted to draw a parallel.

Part of the job - I am sorry - to have to face protesters. Once a victims family chooses for a private funeral this should be respected by every-one.
Reply Thu 6 May, 2010 08:55 am
HexHammer;160342 wrote:
What about armaggedon? =)

Another thing I think its somewhat contradictory about christianism is that god promises to not destroy the world ever again after the flood ends, then promises to do so later on. Off course, one would claim that god promised to never destroy the world again with FLOODs, but then it sounds like a mean joke... =)

*God promises to never destroy the world again with water

*God destroys the world again with an infinitude of plagues and rains of fire.
Reply Thu 6 May, 2010 09:25 am
Imo it's like what we have, law and marshal law.

Under normal law he won't punish/reward us anymore, but with marshal law he will punish/reward us, as written in the Armageddon.
mark noble
Reply Thu 6 May, 2010 10:09 am
God is omnipresent> God is everywhere> There is no place where God is not.
If God (whichever) is deemed to be omnipresent, then God is everywhere - If God is everywhere, then God is everything - If God is everything, then Everything is God.
How can God be everywhere without being everything?
What place is God not present if deemed to be omnipresent?

If you can't answer these questions without contradicting the omnipresence of God - God is you, therefore you are God, so am I, and everyone and everything.
Nothing can remove God from a place where God is and therefore inhabit anywhere. so , if nothing other than God can reside in any PLACE at all, everything, everywhere is God.
Unless of course God is only semi-omnipresent,? which is an impossibility.

When in "JOB" God is approached by the devil and asked to place JOB in the hands of said devil to prove the devil's mastery over JOB's soul. Who witnessed this discussion between God and his Fallen angel so as to record it in said book? I assume no mortals were present in heaven, recording the minutes...

When God went looking for Adam in the Garden, calling out for him to reveal himself - Didn't God know where he was? For such an omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent God, you'd think finding one man in a garden wouldn' be that hard to do>

God bless us all, you all, all all - Himself???

Reply Thu 6 May, 2010 06:18 pm
[QUOTE=khalid10;160728]So what's your point, that the companions were lying or what??[/QUOTE]
khalid10;160728 wrote:

Because in the Quran its descended to Mohammad straight from god
Actually as I heard the story Mohammad was illiterate. It was imparted to Mohammad from the arch angel Gabriel, Mohammad recited it and later it was written down by others. The Koran suffers from many of the same problems as the Bible different translations and definitely different interpretations of its meanings.

In both the writing and in the interpreting humans impart their own perspectives and experiences. Of course all the major religions claim that their sacred scriptures are the world of god and that they interpret them correctly; whereas others are in error. The Mormons have the book of Morman from the angel Morani delivered to Joseph Smith on the missing tablets of gold. Moses wrote the first five books of the Bible and received the Ten Commandments on tablets of stone direct from god. The Catholic Church is headed by the direct descendent of Peter, founded by Christ and is the one true and apostolic faith. The Koran is the final revelation; Mohammad is the final prophet and supersedes all previous revelations.

This makes it very hard to distinguish truth from friction, and human claims from divine revelation, the true faith from imposters, etc. . It also makes one wonder why such a powerful and capable god would decide to reveal himself in this limited way. I believe in the divine, the sacred, the holy, the numinous. I just do not believe in revealed religion of this type. If there is a god I am certain that nature is god's creation and so something of god is revealed there. Sacred scriptures I see more as the writings of men, seeking god, and for the most part failing. That is not to say that scriptures contain nothing of value, or lack spiritual insight. It is to say that scripture is a human product and contains all the errors and failings of their creator, imperfect man.
Reply Thu 6 May, 2010 06:59 pm
Well im a muslim and we believe that god brought us many prophets and that they all had the same mission wich is to deliver the word of god onto the human race and that all the prophets give little pieces to the message wich is finished my mohammed so that is why we believe im moammed and also all the other prophets:D

---------- Post added 05-07-2010 at 01:46 PM ----------

This guys a genius you should see how proves the sillienes of christianity
YouTube - Muhammed in the bible - Ahmed Deedat 1 of 11
Reply Fri 7 May, 2010 08:44 pm
HexHammer;160342 wrote:

If you believe God created us, and is a good God, I think you have to believe that he is still interested in our plight on this blue dot in the universe. I believe it to be so. I HOPE it to be so.
I don't believe, like you say, that God is some type of Santa Claus or genie in the sky here to grant our wishes. That is silly.
So if I can ask ... you see the covenant between Noah and God as God's promise to sort of leave us alone and stay out of things??

