Common time, as taught in Kindergarten, is what the little hand and the big hand point to.
You have not defined time at all, you have desribed the actions of a clock. Are you suggesting that time is a set of hands moving radially around a central point within a circle of numbers? I ask again, define time, not
the manner in which time is measured. What you have done here is the equivalent of defining wind as 'the movement of the leaves.' You cannot define time.
This led to Einsteinian time, which is common time in tensors and is really the same time. That leaves ten times to be defined.
1) How so?
2) Feel free to define them all.
Don't take this personally, but I suspect that your understanding of this is based on taking the word of some mathematician/physist who wrote a book of metaphors to explain what is a purely techinal matter. I doubt you can explain
the ten kinds of time, except in vague, metaphorial terms.
For example:
"...the third kind of time, known as dooterbowderian time, refers to the changing tension in the universe within an open system; in other words, its llke a beehive, suddenly disturbed by a racoon, which causes the organization of the bees to dissolve, like the fabric of space-time which tears in the passing of dooterbowderian time." :sarcastic: