Absolute certainty

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Reply Mon 29 Dec, 2008 10:19 am
kennethamy wrote:
So you think that if I simply make up a name now, say, "Gotsham" there must be a Gotsham, and if I add an 's" and make it, "Gotshams" then there are more than one Gotshams? How many would you say there are? Gee, I feel like God.

The name Gotsham now exists, yes. And if you want there to be multiple Gotshams, they will exist also.

What is so hard to understand? You do this everyday without even thinking, so don't be frightened by the thought of your own power now.
Reply Mon 29 Dec, 2008 10:21 am
Anthrobus wrote:
ZETETIC11235: I'm going to throw a horrible SPECULATION into the pot here: what, and, in fact, if there was no such a thing as absolute DARKNESS, what if, substance and appearance were inseparable: then the UNICORN would not be, purely and solely, allied to LIGHT, or HALLUCINATION, or somesuch, but, and in some manner, must have substance, and must exist, and must be conceptual...

I THINK: we can safely say that I placed a deliberate flaw in there to further the discussion: how did you miss it, and now I've had to quote myself; OH DEAR...
Reply Mon 29 Dec, 2008 10:29 am
Anthrobus wrote:
I THINK: we can safely say that I placed a deliberate flaw in there to further the discussion: how did you miss it, and now I've had to quote myself; OH DEAR...

Miscommunication. Wasn't the first or last time, I promise.
Reply Mon 29 Dec, 2008 10:40 am
If only Einstein had understood that if One grasps the lion's tail he surely grasps the lion himself. Then he most certainly would have accomplished his search and found the unity (UFT) called Truth that all of mankind has been looking for.
The lion is One.

Reply Mon 29 Dec, 2008 11:22 am
Zetherin wrote:
Miscommunication. Wasn't the first or last time, I promise.

NOT QUITE: If there is such a thing as ABSOLUTE DARKNESS, then substance and appearance are separable, but, and if, in fact, there is no such thing as ABSOLUTE DARKNESS, then substance and appearance are inseparable...the question is: is there such a thing as ABSOLUTE DARKNESS?...If yes, then there are conceivable UNICORNS {there can be appearance without substance}, but, and if no, then there are no conceivable UNICORNS {there cannot be appearance without substance}...the limits of human knowledge are herein being struck...
Reply Mon 29 Dec, 2008 11:39 pm
Anthrobus wrote:
NOT QUITE: If there is such a thing as ABSOLUTE DARKNESS, then substance and appearance are separable, but, and if, in fact, there is no such thing as ABSOLUTE DARKNESS, then substance and appearance are inseparable...the question is: is there such a thing as ABSOLUTE DARKNESS?...If yes, then there are conceivable UNICORNS {there can be appearance without substance}, but, and if no, then there are no conceivable UNICORNS {there cannot be appearance without substance}...the limits of human knowledge are herein being struck...

How exactly are you defining "substance" here also? How are we defining "appearance"? Do you mean how we perceive the thing through human sight? Evidently so, as you mention absolute darkness. Even if there is such a thing as absolute darkness, it wouldn't effect the probability of a unicorn being conceivable. Also, even if absolute darkness does exist, it doesn't mean that appearance and substance are necessarily seperated (again, it depends on your definitions). I don't quite understand what you're getting at.

Something is what it is what it is. Our observation (appearance) doesn't change matter. There can definitely be substance without appearance - look no further than modern quantum physics. Our observations may collapse wave functions, but we aren't directly changing matter, we're only changing what is perceived.

I went and reread what I think you were implying with the initial words on unicorn - hallucination. Well, this doesn't have anything to do with matter as we understand it. A hallucination is constructed within our own minds, and can have an "appearance", sure, just as any thought can. Who cares?

It's very possible I may have just sidestepped your reasoning as A.) I'm not intelligent enough to process what you speak B.) I just completely misunderstood
Reply Tue 30 Dec, 2008 09:44 am
"It only takes a tiny single spark to transform absolute darkness into the beautiful true light." Linda and Me
Love is that way.

Reply Tue 30 Dec, 2008 12:19 pm
MJA wrote:
"It only takes a tiny single spark to transform absolute darkness into the beautiful true light." Linda and Me
Love is that way.