---------- Post added 05-07-2010 at 07:04 PM ----------

khalid10;161028 wrote:
Well im a muslim and we believe that god brought us many prophets and that they all had the same mission wich is to deliver the word of god onto the human race and that all the prophets give little pieces to the message wich is finished my mohammed so that is why we believe im moammed and also all the other prophets:D

---------- Post added 05-07-2010 at 01:46 PM ----------

This guys a genius you should see how proves the sillienes of christianity

Sending Deedat to a debate with Swaggart is admittedly like sending Mike Tyson to a boxing match with Minnie Mouse. This selection of video has little/nothing to do with proving Christianity silly or not; in fact, Christ is not mentioned one time. What's the point as to whether or not Muhammad is in the bible other than proving Swaggart wrong (Swaggart was proved of a lot worse than not being able to find Muhammad in the bible).
Reply Sat 8 May, 2010 12:10 am
onetwopi;161501 wrote:

I don't believe, like you say, that God is some type of Santa Claus or genie in the sky here to grant our wishes. That is silly.
So if I can ask ... you see the covenant between Noah and God as God's promise to sort of leave us alone and stay out of things??
It's excatly the opposit of what I wrote, read again please.
mark noble
Reply Sat 8 May, 2010 05:37 am
Hello there,

If people find faith in , whatever, their respective God - why do so many of you feel the need to challenge that faith?
Everybody sees God (if they believe) slightly differently, in accordance with their relative perception of reality and the factors of their own personal existence.

I know that both Islam and christendom oblige the Biblical representation of this.
Remove yourselves from the seat of mockery, before your respective Gods punish you for sitting there.

Thank you and stop fighting over what none of you can prove.

Reply Sat 8 May, 2010 06:17 am
@mark noble,
mark noble;161641 wrote:
Hello there,

If people find faith in , whatever, their respective God - why do so many of you feel the need to challenge that faith?
Everybody sees God (if they believe) slightly differently, in accordance with their relative perception of reality and the factors of their own personal existence.

I know that both Islam and christendom oblige the Biblical representation of this.
Remove yourselves from the seat of mockery, before your respective Gods punish you for sitting there.

Thank you and stop fighting over what none of you can prove.
I for one, does not talk anything about proving the existance of anything, I merely discuss principles, it could be anything else.
mark noble
Reply Sat 8 May, 2010 08:14 am
HexHammer;161654 wrote:
I for one, does not talk anything about proving the existance of anything, I merely discuss principles, it could be anything else.

Hello Hexhammer,

Nice to meet you.

I completely agree with you.
My post is merely an observation into how peoples of different faiths seem to somehow enhance their own system by faulting other's.

Here is an old publication of mine, Titled ("Come Over Here, Boy! The Battle Has Begun" Said The Patriotic Racist, To His Idolising Son)

[CENTER]'Come Over Here, Boy! The Battle Has Begun'
Said The Patriotic Racist, To His Idolising Son[/CENTER]

[CENTER]You'll live by tribal standards, tribal doctrine, tribal law
And thus, from influence external, you'll defend your tribal shore
When forced you unto corners, shall you wage your tribal war
For, you're the nature of the tribe, and nothing more![/CENTER]

[CENTER]You'll disregard of others, if their ways, they'll not desert
For, though you preach and teach for hours
Unto yours' they'll not convert
Much better are they, that abide in a way
That, believe they, will keep them from hurt
Than them that would kneel, on the ground, at your heel
And embrace, but, your sacred...dirt![/CENTER]

[CENTER]The more adhered unto commune, be it country, church or team
The more adverse you'll be to others, be without
You'll revel in your triumphs, as you chase your perfect dream
And unto those that be without, you'll cast your doubt[/CENTER]

[CENTER]Upon pedestals, pulpits and terraces
Stand the angry, complacent and proud
Taunting their victims to feed on the seed
Of the crop, from the field they have ploughed
So certain are they, in the way, that they play
That they voice unto others, out loud!
Leading poor sheep into darkness and sleep
When, but all did they seek
Was a crowd.[/CENTER]

[CENTER]Be you patriotic - Be you Racist, in your heart!
I pray that others, on your turf, shall never tread
Obsessive and erratic, will you tear their limbs apart
Or simply, kick them in their heads until their dead.[/CENTER]

[CENTER]So Proud, of your Nation, Religion, your Team
Shall rejoice you, each conquest, you win
But, many have died, whilst of 'Glory' they cried
Never knowing a sin![/CENTER]

If anyone is curious as to why this post has altered - It is upon request.

Thank you, and have a fantastic everything

Reply Sat 8 May, 2010 08:29 am
@mark noble,
mark noble;161674 wrote:
The more adhered unto commune, be it country, church or team
[CENTER]The more adverse you'll be to others, be without
You'll revel in your triumphs, as you chase your perfect dream
And unto those that be without, you'll cast your doubt[/CENTER]

[CENTER]Upon pedestals, pulpits and terraces
Stand the angry, complacent and proud
Taunting their victims to feed on the seed
Of the crop, from the field they have ploughed
So certain are they, in the way, that they play
That they voice unto others, out loud!
Leading poor sheep into darkness and sleep
When, but all did they seek
Was a crowd.[/CENTER]
Thanks for sharing my fellow philosopher Smile
Reply Sat 8 May, 2010 11:31 am
HexHammer;160821 wrote:
Imo it's like what we have, law and marshal law.

