Arjen wrote:I am making the distinction between actuality and potentiality. I think you do not, am I correct in thinking that?
@ de budding:
A comepletely causal system refutes itself because it needs a first mover. That is why I do not think causality can exist without potentiality.
It seems to me that the only way one can react to potential is if, as Hume stated, we have learned to have expectations about bringing together certain conditons and/or objects in anticipation of an emergent quality or substance. Hume is correct, this is made possible through custom and/or habit. I am feeling my way around here, for I seem to have lost where you are going with this, if you could clearify, that would be great.
de budding,

A first mover would simply supply one with the first link in the chain of causality, but this is only necessary with the concept of cause and effect. With the realization of relational reactions, relativity I suppose you could say, there is no first anything, as reality itself is relational, a kind of mutualism of on going transformations.