So can hate be, provided that's what is desired. What's your point?
Reply Tue 30 Dec, 2008 02:33 pm
Absolute Truth

Reply Tue 30 Dec, 2008 03:08 pm
MJA wrote:
Absolute Truth


A personal absolute truth, or are you speaking about objective truth?

I detest vagueness, but it's not your fault.
Reply Tue 30 Dec, 2008 03:50 pm
Zetherin wrote:
A personal absolute truth, or are you speaking about objective truth?

I detest vagueness, but it's not your fault.[/[/COLOR]quote]

I am sorry truth is so detestably vague to you, your not the only One.
I was simply telling the truth.
Truth is simple to me, but truth is it surely didn't come that way.
I understand the difficulty and hope you do too.

Reply Wed 31 Dec, 2008 06:28 am
Zetherin wrote:
How exactly are you defining "substance" here also? How are we defining "appearance"? Do you mean how we perceive the thing through human sight? Evidently so, as you mention absolute darkness. Even if there is such a thing as absolute darkness, it wouldn't effect the probability of a unicorn being conceivable. Also, even if absolute darkness does exist, it doesn't mean that appearance and substance are necessarily seperated (again, it depends on your definitions). I don't quite understand what you're getting at.

Something is what it is what it is. Our observation (appearance) doesn't change matter. There can definitely be substance without appearance - look no further than modern quantum physics. Our observations may collapse wave functions, but we aren't directly changing matter, we're only changing what is perceived.

I went and reread what I think you were implying with the initial words on unicorn - hallucination. Well, this doesn't have anything to do with matter as we understand it. A hallucination is constructed within our own minds, and can have an "appearance", sure, just as any thought can. Who cares?

It's very possible I may have just sidestepped your reasoning as A.) I'm not intelligent enough to process what you speak B.) I just completely misunderstood

I DID NOT SEEK: to define SUBSTANCE or APPEARANCE, but merely to establish their separability or otherwise, and therefore their DIFFERENCE: we cannot, and I repeat CANNOT observe ABSOLUTE DARKNESS, and as to the changeability of matter, well I should think that the MATTER you speak of is a FORMLESS one, and unchangeable in any case, and irrespective of the FORM that it should assume...Out of ABSOLUTE DARKNESS nothing is conceivable, or if conceivable, then unverifiable: pure nonsensical invention, in other words, and that includes UNICORNS...I ask again: is there such a thing as ABSOLUTE DARKNESS?...and it does mean, and once existent that SUBSTANCE and APPEARANCE are separate: ABSOLUTELY SO...
Reply Wed 31 Dec, 2008 07:42 am
Anthrobus wrote:
I DID NOT SEEK: to define SUBSTANCE or APPEARANCE, but merely to establish their separability or otherwise, and therefore their DIFFERENCE: we cannot, and I repeat CANNOT observe ABSOLUTE DARKNESS, and as to the changeability of matter, well I should think that the MATTER you speak of is a FORMLESS one, and unchangeable in any case, and irrespective of the FORM that it should assume...Out of ABSOLUTE DARKNESS nothing is conceivable, or if conceivable, then unverifiable: pure nonsensical invention, in other words, and that includes UNICORNS...I ask again: is there such a thing as ABSOLUTE DARKNESS?...and it does mean, and once existent that SUBSTANCE and APPEARANCE are separate: ABSOLUTELY SO...

For absolute darkness to exist, all objects would have to be at absolute zero as to not emit any infrared light. Even in the pitch black as we know it, there are microns of light being emitted by things that are above absolute zero. I haven't heard of us constructing any absolute darkness environments, but I'm sure it would be possible in the future. As for off of earth, I'd place a bet absolute darkness exists in some places of the universe that are deprived any light source millions of light years away.

"Appearance" could be physical observation, or it could be a construction of thought. I don't quite grasp your premises:

if yes, then there are conceivable UNICORNS {there can be appearance without substance}, but, and if no, then there are no conceivable UNICORNS {there cannot be appearance without substance}
Unicorns are conceivable regardless of absolute darkness. To conceive is to imagine, and you can imagine anything - they don't have to be verifiable.

