paulhanke wrote:... so then, the fact that the European re-interpretation of Christianity as the attempt to understand God which resulted in the rise of the culture of science and technology wasn't an evolution of a culture that ended up being so fit for its own survival that it came to dominate the planet? (just doing my unproductive part

) ...
I was speaking about the individual, not society, and so my point stands in that sense. However, the scientific spirit, so to speak, as it evolved from the Christian, did indeed enable The West to dominate the planet. I should have been clearer. The desire to attain knowledge, the process of categorization, is necessary for survival; to desire to obtain absolute knowledge, 'truth', leads to inaction; it is useless from an evolutionary perspective. It is interesting that the actual goal of science was not nor can be reached, to find 'the truth'; though in the process of that search, a lot of categorization was practiced, which has been useful. So, the desire to find the truth can only be evolutionarily advantageous if the person who desires is constantly misunderstanding the nature of 'truth': i.e. accepting relative truths as absolute. Therefore, my original statement stands, if we assume that truth is absolute truth. To seek for that is futile.
One more thing; rather than clumsily refer to 'the desire for truth' and 'the desire for absolute truth,' we should call the former what it really is; the desire to master, the will to power, the creative will, etc, which has nothing to do with 'the truth' and everything to do with the process of acquiring 'knowledge', which involves manipulating experiences so that they are understood in terms of oneself.
And one more thing; that scientific spirit, of christian origin, has seen its best days and is rapidly becoming senile. It will soon be in the grave of its own making; i.e. it cannot reach the objective it sets for itself. In the words of Oswald Spengler, "it has exhausted all the possibilities of its form." Really, the continuum of scienific progress was broken by Einstein, Freud and Nietzshe a century ago; it has taken a while for everyone to realize this. Reason must succumb to unreason, because reason has shown itself to be unreasonable...:bigsmile: