All reaction's, are action's and reaction's
For example,
(-)'s are action's, (_)'s are reaction's made from the action before it
A reaction is just a action triggered by the previous action, so on and so on until you reach the start of the chain of event's, and at that start would be an action that has not been triggered by a previous action, therefore it would not be a "re"action.
So, In the example above... there would be no (-)'s, they would all be (_)'s, there would only be one (-) and it would be at the start of all the (_)'s.
So in a way, there would be no human action, just reaction to the environment around them.
That environment could be a naturaly accuring action that result's in the following chain of reaction's. An example is the need for food and water.
An example of a start action made by humanity would be money.
Yet really even a start action that has not been triggered by a previous action, could be said to still be triggered by a previous action therefore making it still just a reaction...(tracing back to the big bang to the first true action that unfolded and resulted in the creation of are present world, seem's to be a endless trace, that end's where are lack of physical proof end's)
Like a loop that has no start and no end.
It seem's clear that it's true that in a way there are no action's, but just reaction's from the environment around us.