If you don't seek to define "substance" or "appearance", you can't establish their seperability; you're just playing with words.
Reply Wed 31 Dec, 2008 10:03 am
OUT OF ABSOLUTE DARKNESS: nothing, and I repeat NOTHING is conceivable...such a thing could or would not ever be thought of, and as being permanently indistinguishable...and SUBSTANCE or APPEARANCE will never be defined, and in the whole of space or time...
Reply Wed 31 Dec, 2008 10:32 am
Anthrobus wrote:
OUT OF ABSOLUTE DARKNESS: nothing, and I repeat NOTHING is conceivable...such a thing could or would not ever be thought of, and as being permanently indistinguishable...and SUBSTANCE or APPEARANCE will never be defined, and in the whole of space or time...

Such a thing could or would never be thought of, if and only if, the consciousness had never perceived anything before absolute darkness, and in that case, the consciousness would never have been alive in the first place since it was at absolute zero, where no energy is transferred, thereby making the conclusion that the absence of "something" is conceivable out of absolute darkness almost a rhetoric tautology.

"Nothing" is not part of a dichotomy, for as to make "nothing" the opposite of "something", is to miss the point entirely; any contemplation of the question, "What is nothing", renders the question unanswerable. The word "Nothing" cannot even be muttered, lest it become "something". Therefore, "Nothing" is not conceivable out of absolute darkness, as "Nothing" cannot be conceived.

And if you choose not to apply some definition to "substance" and "appearance", question not the separability or difference between the two.
Reply Wed 31 Dec, 2008 11:01 am
TO SAY: that a NOTHING is conceivable out of ABSOLUTE DARKNESS is not to say that there is a NOTHING, but simply to say that if there is a SOMETHING, that it is not CONCEIVABLE, and out of ABSOLUTE DARKNESS, and that which any consciousness could or would have perceived before the state of ABSOLUTE DARKNESS, could or would make no sense, and in terms of any conceivable perception pertaining to the aforesaid ABSOLUTE DARKNESS...
Reply Wed 31 Dec, 2008 11:58 am
Anthrobus wrote:
TO SAY: that a NOTHING is conceivable out of ABSOLUTE DARKNESS is not to say that there is a NOTHING, but simply to say that if there is a SOMETHING, that it is not CONCEIVABLE, and out of ABSOLUTE DARKNESS, and that which any consciousness could or would have perceived before the state of ABSOLUTE DARKNESS, could or would make no sense, and in terms of any conceivable perception pertaining to the aforesaid ABSOLUTE DARKNESS...

Then I completely agree.
Reply Thu 1 Jan, 2009 11:45 am
Zetetic11235 wrote:
Gotsham does exist. If you have a conception of it, then it is that conception, if not, it is just the sound made upon pronunciation of the word and the arrangement of letters. By adding an 's' to the string, you do not necessarily imply a multitude of some object unless you shift your conception to the plural, in which case, yes, the conception you have created corresponding to the string of letters and possibly the sound produced by them does indeed exist. A small aside; If you are put of by playing with definitions I wonder how it is beneficial that you carouse the logic section(though in actuality this is a metaphysical discussion).


As to the intertwined actuality of substance and appearance, I would agree. I would say that the appearance is caused by physical a stimulus in the sense that it is caused by chemical reactions in the brain. Sense is intertwined with that which is sensed. The appearance of the object might be the only sensual aspect of it, but it has a physical manifestation of the chemical process which produces your conception of it. Thus it is indeed physical and has bearing on other physical objects. Thus though the substance of the conception of a unicorn and the substance of an 'actual' unicorn are distinct, both still have substance.

I want to note also that difference in substance can be measured in various ways. For example: What if I had hallucinated the unicorn? Well, then I will not receive any confirmation of its existence from those who should have been able to see it. Also, there should be no physical irregularities such as say, a gravitational pull indicating a massive object where I see the unicorn. If there is physical or personal confirmation of the unicorn, then it may not fit within the parameters of 'imaginary' or a 'hallucination', but it still may not fit into the parameters of 'real' like a table would.

I understand that I am taking a very physicalist approach to this, but I don't see any sense in not doing so, since the only distinction between the 'spiritual' and the 'physical' is a set of nebulous definitions.

