Wasn't Romans written by the Apostle Paul? Was Paul actually an Apostle at all because I don't believe there to be any evidence supporting that Paul was in any contact with Jesus or any association with the twelve disciples until after the Damascus road incident, Acts 9 and never actually met Jesus at all. Paul was not among the twelve disciples named by Jesus. I believe that Paul came into the picture and sort of slid in after Judas betrayed Jesus. So Paul would have come into the picture during or even after the crucifixion of Jesus. Prior to that didn't Paul persecuted the followers of Jesus?
Paul, the same Paul... wrote much of the new testament, (supposedly). This was after his self proclaimed apostleship of Christ of whom he had never actually met. We're talking about the books of Acts, Romans, First and Second Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Thessalonians, Timothy, Titus and a few others we're connected to Paul.
It was Paul who created Christianity, not Jesus. This is just the beginning of where Christianity is mixed up. Christians may think they follow the words of Jesus but it was Paul who did the preaching in Paul's own words and Jesus himself never knew of Paul. Paul simply made claims of being personally inspired by the resurrected Christ.
Luke, who wrote acts was a follower of Paul. Paul was a proclaimed follower of the Jesus he never met. What would Jesus have thought of Paul?
The very foundation of Christianity is based on the preachings of Paul and the following of Paul, not Jesus. We learned about Paul from Paul's letters, (which seem to be more of an autobiography) and also information from his follower Luke. Luke pretty much worshiped Paul so the accounts of Paul written in Acts would have been somewhat biased.
Needless to say, Paul was a made man..., made by Paul.

Full of deception and lies and the founding father of what we today called Christianity. Some Christians believe Paul was a Pharisee and a Rabi which he never was. He was a Greek with a good line of bull, so good he began to believe it himself.
So, understand that the Bible was written by men. Some good, some bad but written over a great period of time by human beings with emotions, perception, ideas, ancestry, philosophy and autonomous Mind. Nothing in the Bible should be taken for the entire truth. It's about man leading man through the teachings of man. Christianity has more to do with Pauline Religion, with a Judaism background than anything else.
Man has led man through the centuries and history... and continues to do so. Man has led man down this path of religion since the beginning of religion. Man can say he was inspired by God or by the resurrected Christ through what he or she writes and proclaims as the work of God... however, it's man's creation.
Take it for what it's worth and be careful of what you read. The knowing of truth is the knowing of oneself and seeing that light within others.