Under normal law he won't punish/reward us anymore, but with marshal law he will punish/reward us, as written in the Armageddon.
It would still be a contradiction of what he said, as he said simply "never", without adding conditions for this "never".
Reply Sat 8 May, 2010 11:34 am
manored;161786 wrote:
It would still be a contradiction of what he said, as he said simply "never", without adding conditions for this "never".
Never what? ..make a flood which will drown us all? Ofcause not.
Reply Sat 8 May, 2010 07:38 pm
@mark noble,
mark noble;160359 wrote:
Joseph, Christ's stepfather - According to the N.T - has no direct genetical link to Christ Himself, due to divine conception. Yet Joseph is a direct link to David, which means that If Christ was Joseph's son, Isaiah's prohecy would be precise (geneologically). Mary has no link whatsoever to David's bloodline - So how exactly is Christ's existence related to David's bloodline?

Hi Mark,
I don't think we got back to this sub-thread. My answer will be more long and complicated than maybe you anticipated because my Christian views are somewhat liberal and unorthodox.
I believe, like most mainstream biblical scholars (the kind you find at Princeton, not the kind you find at Liberty Bible Institute), that Jesus was born from Mary and Joseph as a Jewish carpenter in a town called Nazareth. The myths of the Bethlehem birth, the full inn, the manger, the wise men, etc., are illustrations of Jesus's divine power, humility, and importance to the world as a kingdom-bringer. I also believe that the gospel writers never intended these accounts to be historically accurate.
Thus, Jesus may or may not have had a bloodline associated with King David. Much of the genealogy in Matthew and Luke is in question and does not match old testament genealogies. But I think the whole question is a red herring--this has no bearing (in my mind) on whether or not Jesus died, and whether or not God can bring resurrected life to us today.

Blessings and keep the faith!
mark noble
Reply Sun 9 May, 2010 07:18 am
onetwopi;161911 wrote:

I believe, like most mainstream biblical scholars (the kind you find at Princeton, not the kind you find at Liberty Bible Institute), that Jesus was born from Mary and Joseph as a Jewish carpenter in a town called Nazareth. QUOTE]

Hello again.

I agree with the absence of divine intervention, but the 'Pantera' rape of Mary always seems to appear when I consider the genuine conception. The lineage in Luke is clearly the adopted lineage from husband to wife, I am aware of that - I just wanted to see if others were.

Do you believe that Judas betrayed, or was subject to the requirements imposed upon him by, Christ? I have literature that suggests he lived long after the event with the Essenes at Qumran, and died on route to ,or at Massada?

Thank you, and may all your fruits flourish.

Reply Sun 9 May, 2010 12:46 pm
HexHammer;161789 wrote:
Never what? ..make a flood which will drown us all? Ofcause not.
Indeed, he only said he would not annihilate us with floods. But annihilating us with something else sort of makes the promise to not annihilate us with floods pointless, as there are infinite different ways to annihilate us.
Reply Sun 9 May, 2010 03:09 pm
manored;162179 wrote:
Indeed, he only said he would not annihilate us with floods. But annihilating us with something else sort of makes the promise to not annihilate us with floods pointless, as there are infinite different ways to annihilate us.
I'm not sure I can get the excat meaning, but I think you say God promised NEVER to annihalate us in any way, which I would disagree with.

Through time we have eliminated many ways to kill eachothers in war, muster gas was a terrible weapon of war, dum dum bullets, flechettes ..etc.

You forget another point to the flood, God wasn't just bored and wanted to make a random happening for entertainment, humans were ungodly and did very bad things, therefore God wanted to flood us, that doesn't eliminate other reasons to whipe human kind. God most likely became aware of the possibility that a flood would also do harm to the innocent, such as Noah, therefore at Judgemen Day, he have to judge us individualistic.
Reply Sun 9 May, 2010 03:28 pm
If I were to let loose with all I think is silly in Christianity (or religion in general), I'd offend a good portion of those very people I want very much to cordially and politely correspond with. I have my feelings and beliefs, as do they; I'm not going to change their mind, and if I did, I might very well be doing a disservice to the individual.

In such a structure, to my mind, no good can come from telling someone that their most innermost, personal and intimate beliefs are foolish (even if I believe this to be the absolute, most worthy truth of all) - this, from some lofty place of presumed dispassion. Where we disagree, let's acknowledge that, but I fear that much of our culture has degraded civility and respect. Not all fur that can fly should.

Respect is best shown - and best appreciated - in those very cases where its often most difficult to show.


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