WHAT OF THIS: Let us conjecture that there is a HIGHER ETHEREAL, and a LOWER ETHEREAL, the former being SUBSTANTIAL, and the latter being PHENOMENAL, the former being allied completely and totally to a state of ABSOLUTE DARKNESS, and the latter being allied completely and totally to a state of ABSOLUTE LIGHT: is this not, and in fact, the true nature of our COSMOS, and will anyone doubt it. Two separate realms, unknowable both to themselves and to each other, a state of fundamental and ABSOLUTE IGNORANCE. We, and, of course, exist in the LOWER ETHEREAL: the state of ABSOLUTE LIGHT, and our sector of the COSMOS is purely and solely PHENOMENAL, and but it exists nonetheless, the HIGHER ETHEREAL: the state of ABSOLUTE DARKNESS, and not our sector of the COSMOS is purely and solely SUBSTANTIAL, or but it exists nonetheless. I'm taking a very IDEALISTIC stance here, and never, therefore, shall the twain meet. But still the UNICORN shall feel free to EXIST, and if even only as a phenomenon...Perhaps there can be a state of the MEAN ETHEREAL where everything mixes, and perhaps that is a truer picture of things. But, and given ZETETIC that you threw in the notion of non-separability, and with regard to the spiritual, and the physical, well then, I thought I'd throw this speculation into the pot...as it were....what do you think ZETETIC...
Reply Thu 1 Jan, 2009 02:05 pm
We have a conception corresponding to the notion of ABSOLUTE DARKNESS, but it is a priori inductive. We can speak of darkness, and we speak of it relatively. I think that your HIGHER ETHEREAL cosmos is in actuality an attempt at drawing a limit to experience, and therefore it is not just ideal, it is nonsense. That light is in some sense ever present to human existence, I will concede to you for the benefit of the conversation, even though it still has notions of speculative metaphysics.

You purport to speak of that which is not the nature of our cosmos from within our cosmos. Thus you speak of what is unspeakable by hypothesis. That there is no divide between SUBSTANCE and APPEARANCE is evident in the fact that we experience both by the same mechanism and consider all things in terms of one another when communicating. If it were not so, would it not be the case that there must be a definition of a concept/construct which does not rely on another concept/construct? Or is there a way to classify objects to aviod such circularity, and would this be legitimate?
Reply Thu 1 Jan, 2009 02:57 pm
Zetetic11235 wrote:
We have a conception corresponding to the notion of ABSOLUTE DARKNESS, but it is a priori inductive. We can speak of darkness, and we speak of it relatively. I think that your HIGHER ETHEREAL cosmos is in actuality an attempt at drawing a limit to experience, and therefore it is not just ideal, it is nonsense. That light is in some sense ever present to human existence, I will concede to you for the benefit of the conversation, even though it still has notions of speculative metaphysics.

You purport to speak of that which is not the nature of our cosmos from within our cosmos. Thus you speak of what is unspeakable by hypothesis. That there is no divide between SUBSTANCE and APPEARANCE is evident in the fact that we experience both by the same mechanism and consider all things in terms of one another when communicating. If it were not so, would it not be the case that there must be a definition of a concept/construct which does not rely on another concept/construct? Or is there a way to classify objects to aviod such circularity, and would this be legitimate?

TAKE THE IMAGER AND THE IMAGE: would it be a priori inductive for the IMAGE to deduce in a posteriori manner that there must be an IMAGER, or that the IMAGER would quite possibly be beholden to ABSOLUTE DARKNESS, or would it be a priori inductive for the IMAGE to deduce in a posteriori manner that the both: the IMAGER and IMAGE are separate and forever, or would it be a priori inductive for the IMAGE to deduce in a posteriori manner that ALL EXPERIENCE belongs to the IMAGER, and not to the IMAGE: that the REALITY as IMAGER, and that the DREAM as IMAGE, are akin to SUBSTANCE, and APPEARANCE...all of this...and so on..The IMAGER then as the PRIMUM MOBILE, and the IMAGE as the PERPETUAL EFFECT...how about that for a CONCEPT/CONSRUCT...the one FINITE, and the another FINITE but appearing OTHERWISE...what do you think ZETETIC...

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